TFW Everything Is Rising Except For ETH


Seriously. What the fuck is it doing?

$37 Million of ETH stolen because of wallet software security issue

ETH is fuckin slowpoke, give it a while while you scaping daytrading faggots try to make a 5% profit.

which means it stands alone and different from btc/ltc . collapse on btw will not affect ethics's

the fuck are you saying?

It's the hack
Post-DAO times incoming for ETH

You really think so? It seemed mostly unaffected today.

ETH was just a coin for people do dump money into as they were concerned with Bitcoins scaling issues.

It served its purpose so now it can die.

>Market Cap
>Volume (24h)
>$37m stolen

that's more than 0.1% of the market cap stolen

My Ethereum wallet everything is gone.
What is the helpdesk email of Ethereum?

Yet if someone dumped .1% on the marketplace a week ago without drama attached no one would give a shit.

ETH went from 188 to 230 since last night... you know what, I'll take that.


Fucking fudders stealing our gains

Hyperlyth will save Ethereum's price.

This will likely be the last time to buy eth ~200 dollars. . .

Sure. Soon we'll only be able to buy at $ 150.

Literally just whales trying to scare the market after the $35 mill hack. They're shaking out all the newly made weak hands. ETH will recover when fags forget. Anyway ETH is a house of cards, all that ICO ETH waiting to be panic dumped is going to rape ETH and nerd blood will fill the streets.

It's... it's just... sleeping...