Bancor is literally unstoppable

Bancor is literally unstoppable.

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Do us a favour OP, could you please start using a tripcode? It means I'll be able to.. Ah find, yeah that's it, find your posts more easily!

>Bancor is literally unstoppable.
Enter SEC.

you can filter out Bancor posts already, it's literally stoppable

Kys with your disgusting pajeet scamcoin.

Yeah I know, I just prefer to filter specific shills

How much bnt do I need to hard fork those Veeky Forumsraelis?

>t. I posted it again

kill yourself

Bancor is one of the few ico with enough funding and legal team to comply with regulations.

also literally the only coin that's ever ICO'd and is trading at

All that means is they scammed a lot of people with their bullshit ICO.

Fuck bancor and all the faggots that bought it

SEC is slowly, but steadily aiming at all ETH block-chain based ICO's.

Not only this, but the essence of Bancor is to 'create' and 'crowdsell' new currencies that could also be deemed securities.

Add to the fact that Bancor developers can just 'destroy' (read write-off) any token on the platform, there could be some serious legal quagmires that will stall any foreseeable ROI.

You're all wrong. Bancor and other icos will be fine.

> don't understand, it's for your security! We promise.


Huge potential. Litteraly the future Youtube\Facebook of crypto.

Nobancs on suicide watch already
>promotes STOX ico
>STOX uses Bancor
what did floyd mayweather mean by this?



He's mentally ill

Holy fucking shit. It's all starting to make sense. The puppeteers are already working their magic. Why are there people not holding BNT? I wish I could afford more than I have. 78 BNT won't get me far :(

guys guys relax this is just the start.
Keep your eyes out for bancor news in August you will love it

Me and my 78BNTS are hard as diamonds right now senpai. Uhhh but who are you? ?

מטומטמים מטומטמים חסרים את היכולת הנפשית לראות כמה גדול זה הולך להיות.

זה הולך להיות הקריפטה של האליטה העולמית


Bancor הוא בלתי ניתן לעצירה

You replied to me but I don't understand that language. What do you mean to say? I'm new to this will 78 BNT be enough?

אתה אף פעם לא יכול להיות מספיק bancs

fuark. i hope 5k is enough

"Dumb jerks lack the ability to see how great it will be.

This will be the currency of the global elite"

"Bancor (it) is unstoppable"

"It can be enough (bancs)"? Maybe?

Bancor is unstoppable I hear. To test this theory I shot it with the hardest metal known of man . A 100% Diamond bullet, It was not very effective. I then crashed into it with a Diamond truck made of 200 Mph going at a speed of 100% Diamond per second. The Trucked shattered to peaches instantly. Finally i fired 38 GBs of super concentrated Diamond from Orbit. Bancor was completely unphased.

Unstoppable? I'm not sure. further testing is needed.

>shattered to pieces
>my sides

Bancor is literally unstoppable on its way down lel.
Now that its floor is busted the next stop is sub 1$ If you want to invest in this pajeet coin, wait for it to reach 0.5 $

Very good. I will buy more cheap Bancor. Shame you aren't stocking up, I am almost 100% certain you didn't buy Eth either when it was $2 :) :) :)

LE BANCOR. I am a good goy, I have bought my Bancor and am ready for the moon!

How can anyone lose money when there is a price floor. Always trust jews with money. They promised that there would be a price floor, I believe them

If you didnt give them all your sheckles for a product that has not been made yet then you are a silly goy.

If this is true I can understand where he's coming from. When there was a single crypto thread on Veeky Forums it was much better than now when we have been flooded by newfags and normies trying to get rich.

I brought my ETH much cheaper than $2 and I haven't been buying BNT.

I wonder why you held for so long? Could it be... Because you believed in it's success despite all the fud?

I have some BNT just in case it does something but I honestly don't expect much more than a PnD.

Have you checked out the testnet? Once this thing actually kicks off it will really be, in my opinion, the app that brings the masses into altcoins.

See this post,
Floyd Maywheter just announced he'd be participating in the stox ico. Saying he'll "make a $ht ton of money"
The average person might not care at all about what he's actually doing or the tech behind it, they're just going to see how he made a $ht ton of money and want to know how.
It's going to bring a lot of dumb new money into crypto, and the dev pretty much revealed how they're subliminally going to be working to roll this out and make it seem like a natural progression. Rumors are there's a Superbowl commercial in the works, and this could be the bridge between normies and crypto.

>Floyd Maywheter just announced he'd be participating in the stox ico
He said he'll make money when the ICO starts which is only possible if he is getting a cut of ICO sales. Stox looks like just another "wisdom of the crowd" coin of which there have been several and statisticians have repeatedly proven "wisdom of the crowd" to be a myth.

I hope BNT does something but I have been around long enough to know there is nothing new here.

I know you can use BTC on exchanges to accomplish the same thing but Bancor brings simplicity and security to the table which is what in my opinion is holding crypto back from mainstream adoption. Plus they have very impressive connections with globalist tier advisors.

>I have been around long enough to know there is nothing new here.

Agreed. It is a solution to a solved problem. Even the official Bancor FAQ doesn't explain how it's better than its peers (shapeshift, 0x, etc) just that it's got a different backend.

Thats a motherhood statement and you know it. Bancor has no advantages over shapeshift and co.

Nice, just bought 100k

You don't need to support the idea to see how it's going to make money anyways. Lots of people want to get into crypto and Bancor is going to make it happen with smaller altcoins like Coinbase did with Eth, BTC, and LTC.

Wow... thats pretty bad..

If the dao had retained control for a pilot phase we would still have one ethereum.


I wanna pump and dump her

how many BNT do i need to get a gf like this

Get in line

Her cookie cutter presentation is even more cringey than dgbdork's.

When will Nobancs finally wake up?

When it's too late

Just curious, but in which way is Stox linked to BNT tokens?

Stox is a bancor smart token with BNT as reserve

guys still dont realize that when the stox ico ends stox will buy 8% of the 30m in BNT which alone will raise the price of BNT by around 20% at once literaly thats a fact.
inb4 delete this.
