Cultural Appropriation

Is cultural appropriation a real thing, and is it a bad thing?

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>Is cultural appropriation a real thing
>is it a bad thing?
not necessarily. there are good and bad examples.

It's real and it's mainly a means with which a economically and socially marginalized people are stripped with what remains of their culture by those in power seeking new fads or notions of self which more often than not erases the processes that put said marginalized in their positions in the first place

You can't own a culture. It's a stupid concept.

How does it necessarily erase their culture though? No sjw who argues this can ever give adequate examples. And why do people complain about cultural appropriation of Asian cultures too it it's all about the marginalized? You're thinking only of native Americans and maybe even blacks....I still don't understand why wearing dreads or cornrows are appropriation though. Sure it looks ugly on most whites, but so what?

It's a stupid idea. I don't cry when niggers wear suits, so niggers shouldn't cry when dumb potheads get dreads.

not the guy but

imagine wearing a military jacket, with the patches and all, around

Yes culture appropriation exists, see white teenagers and rap, homosexuals and marriage and anyone who alters language in any form.

No it's not bad. Appropriation is how culture grows and develops, and how civilized culture forms.

>Is cultural appropriation a real thing,
Obviously yes. The definition being "the adoption or use of the elements of one culture by members of another culture" it basically implies that any sort of cultural exchange is cultural appropriation. Chinks wearing western fashion is cultural appropriation. Brits attempting to cook french cuisine is cultural appropriation.
>and is it a bad thing?
Fuck no. We can't even agree about individual intellectual property rights, neverfuckingmind collective property rights.
If you see injuns complaining about cultural appropriation, do remind them to stop getting drunk.

Are you saying that I am downplaying the sacrifices of the troops by wearing the uniform when I did not serve? How is that necessarily bad though if I'm doing it say, out of respect and love for them? Not mocking or disregarding their sacrifice.

There is something a bit wrong with a white guy pretending to be an authentic native american shaman isn't there though? Or a white guy practising something like voodoo?

If you believe that culture and ethnicity are inherently connected, then yes. There are some religions/cultural ideas that are inherently kind of ethnocentric (Japan comes to mind). Can someone who isn't German drive a Volkswagen?

>a white guy pretending to be an authentic native american shaman isn't there though?
That's not cultural appropriation, that's fraud.
>Or a white guy practising something like voodoo?
Short of there being some sort of stated ethnic requirement, there's nothing wrong with that. No worse than west africans practicing christianity.

there are generally laws against wearing a uniform (as opposed to some random set of clothes) that one is not entitled to.

>cultural appropriation is a bullshit concept because nobody owns a culture
>blacks aren't allowed to adopt ancient egyptian culture because they don't own it

make up your mind Veeky Forums

It's not as if they're not allowed.

It's they're plain wrong.

Two entirely different things.

It's real in a limited sense. Cultures naturally mix together and borrow ideas from one another. What some would say is the culture of this or that people or country is most likely actually a combination of a massive amount of different cultures. In this sense, there is appropriation. However, in a more limited sense, culture can be appropriated if an individual of one culture takes on the ideas of another culture which is radically different from their own in an attempt to keep it as unchanged as possible. It's actually a facade of authenticity which makes something appropriative. It's really only an issue if it's disrespectful or shallow, though. Think of hippies who bastardize the fuck out of Buddhism and reduce it to "smoke weed and meditate sometimes."

**In this sense, there is NOT appropriation.**

>Can someone who isn't German drive a Volkswagen?
I don't think even Hitler, who supported the idea of that car a lot, would mind.
He'd be kinda proud, desu.

that's a boy isn't it

No, only lesser races complain about it

It's like Patton claiming to be Caesar, he can pretend and take inspiration from the romans as much as he wants, but he isn't nor was fucking Caesar or a roman.

Nigger, do you see those hips? That's a girl if i've ever seen one.

If white people do it it's bad. They're oppressors and will always be oppressors.
Move towards black people: gentrification
Move away from people: white flight

I think the objection is to lying about it.

Actually native Americans aren't real. Genetically they're not seperate from siberians. I do, however, support a revival of torture-murder and scalping.

I don't care if people can or can't do it, I just want it to be applied universally whenever it gets decided

if blacks have a problem with white people wearing dreadlocks, they can give up white culture and start living in mud huts

I think you're confused. This is not an Evergreen College forum.

The erasing of culture pretty much works the opposite way of how lefties/SJWs think. What happens is other cultures adopt the dominant one and slowly erase their identity in the process as the dominant culture superimposes itself over it. A white girl wearing a kimono isn't going to lead to the death of Japanese culture but Japan trying to be more western and more readily adopting western culture sure as fuck lead to Japanese culture at least being mutated so as to be increasingly unrecognizable.

And that's an example of course, Japanese culture has been, of course, becoming slowly more western for the last 150 years.

