
Still not buying that scamcoin.

Who uses iPad nowadays. St least get a pro you scammer. Are you from a fucking 3rd world country fucking that ugly chink ass bitch you nigger? Kys.

Not buying into your scheme.

Fuck off. Sage.

we are the sigtmarines

Nice, just bought 100k

How do you pronounce sigt?


>let me put an iPad on your face and take a picture

How do you initiate such conversation?


we are the SIG-T-MARINES

she was prolly sleeping and he did it without asking.

Oh my God you actually have a girlfriend? I thought everyone on here was a Virgin. What do boobs feel like? I'm 32 and never touched a woman before. I do smell their hair as much as possible on the skytrain though. They smell too good. Maybe one day my 155 btc will be enough to have sex.

>I'm 32 and never touched a woman before.
If I were over 25 and a virgin, I would go to a brothel.

It isn't that simple idiot. 20 years of jacking off has given me permanent erectile dysfunction. At least I'll be rich as fuck one day.

Nice boy tits


Good job. Even tho I can't see the face she looks like she has a good body and is attractive

WHO ARE WE?!?!?!

the fearless
the community-driven
the persistent and the tireless





Now that's how yoou shill a coin!

Also, that's how you do proper begging.

Anyone who writes a waves adress on their(sisters…) tits or other interesting female body part, gets a nice selection of tokens.

legit? how much

Depends on how much I like what I see.
No risk, no fun ;^)

nice, just bought 100k :^)

Take just one of those 155 btc, and go find a semi-decent whore, and fuck her brains out. Or get he to stick a finger up your pooper or something. Whatever works for you. Don't be such a little bitch.

Holy shit, you're still at it?