Clean your room

Clean your room
Take an IQ test

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Actually read Jung instead of this lightweight hack

I started reading Jung
Dude is hard to comprehend


Is this dweeb a meme or does he have something legit to say.

I unironically think he has the best naturalistic account of religion.

He's actually pretty great in his field, despite his problematic attitude towards the safety of trans people.

Test your intelligence by reading difficult books and thinking of problems that matter, not by solving stupid tests that only give you a number at the end.

But real intellectuals don't care about what matter

He is great on his field, not really on politics

>HAHAHA LOOK! He took a picture with an autist fan once. lol lmao. What a loser! Lol lmao. We should ignore everything he says because only virgin manchildren listen to him! Lol lmao. If you listen to him you'll be ostracized from society!
Why do we let normie shits on Veeky Forums?

Not all but some of them, it depends on their will.
And the usefulness of a truth can be very indirect, thus not obvious, so others may find a way to use a truth which was believed as something that doesn´t matter.

why would I take an IQ test. what good would it bring me, if its good then ill act pretentious, if its bad ill feel bad

Perhaps r/thedonald is more your speed

Dyke alert

But I'm Sub-Saharan African. I already know I have a low iq. What do? Even I managed a 95, it still doesn't mean much.

Meh, could be usefull

low iq

I got 111.
So I am average for 1 World standars.

Jordan Peterson is only liked by normies

>have 142 IQ and work in academia
>have 128 IQ friend in the same field
>he's miles ahead of me due to being much more conscientious and social
>be very proud of some of the ideas I form and connections I manage to infer
>if I mention them to him 99% of the time it turns out I'm just re-treading old routes he already knew because he's very well-read and has a perfect grasp of fundamentals I never bothered to read

I would gladly trade the one standard deviation in IQ that divides us for one standard deviation in conscientiousness.

Isn't it a bit early for Australians to post?

>Poor me, I'm so smart
I'm dumb, poor and can't make friends.

Then at least you're not wasting a top 0.25% brain.

You just straight-up sperged out, didn't you?



>tfw 95 IQ

Tested on several sites. My excuse is that I did them at 4 AM ;_;

Blimey, that kid is so, dare I say, "cringe."

It's not that swj are right, it's just that most are not out to destroy civilization as we know it.
Also political correctness has always existed and will always be the norm.

You're still normal.


Someone else take this test and tell me how difficult you found it

You have answered 9 of the 10 questions correctly.

That indicates an IQ score of 125 or more. That equals a university education level. In principle you do not have to be concerned that you will get a very low score on a comprehensive IQ test

I messed up the 3rd question

8 out of 10 questions correct. Didn't read one carefully and the other one I calculated wrong as it was supposed to be 118 not 120.

10 out of 10.

Im in MENSA too.

Doesnt mean shit, im still a fucking dumbass who is failing at life. IQ is to geeks as locker room penis talk is to Chads

I took an online test and it said my IQ was 95. How can they tell purely based on what shapes I picked?

>meface when neither big bene nor big iq

Lmao, plebs. Egoistic hedonistic nihilism is the only objective truth. Society is just there to accomodate your parasitic existence and you should follow its rules as far as it maximizes your pleasure.

when will we stop having Peterson threads
the dude's a total psued

Yeah i feel u broski.

I got 10 out of 10 but i would rather get 6 out 10 and be a chad.

Tfw no respect at work no game and small weiner

I don't want to be normal. I thought I was smart.

>le pleasure is the meaning of life meme

IQ isn't a measure of "knowledge" or anything like that, it's your ability to draw inferences/critical thinking. The puzzles/patterns they give you are a safe neutral - ie, there's really no way to practice or anticipate what will be asked of you.

>intelligence is an objective measurable thing

So you'd rather he not think about politics?

I have a pretty high one and I still prefer the company of people on here to most comparably "intelligent" people so relax brother. Maybe you were just dropped on your head!

>implying he's thinking about politics
Looks a lot more like he's just following a crow

This is why we form social groups you ducking autist. Go get a beer with him and his friends and learn to converse.

>I know for an objective fact that intelligence is not measurable
>People who disagree with this are objectively wrong
>this applies to all other facts, therefore... you can objectively rank people

Funny thing how saying intelligence is not objectively measurable undermines your own position.

How do you think people learn?

Saying that something is objectively subjective is not contradictory. "Taste is objectively subjective" is not a contradictory statement. It doesn't undermine itself.

The point is that applying empiricism to a, in my opinion, non-definable, non-qualitative thing, is illogical. Objectively wrong.

>tfw scored 105 out of 125 but I'm the opposite of a Chad

Should I kill myself?

When the next meme philosopher gets a spot on Joe Rogan, I guess.

>it's a "pleasure isn't the meaning of life, muh ur gon die" episode

"You have answered 10 of the 10 questions correctly.

That indicates an IQ score of 125 or more. That equals a university education level. In principle you do not have to be concerned that you will get a very low score on a comprehensive IQ test."

I can't say I'm not pleased, but I have my doubts about the general accuracy of this test.


Kill your self

9/10. Messed up the cube, sometimes I have trouble with spatial visualization.

The funny thing about you plebs is that you probably don't even practice an egoistical hedonistic nihilistic lifestyle.

Sites like these only get their traffic by handing out high scores, because it gets people to share them, noone really wants to share a low IQ. Hence why everyone got 8/10-10/10. we are not some collection of geniuses.

I remember seeing my sister throwing an online IQ test score of hers in our whatsapp group test. She supposedly got an IQ of 180 according to the test, and sje posted it along the lines of "yeah bitch". So I did the test aswell, and whaddayaknow, IQ of 180. then someone else did it did it, IQ of 180 aswell etc