Is it time to throw Out of Africa away/his/?

This article states that humans began in Aboland 400,000 years ago not in East Africa 200,000 years ago.

This explains a hole in human evolution where Australoid humans look and behave more primitive than African niggers despite african niggers being evolutionarily older than them, this means that its the other way around explaining that hole.

I've never encountered an aboriginal. They don't look that bad. I don't know why this website seems to dislike them so much. Based on google images, they look like black cowboys.

Abos look like apes and that is not a joke I am serious, even the most devolved Bantu look more human than them truely the ugliest fuckers I have ever seen. Even their lolis are hideous.

The Sentinelese man is a human that looks like a nigger yet behaves more feral than african ones, it could be evidence that the ancestors of negros used to lived in tropical India before migrating south into Africa.

So proto-niggers were once the natives of India, aint that just intriguing?

Back to /pol/ you piece of shit.

Fuck off this is about discussing that humans originated from Australia.

Go be triggered on reddit faggot.

Is it true the Chinese reject recent OOA in their genetic and anthropology faculties or am I being memed on by stormniggers? Personally I always found homo erectus spreading to all of the continents then just dying off to be a little wonky on an intuitive level but I'm just a layman chucklefuck.

it's time to throw out the "pretend like we actually know what happened in prehistory from the extremely sparse evidence we posses" theory

we literally don't know shit and need to stop pushing all these meme theories

Abos aren't even on that chart.
Abos are not even of the Homo genus: confirmed

My man how sad is your life.

Out of Africa is only a racial egalitarian theory by morons who dont understand evolution. It basically implies that african humans are devolved apes compared to Eurasians.

Multi regional is complete bullshit debunked by genetic distance maps between human groups.

Besides white people came from the Caucacus region a long long long time after the first niggers appeared on earth, whites are one of the youngest groups of humans on this planet.

>abo-run site that has a political motive
>abos are more primitive therefore are eariler humans
this isn't how evolution works nigger. it would be fully possible, hypothetically, for the home of the first homo sapiens to currently have humans with the largest cranal capicity. when different groups branch off of an older population the older population doesn't stop evolving

t. pseud

Hey retard Australia was fused to Eurasia until recently so its very possible for humans to have began in Emuland then migrate outwards into Eurasia and colonize Africa as well.

Evolution works in that the descendent is always smarter than the ancestor. So yes there you are.

Niggers also have higher average IQs than Abos as well and their cousins the Papuans score some of the lowest IQs on planet earth in the high 50s where as niggers score from high 60s to low 70s and low 80s in american blacks.

Seriously though, even without any arguments regarding their intelligence / ability to operate in society, I'd say they're one of the most unattractive ethnicities.

Yeah, fat old ladies don't tend to be too attractive, no matter their race.

>Evolution works in that the descendent is always smarter than the ancestor. So yes there you are
...are you serious?

Stop saying nigger you damn honkies Veeky Forums is a /nice/ board.


If it weren't it would be called devolution

A lot of those just look like old people looking old. Younger ones look pretty normal.

You are smarter than a monkey right dumbass?

A monkey is smarter than a treeshrew dumbass?

A treeshrew is smarter than the original placental mammal dumbass?

The original placental mammal is smarter than the original mammal dumbass?

The original mammal is smarter than our therapsid ancestor dumbass?

Our therapsid ancestors is smarter than our synapsid ancestors dumbass?

Our synapsid ancestor is smarter than our reptile ancestor dumbass?

Our reptile ancestors is smarter than our amphibian ancestor dumbass?

Our amphibian ancestor is smarter than our fish ancestor dumbass?

Our fish ancestor is smarter than our chordate ancestor dumbass?

Our chordate ancestor is smarter than our bilateral ancestor dumbass?

Our bilaterial ancestor is smarter than our radial ancestor dumbass?

Our radial ancestor is smarter than our Edicaran ancestor dumbass?

Our Edicaran ancestor is smarter than our unicellular ancestor dumbass?

They don't look that bad if they don't live a life full of alcoholism desu.

t. Abo

Abos are fucking ugly, I would rather fuck a black woman than an Abo woman, even ugly ones not those baby faced onces advertised in African hair products.

God those things are ugly.

Erectus didn't come from Africa, and alot of people here seem to have ill-conceived images of what the out of Africa theory really is. It doesn't state that evolved humans, or human-adjacent ancestors came from Africa, but the earliest apes and primitive hominids, which is absolutely true.

