Why did gods love India so much?

Think about it
Beautiful women
Lovely homes
Landscapes that make French men weep
Weather that makes tea grow
Style out of this world
Near total military success
Defeated the british empire

France is God's chosen land
No other place can compete when it comes to beauty, comfiness and climate. The Hexagone was designed during the 8th day so God could focus on the most important part of creation. Every hill, every stream, every valley was designed to please the eye and provide Frenchmen with quality crops and wine.
If you don't live in rural France, you've literally been forgotten by God. Que se gloire vienne et que vive la France éternelle, Montjoie Saint Denis


France is Allah's land now

What's the matter big boy?
Angry that partition weakened Pakistan-can't-Stan-d it

>Landscapes that make French men weep
Haha, nice one

All earth belong to God habibi

>Beautiful women
>Lovely homes
>Landscapes that make French men weep
>Style out of this world
>Near total military success
>Defeated the british empire

Ignoring the ludicrous claims in the OP, doesn't it strike anyone as a little weird that the most famous theological movements coming out of India are ones that preach non-existence as the ultimate end to attain? You ever wonder just how awful India has to be in order for that sort of movement to gain traction?

That's obviously New York you utter retard.

Those people don't take showers. They are digusting degenerates.

Fuck off /poo/


Imagine being surrounded by legions of uneducated masses in squalid conditions filled with every kind of human suffering people could inflict on each other. Renunciation completely makes sense under this context.

they're famous because they were adopted by other people outside of india, whatever they are. there are various sects of buddhism/jainism with their own unique concept of mukti/moksha and its all based on some combination of proper manner and proper knowledge. obviously none of them say "kys faggot"

meanwhile the most celebrated dieties/personifications in india are a crypto-jesus, a DUDE WEED LMAO hobo, and his manic-depressive wife

yeah its not like christianity promises an afterlife that is full of vaguely "nice" stuff to make life tolerable on earth

This intersection looks tantalizing familiar

I live in India(north), what the fuck are you talking about?
Its so crowded and everyone is so stubborn

Only one god, Jesus

Millions of god. Clearly God favors India.

Hindustan Akbar!

Yes one God three natures how's that working out??
I am laughing at your little brains and how no one goes to worship

it's because northies don't know how to wear a rubber.

>believing WW2 propaganda

Any recommended reads for India's mythology? It intrigues me.

wikipedia references are pretty good.

Read Ka by Roberto Calasso, then check his sources.


thanks for the recco.
sorry for the dumb wikipedia post

>Caste system

Both India and France look like crap regards from the land of thousand lakes. Both are ruined by people in the course of history either by designated shitting streets and abandonment of British overlorda or just by urinating on streets and eating frog.

You seem to not really understand Hindu theology

Are you Gujarati?

Towards which direction would a person on the antipode of Mecca bow down to?
