Why is fascism, not only seen as purely right wing, but the farthest wing on the right?

why is fascism, not only seen as purely right wing, but the farthest wing on the right?

fascism is an extreme authoritarian movement sure, but a lot of its tenets are counter to that of the right wing. the most blaring is state control of everything, and state superiority / supremacy. state of control of markets. these are not things right-wingers often advocate for..

mussolini started out a socialist and likely had his ideas rooted in socialism, because economically fascism is just to the right of marx. the main objections to marx being the rejection of communism as the next progressive step, and (some) corporate control over markets.

the most right-wing aspects of fascism are traditionalism.

militancy and nationalism, however often pinned to the right, has not exclusively been right or left.

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It's all propaganda by those who hate the idea of a unified nation.

>left is on the right
>right is on the left

I can't even participate in this thread now.

You need to untangle early fascist rhetoric from what fascists regimes actually did. Fascism was always a loosely defined movement and had no problems with incorporating or discharging aspects that were no longer useful, a good example of that is the 'anti-bourgeois' rhetoric that was prominent among early fascists thinkers, but was quietly dropped when Fascists actually got to power.

Stop thinking of Fascism as a coherent set of beliefs like Liberalism and Communism which have centuries worth of philosophical documents to go on. Fascism was about feeling, the leaders contemptuously dismissed 'reason' as weak and feminine and elevated instinct and feeling as superior virtues.

It's called the third position, dumb dumb. It is 'left wing' economically and 'right wing' ideologically.

How left/right wing an ideology is depends on how much it supports social hierarchy. Fascists support class collaboration, so they are right wing.

Just read road to serfdom

>why is fascism, not only seen as purely right wing, but the farthest wing on the right?
subversion to try and get free market people to accept socialism

Because it came into being primarily as a response to communism. So if communism is extreme left, the logic is that fascism must be extreme right.

I know its dumb but that's how it is for some reason.

I'd say it had more to do with the perceived failure of liberal democracy to effectively deal with post-war crises than it did with communism. Hence why it took off in Germany and Italy were the existing governments were weak and dysfunction and not in Britain, France (where democracies still functioned relatively well) or in Spain or Romania (where existing authoritarians were strong enough to stamp out the nascent fascist movements or subsume them under the power of the new government)

Obviously Fascism was a reaction to communist movements as well which is why many traditional bourgeois elements were attracted to it, but it didn't exist solely as a reaction to communism. Remember, Fascists railed against the weakness of liberalism and democracy as much as they did communism. To fasists they both represented a kind of cosmopolitanism that was the antipathy of a united nation.

Fascism isn't authoritarian. Nobody here actually understands what fascism is. Fascism is an aesthetic.

you assume left/right is based on some kind of sense

lmao, so it other words, the "rationality" espoused by the alt-right is a farce.

Nobody educated calls Fascism right wing. If you have to force it on the left-right spectrum then it is radical centrism at most. There's a reason it was described as Third Position.

you may be shocked to know that support of free markets has not necessarily been a conservative position and that conservatives have often had a very collective outlook (to control abnormal types in the group)

OP, the simple answer is that the left-right division is somewhat precise, but as a tool for measuring ideologies, it's just not precise enough to describe ideologies beyond a really rough first pass. That why a lot of people use those two-dimensional charts that use authoritarianism and libertarianism as another axis in addition to left-right, because it provides the ability for more detail while still being simple enough to be understood by everybody.

There are other political compasses that include even higher detail that are less common and not as easy to understand. In the end, the most detailed way to understand ideologies is to just look at their ideological tenets and practices and see how they agree with each other and oppose each other. But this is the hardest to do, and why you get a lot of people confusing fundamentally dissimilar ideologies for each other because they share a few characteristics, like communism and democratic socialism, for example.

Demand for free markets is liberalism. Control of markets can be either right or left wing, depending on the method of control and its ideology; if for egalitarian reasons it is leftist, if for the crown or nationalism it is right wing

Does anyone actually understand what fascism is? Can anyone here give me a coherent definition?

Post compass

>Fascists railed against the weakness of liberalism and democracy as much as they did communism.
Yes, but on the basis that they were failing to do anything about communist interests and headway.

>centuries worth of philosophical documents

Communism wasn't invented until 1848 retard

You have to look at it from the blackboard's perspective

1. Libertarian
2. Conmunist
3. Progressive
4. Alt-Right

Well, in his defense it is just a flavor of socialism which has centuries of documents behind it. Even though noticeably fewer than liberalism does.

Fascism is Left in there, it is what we call non-jewish socialism. Since capitalism is jewish as well, we put it together with the Left and call ourselves Right since we are the most traditional and the other two are more liberal, which are the original meanings of Left and Right.

pic related

Fascism isn't coherent, it's a post-modern ideology. It places Image above Truth.

>Yes, but on the basis that they were failing to do anything about communist interests and headway.
Not exclusively. You seem to think that Fascism entirely exists as a reaction to communism and that's simple not true.

I honestly don't understand what defines Fascism anymore.