The debate lies in where humans and "true" human ancestors evolved, which most people associate with Africa because of their passing familiarity with Out of Africa. [spoiler]Personally I think it was the Indian subcontinent[/spoiler]

>I don't know why this website seems to dislike them so much.
Because they're black and not so appealing.

Erectus origin is a puzzle, the only race of Erectus we have is the nigger looking one found in North Africa and India but there could have been different kinds of Erectus allover Eurasia.

t. opinion

Yet here we are, with a homo sapiens dumber than a fucking rock.

Read virtually any book on evolution. The fact that some species evolve smarter doesn't magically make it a biological rule. Humans are generally quite exceptional in regards to developing high intelligence being an asset for our survival. Evolution is not always a positive progression (and often is a tradeoff), depends highly on environment, and virtually any introductory material on the subject will go out of its way to tell you that.

>no early humans in Aus
>no great apes
>no page found
you can fuck right off
bet the only reason you posted this bait thread here rather than sci is that the mods don't give a fuck about Veeky Forums

>So proto-niggers were once the natives of India, aint that just intriguing?
Not really. These 'feral' """proto-niggers""" built the Indus Valley Civilization.
So they're obviously not as feral as you'd think.

>Erectus didn't come from Africa,
According to that chart it did.

>with a homo sapiens dumber than a fucking rock.
Now thats not true, if abos were that stupid they would be extinct user, you see our thinky thinky eurasian brains are not needed to survive in easy to live places like Sub Saharan Africa or Australia.

Black people either looks like Chimpanzee or Gorilla
Abos looks like Orangutan

Have all the mods left the site or something.

Abos evolved from Australopithecus

Are you thinking of a different human subspecies? Erectus is famous for being the most widespread human ancestor- with the most significant H. erectus find being China's Peking man. Remnants of erectus have been found from Europe to the East Indies.

Shut the fuck up already with your HURR RACISM business, talk about the Out of Australia theory already.

The Proto-niggers no longer existed in India around the time of the Indus Valley.

Humans started in Australia, walking apes began in Africa, use your brain you fucking retard.

Really gonna a need a source for this and moreso for this that isn't out of your ass.

Depends on which theory you ascribe to. I find it far more likely that it didn't.

So how will the migration map be reworked now since this means that humans diversified in Eurasia?


The dark skinned people of India are not proto-niggers, they are cousins of Abos an entirely different race from blacks altogether, convergent evolution is why they have dark skin moron.

The OP post contains bait, but it's only bait if you respond to it as such you mongroids. Ignore it and participate in a legitimate discussion, as most of the thread is.

pic related are modern Proto nigs because they are so primitive that they barely have any sexual dimorphism compared to african blacks.

Veeky Forums is now essentially "my first humanities" for edgy 15 year old pseuds who've just recently discovered boards outside pol.

This is a female Sentinel human yet its gender is impossible to determine without that giant ass in your face.

Low sexual dimorphism is an indication of primitive genes.

So homo erectus came within ~50k years of existing contemporaneously with homo sapiens in Asia before dying off completely? Yeah I'm no expert either but that seems wrong. Especially with the discovery of denisovans (who incidentally mixed with abos apparently).

Sentinel humans are so primitive that they barely have any facial diversity a trait also seen in Abos as well.

Summer is here already. new jannies are coming with them

They're inbred ya dingus

Again source? The (original) natives of India fall into the Australoid groupings which goes under the Negroid race.

Why cant you triggered fucks go to reddit?

This is about human genetic origins for fuck sake.
Perhaps but do explain why arabs have higher facial diversity than them despite being so inbred birth defects galore?

Oh look, another blatantly racist thread.

Australoids are not niggers.

Humans diversified in Eurasia making the origins of the two main races Caucasoid and Mongoloid even more confusing since Out of Africa is no longer valid at all.

I was, in fact, referring to you.

>Evolution works in that the descendent is always smarter than the ancestor.

This is simply not true. The descendant is only smarter when their intelligence contributes to their ability to survive and reproduce, which isn't always the case (and for a long time it was a raw deal even for humans, who were at best middle of the food chain). The energy required to power a more intelligent brain is often not even close to a good payoff.

