Why is it that gender segregation doesn't exist in China? In the US and other Western countries...

Why is it that gender segregation doesn't exist in China? In the US and other Western countries, there is a fairly common sentiment that women are generally not as competent as men and this is reflected in wages, job titles, etc....

But in China, this doesn't really exist. Women are constantly taking on executive positions or other leadership roles which would typically be reserved for men in Western countries.

On a side note, does anyone know why the fuck so many CEOs of American defense companies are women?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=mao quotes&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS742US742&oq=Mao quo&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.3868j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Are we talking about modern China or ancient China. And are we talking about presents or upper classes.

It's because of the enlightened influence of the glorious Mongols. If only Europe was conquered by the Mongols. They would have set up fair institutions and there would have never been a feminist movement.

t. John Green



I'll never forget that video with that Chinese female "hostage negotiator" trying to talk down a suspect, then out of nowhere, she lights him up.


kinda one of the points of communism

/r/ing this one

the gender wage gap is such a fucking meme, holy shit

No one voices that sentiment out loud.

SPAIN!? Seriously!? Every time I've gone there with a lady around she gets mildly molested. My mum, my sister, my ex... Every, fucking, time. It's also an endless parade of catcalls. Got in three separate fist fights over there due to that shit. (Though not when it was my mum, cuz I was like 8.)

I suspect the Spanish translation of this question did not go well.

In Confucian cultures, women are generally discounted as having any leadership qualities besides motherhood. Only a man can rule. Women rulers are regarded scheming and corrupt.



Maybe you were the problem bro.


Actually under Maoism women were told they were no more than grass to be stepped on.

She fucked up. Her whole family got exterminated as the result of her scheming.

wow back to /leftypol/ gommie

i wonder why no muslim country was asked

>this dumbass gets into police trouble while he's abroad, risking deportation, complete travel ban, and court trials
Fucking idiot

China is pretty sexist though, I highly doubt women are involved in leadership roles in any large amount.

That's the Chinese monarchy system. You fuck up, you're screwed. She did more good than bad.

He wrote mom as "mum", so he is probably British, a people not known for their intelligence


Chinese people have lower estrogen, and they're all around physiologically more neotenous than westerners.

That's why Asian women are able to function more like men (doing STEM), and Asian men are able to function more like women (paying attention, not getting distracted while studying)

You'll actually see this trend in brachycephalic countries in general. Persists in Finland too.

Kys my man

Shut the fuck up, /x/

women can still be integrated and second class citizens.

Chinks abort their girls meaning the elite of female DNA actually lives on.

There are no retarded sjws that constantly bitching about non-existent issues.

I don't believe the Mexican results for a second.

>She fucked up.
She was the only woman who became Chinese Emperor and the Tang didn't crash due to her shenanigans.

John Green obviously

>bonjour! C'est moi, le petit grenouille

I think it's better than other Asian countries. I once interned for a small company in Shanghai and my boss was a Japanese women. She told me one reason she decided to work in China rather than Japan or South Korea is because she's a women.

You mean Turkey?

>China is about as feminist as Germany

What the fuck are you talking about? What is reflected in wages is that women CHOOSE to work less and to work with jobs where you don't earn as much.

You mean Sweden?

Citation needed

Also Mao said that Women hold up half of the sky so Maoism was pro-women when compared to Confucianism.

google.com/search?q=mao quotes&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS742US742&oq=Mao quo&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.3868j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

This is correct. Although radical ideologies have been surfacing recently.

this I don't know where you're getting your facts from. China is pretty backwards despite communist propaganda that they supposedly created a perfectly equal society while the west relentlessly pushes for women's rights.

IIRC China used to routinely kill female babies and it may still be going on.

Wasn't there a lot of controversy about China's younger population being disproportionately male due to the one-child policy, with families wanting to make sure their one child was male (often by aborting female fetuses and in some cases killing female newborns)?

Yes but some newer sources say that that resulted in a bunch of undocumented girl births, and that the imbalance is not as extreme, so who knows?

Because their women go and get shit done instead of complaining about there aren't enough women getting shit done instead of getting shit done.

You mean Germany?

China has an enormous problem with misogyny. The one child policy lead to the infanticide of many baby girls because parents still preferred to have males. This has lead to a massive demographic imbalance and there are a lot of single Chinese men well into their 30s by now.

Also prevailing Chinese culture still sees women as the lesser sex and in divorced courts women are left with nothing despite in most cases the women owning the property.

There's also government mandated programs which force women who move to the city to take up "female" jobs like cleaning, maid work or dress making.

Also this isn't history or humanities.



as opposed to in the west where women are put into combat roles and given disproportionate amounts of property in divorce proceedings?

aside from the one child policy sounds like the chinks are in the right on this one.

>westerner who hasn't left his country for the last 40 years.

The gender imbalance in China has given women fucking ridiculous power in marriage agreement. Feminists would probably consider it paradise.

Not true at all. Mao was retarded but his movement was pretty pro-female emancipation.

That was way back in the 60-70's in bumfuck rural China. In modern China if you're a decent woman with above average looks and a good family, you can expect to easily find a husband who is well off with at least $100,000 USD worth of property. $100k in USD goes a longgg way in China.

They asked Achmed too

my roommate from china says it is common for your parents to "adopt" your "cousin" from "a far away city"