That's not cultural appropriation, that's history appropriation.
It's the same difference as niggers acting western and niggers pretending they owned dixieland cotton plantations in which white slaves laboured.

I think it's a real and important subject. Things like Native America headdresses, to give a popular example, aren't just fancy clothes like a European military uniform, there's a meaning and symbolism there, and to see a white guy wearing one at a fucking football game might make a Native feel belittled, I understand that.

It's just that this isn't the only sort of thing that SJWs complain about. Hair style, for example, as an user mentioned above. Dreads are much more common among African Americans,sure, but it's literally just a hairstyle. There's no meaning and symbolism there.

The entire world have appropriated western culture and science so I would say its a good thing.

Unless you want all non-whites going back to not living past their 40s without electricity and democracy.

They can adopt ancient egyptian culture if they'd like, the problem people have with it is that they're lying about it and pretending it was originally theirs.

Just like white people can adopt rap but if they start claiming it was originally white then people would have a problem.

Sure it's real. It's also fucking vital if you intend your ridiculously minority culture to survive into the coming centuries. It's the only immortality they're going to get, so why the fuck wouldn't you be excited that the dominant group is embracing and preserving your values rather than simply extinguishing them?

But SJWs got butthurt and protested a Japanese government sponsored kimono sale in Boston.

How are the Nips marginalized? They have a per capital income on par with Euro nations even after all their economic crises and are the third largest economy by a wide margin.

Those people could well be Native American. You need a 24andme to prove it hitler?

The same darkies bitching about "cultural appropriation" seem perfectly fine using white cultural things like modern medicine, European languages, vaccines, electricity, running water, democracy, Christianity (inb4 "it's middle eastern, Muhammad said so"), the Latin alphabet, computers, the internet, genetically modified foods, cars, airplanes, etc.

Maybe whites ought to take those back.

It's like how Jews are marginalised.

We should certinaly demand payment

It´s one those things that some Americans cry about and try to impose while most of the world just wonders what the hell went wrong in the US.

Your view of invention is incredibly myopic

China will now charge a 10% tax on every ounce of gunpowder and paper used by non-Chinese

Basically this, America is utterly autistic about identity to a damaging level.

This is the conclusion of SJW thought process

Actually the mongols brought it to us as a weapon so really we need to resurrect the mongol empire as payment, something baron von Sternberg tried to do before he was interrupted by communists

Americans are puritans. They were autistic about anti-communism and white nationalism (Franklin thought Germans were swarthy). Now they're autistic about communism, by which I mean left-influenced social ideas.

>It's real and it's mainly a means with which a economically and socially marginalized people
That would include every people, poor Whites and all.

How about this. Black women are no longer allowed to straighten their hair and dye it blond. The 0.00001% of Whites will stop wearing cornrows will stop. Good trade off?

>Is cultural appropriation a real thing, and is it a bad thing?
It really isn't. Cultural diffusion is a thing. For example blacks got the idea of Jazz and blues from Euro-American folk music yet no one is saying they appropriated it.

Would any leftist in the thread agree that this is an example of cultural apportionment that needs to stop?

We can trade usage rights with cultures that actually invented things, like the Chinese, Indians, etc..

The tax will only apply to Arabs, Blacks, Hispanics, etc.

inb4 "muh peanut butter" that's a myth
inb4 "muh Arabic numerals" those are Indian numerals
inb4 "muh tortillas" white had lefse, gyros, etc. long before the Aztecs

Would any leftist in the thread agree that this is an example of cultural appropriation that needs to stop?

But at least Jews think they are marginalized.

It was really odd in grad school watching SJWs try to convince the Korean military students that they should feel inferior and agreieved about shit they didn't care about.

Jews are literally the 2nd richest demographic (after Hindus) and still bitch about "systematic racism" and how racist white gentiles are.

Only brown people give a fuck about that. You don't see the Italians complain when someone eats pasta, or the Irish when someone celebrates St. Patrick's Day

>Those people could well be Native American.
You had never see natives I your life I think

>You don't see the Italians complain when someone eats pasta, or the Irish when someone celebrates St. Patrick's Day
We should start. After all, in the American context Irish or Italians were hardly less "marginalized" than Blacks or Mexicans.

A better comparison would be like a Chadian man pretending to be a Cardinal giving out communion for a monetary payment.

most of the complaints Natives give are over plastic shamanism which is legit bad.

Cultural appropriation exhibit A.

>drinking alcohol is cultural appropriation
at least you can tell that they aren't muslims

Think about gangster rap and the gangster image, it used to be a lot of songs that where critical about the gangster lifestyles. Then white people wanted to be gangster, then everyone wanted to be gangster.

it's a girl(male)

One must learn to not trust his eyes

>Western clothes
>during Oktoberfest

I've recently experienced an appropriation of my culture and I feel fucking violated and disgusted. I always thought it was a meme until I saw the bastardization of my people's customs and practices for commercial gain. White hipsters can fuck right off. Yuppie (((worldly))) whites are some of the most fucking vile, shallow, pretentious, faggoty people in the world.