Aborigines are not 'less evolved' than us because that's not how evolution works. Monkeys aren't 'less evolved' than us either. I don't give a shit what you have to say about how smart they are or any other value judgements, but you're making yourself sound like a dumbass by trying to haphazardly apply "descendents are always smarter than the ancestor" to it.

Look up the definition of evolution.

Learn the difference kid.
Or don't, either way people will continue to laugh at your sincere pseud shitposts.

nice meme map faggot

Plz with your waah racism crap already. Your a fucking idiot if you didnt understand what I meant.

Nigs have made civilizations, Australoids have done absolutely nothing.

Abos are so low that blacks are hated more than them in Emulandia.

>humans started in australia with no discovered ancestors just because abos are dumb ugly niggers lmao
fuck off

>Nigs have made civilizations

No because DNA points to Abos being the oldest humans you fucktard.

>Plz with your waah racism crap already.

I don't give a shit if you're racist, I give a shit that you're a fucking idiot who doesn't understand the words he's using.

They're quite pretty compared to pure aborigines and Papuans. Interesting.

Yes because even though they are listed as Australoids they are clearly the before stage of all african blacks.

>racism on Veeky Forums = /pol/
You wanna know how I can tell you're a newfaggot redditor?

>Kingdom Of Kush
>Nok Civilization
>Zulu Empire


>Zulu Empire
>1400 years behind the rest of the civilized world

not an argument

>Zulu 'empire'

The only civilized nignogs (Bantu) lived in interior West Africa



Holy fucking shit this thread. You can't even find bants this good on pol

What did they evolve from in Australia, diprotodontids?


It's sad that we can't have a thread about race without people getting triggered.

Although yes, aboriginals do look and act like apes. Story goes, they sniff gasoline to get high to such an extent that the Australian government have to make a type of gasoline that is safe for sniffing. Also when the Australian government gave the aboriginals housing, they decided to burn them down for firewood. This behaviour is hardly compelling of a human being. Not to mention the complete lack of a cultural renaissance. First time I've heard of this theory and compelled to agree.

Maoris are cool though. Every Maori I've met is friendly.

Source: Been to NZ and Australia.

>Evolution works in that the descendent is always smarter than the ancestor.

This is what happens when you learn about Darwin through Pokemon.

Science needs to be thrown out entirely. It's ideological trash.

>evolution works
t. ideologues

>barely any sexual dimorphism
Only because they're fucking preteens with shaved heads. 1, 3, and 4 are girls. Get your head out of your ass.

Fuck off bigot. Abo women are some of the finest women in the world.

There was this hilarious /pol/ copypasta from years ago about an abo woman who gave birth in a public park or something in aussieland who had one of her fellow abos steal the kid after it was born and then she chased after him yelling obscenities.

I wish I still had that saved, it was quite funny and telling about the typical sorts of people who inhabited Australia before the brits started dumping random criminals there.

She's mixed though.

Left is an aboriginal skull.
Right is a European skull.

Why it's always the same skull? Don't we have other aboriginal skulls?

>Hey retard Australia was fused to Eurasia until recently
Eighty five million years ago is not "recently."

But but muh equality!

>Abos look like apes

Take that back.

No, it doesn't mean that at all. It means MODERN humans came out of africa and spread throughout the world. Adapting to a different environment doesn't mean you "evolved".

Not true

Global Rule #3.
>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

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>blatantly racist posts may result in a ban.

Ice age Sundaland retard.

Ausfag here delivering the final word on abo attractiveness:

They're uglier than some other ethnicities, there isn't really any denying it.
They have low-hanging brows and wide bulbous noses and a big separation between their noses and top lip (like a chimp)

However, the desert ones look like absolute shit because everybody in the desert looks that way. The sun, dust, dehydration, no makeup makes desert dwelling whites look like fucking mountain trolls.
Additionally, desert abos drink 40 cans a day so that's why they're bloated, red-eyed orangutans.

Like any ethnicity there are definitely young pretty ones.
Mixed ones are cuter, but this may be because I'm white myself so I'm looking for white features.

We just need to accept that abos are probably one the most inherently ugly ethnicities by modern standards, but that a lot of that is their terrible lifestyle and it doesn't preclude them from having attractive examples.

what's the difference other than the skull age and the number of teeth ?

i don't care if they are ugly whatever they just need to dress neatly ,be smart otherwise people will view them as inferior forever