>I've recently experienced an appropriation of my culture and I feel fucking violated and disgusted.
Me too. Niggers celebrating Saint Patrick's day.

Alright, man. I expect some payment to Mexico everytime you use a product with corn though.

Maybe Africans should demand payment whenever someone use heat, seeing how they invented fire.

You poltards never fail to make me laugh.

I don't understand whites who obsess over "cherokee" ancestry. Why do you want to be a native american so bad? What is appealing about the lifestyle? Native Americans don't give a flying fuck about their roots and shit nowadays. You're just embarrassing yourselves.

>I don't understand whites who obsess over "cherokee" ancestry
Just modern sjw cuckbait in our liberal society
>Why do you want to be a native american so bad?
Self-respecting Whites don't. We live in a vapid time though and it's fashionable among the unwashed masses.

You do realise /pol/ never ask for this? its just satire to explain how retarded SJW are to themselves
Either both are cultural appropriation or nothing is, else and it just prove SJW hypocrisy

>inb4 you have to be oppressed to be appropriated

Agriculture,Scripture,dominant religions,units of time measurements,animal husbandry and the foundations of modern medicine,sociology and chemistry originated in and spread from the middle east to europe. Should Europeans stop using that too?

>mfw I didn't believe that shit until I saw red packets being treated like loot crates in games for Chinese New Year

Americans are utterly obsessed with categorising people.

They are mongrel barbarians who identify more with barbaric culture due to how "free spirited, wild, etc" it is than to their own ancestors

I don't think it's a valuable term.

Usually when people use artifacts of other cultures it's because they identify with something in it as a positive, and not a negative and aren't trying to devalue it in any way.

When I was young I listened to a lot of hiphop and it certainly was beneficial to me, but it's not like I was claiming that it was my own.

So no, I don't think the term is appropriate actually. I think "cultural exchange" is vastly better.

You're tripping. Tupac and Biggie Smalls were in on the block in the early days of rap, and they were all about that life, BIG especially. You're making up a history to justify your conclusion.

>Africans invented fire
What is this retarded autism?

I once saw another yank dressed in cloak & tunic being dragged from an Irish pub while screaming about how he was "one of yoouuu!!".

I don't interact with other Americans overseas.

>Is cultural appropriation a real thing
>is it a bad thing?
The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

>Houses are white culture

Somebody get this hothead out of here

You're also being a biological essentialist. In Australia there are people with white skin and blue eyes who are indigenous. Don't be so racist.


>modern western style house
>African houses
Pick one.

Humans come from around the Pontic Steppe off

No, but smartphones are, so perhaps black people should stop shitposting on Twitter.

West African Houses do look better now that you mention it

>Technology is White

I cannot handle these many redpills

Japan appropriating Swedish culture. Thoughts?

Its okay if its white people

I didn't say "technology".

I was being very specific.

And the first successful Smartphone were invented and introduced by pic related

It's hardly white culture whatever the fuck that's supposed to be

Are you gonna argue that half Irish, half Syrian Steve jobs wasn't white?

Point is that there's no reason to whine about cultural appropriation when blacks aren't a minority in the world.

In fact, everyone who uses anything whites have made are the true appropriators because white people are literally a minority.

Neither of them were really about that life though, and Biggie still gets frequently put on the spot for exaggerating how bad his childhood was. His mom worked two jobs but she still made enough to send him to private school when he was younger, think about that. Tupac also gets flak for the time he was in art school learning ballet and shit. They probably had hard lives and their families were tight with money but a lot of what they claim in their songs can be taken with a grain of salt.
He's right about earlier rap, the tone is more self-aware across the board and for every song that seems to glorify street culture, there's another one that focuses on the adverse effects of it with the morals "stay off the streets, stay in school."

Only in relation to fraud and security. Nothing stops you at a Halloween party or LARPing.

They can adopt it all they want. I'm still going to mock and argue against claims about history, though.

Fuck, I'd be thrilled of blacks started adopting almost any other culture than the current amorphous international black ghetto culture.

Maybe that's true, but it sure as shit wasn't white people who made Ice-T write "Cop Killer". That shit emerged organically from black culture.

This. Blacks aping Egyptian culture is always cringy, forced, ideologically motivated and superficial. Meanwhile Whites who ape black culture usually seem to have an authentic love for black culture and while inevitably are wiggers or cucks seem to come off as better imo.

I'm a leftist, and I don't give a shit as long as I get to see some decent cleavage. Don't care much about cultural appropriation shit, tho.