When I was a kid I thought I did, but now it makes no sense to me. What separates Fascism from other kinds of authoritarianism? All government is authoritarian after all. What even is authoritarianism? It's not synonymous with tyranny, after all Direct Democracy can be as tyrannical and trample a man as easily as a king can, but I don't think we would call that authoritarian.

Nah. Hitler at least (idk about Mussolini) had specific grievances with the (((internationalist capitalist class))) and their ruthless exploitation of the German volk. That wasn't just based on (((their))) failure to confront (((Bolshevism))).

No, they were simply against liberty, democracy and individualism. For them the world started to decline after the French Revolution. This is what Goebbels said about it:

>The political starting-point of democracy dates from the storming of the Bastille in 1789. The new principles of the State and social life which were then proclaimed, as previously in liberal philosophy, were Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. ... Economic and cultural liberty was proclaimed. The individual, who in the authoritarian State was of secondary importance, emancipated himself and was released from the authoritarian tie to the State. The ideas and conceptions of this so-called 'Great Revolution' were expressed in the popular and psychologically prevalent slogan that all those who bear human form are equal. ... Everywhere the more or less complete severance of the tie which binds the individual to the community was elevated into a principle. The Revolution thus carried within it the seeds of the Marxist-Bolshevist conceptions which were later to arise. It was not until the twentieth century that this lack of connexion found its ultimate expression in the Bolshevist system. ...

>The opposition between the democratic and the Bolshevist mentality and conception of the State are in the last resort merely theoretical, and here we have the answer to the mysterious riddle which overshadows Europe and the explanation both of the opposition in the lives of nations to-day and of the things which they have in common. It enables us to see at once why democracy and Bolshevism, which in the eyes of the world are irrevocably opposed to one another, meet again and again on common ground in their joint hatred of and attacks on authoritarian nationalist concepts of State and State systems. For the authoritarian nationalist conception of the State represents something essentially new. In it the French Revolution is superseded.

>At heart democracy and Bolshevism are closely related and indeed almost identical. They represent merely different stages in the development of a common outlook. Bolshevism is in a sense the bad boy of democracy. Democracy gave it birth, brought it up, and alone keeps it alive. It may be ashamed of the connexion now and again, but at critical moments in European life the maternal instinct breaks through and the two again present a common front, united above all by the violence of their assault upon authoritarian-nationalist State concepts, which they have come to recognize as their bitterest, most dangerous foes.

Oh piss off. Have you looked at literally ANY of those sources in your picture or do you just take them at face value because they confirm your beliefs?

Fascism supports rigid hierarchy, class collaboration, inequality, traditionalism, strict gender roles, imperialism, religion as a mystical unifying force, racial chauvninsm or ethnic separatism, the role of a godlike individual leader etc.

Don't understand how you can't see that as right wing.

you're clearly a leftist who understands nothing

I'm not the guy you're responding to but, that kind of argument doesn't work on Veeky Forums, /pol/tard.

Try harder nigger.

Fascism is the 3rd position. It incorporates ideas from both left and right. Hitler's National Socialism was more traditionalist than true fascism.

you'd fail the ideological turing test

You're taking fascist talking points at face value.

>more traditionalist
>LARPing as barbaric Germanians and woshipping Satan

Are we gonna pretend that communism wasnt lead by jews just because the nazis said so?

Are you going to produce verifiable facts to support your worldview instead of relying on easily debunked infographics?

Are you going to pretend Rockfellers did not financed NSDAP and did not owned IG Farben though their company Standard Oil and that it wasnt in KikeĀ“s insterest to destroy the Soviet Union where Stalin purged all the kikes, Krauts and Hunns that took power due to Judeogermanic conspiracy in 1917?

Are you serious? How many key figures in marxism/communism have to be jewish before you would accept it?

Wut? Capitalism is Leftist as fuck. Let me give you a quick rundown:

Right = Holistic, hierarchical, spiritualist, ritualistic, exclusive, duty and role focused.

Left = Individualist, egalitarian, materialist, Inclusive, Muh freedumbs.

I cant tell wether you are a schizophrenic conpsiracy tard or being sarcastic.

There is more than enough evidence of Jewish support of NSDAP and G*rman nation as a whole, from 16th century (((Krupp))) stealing of property of people killed by plague to 19th century (((Prussian))) expansionism and finaly to 1917 Bolshevik revolution in Russia, that was caused by no one but Judeogermanic hordes that took power over the Russia (80% of early Red army officers and commisars were former German or Austro-Hungarian officers, mostly of Jewish descent that were sent to Russia by Jewish industrialist bankers to help G*rmans to win the war. As pic related General Gajda said. You cant say a difference between G*rman and kike, because they are equal backstabbing rats cooperating with each other to ruin the world.

Im leaning toward schizo but JIDF throwing a smokescreen is also plausible.

t. Hans Kikestein

I understand fascism better than most fascists
go on then, tell me what fascism is and how it's different to what i said

>It incorporates ideas from both left and right
No, that's just what they said to take away support from left wing revolutionaries and attract the working class, who generally voted for social democrats or socialists in the 1920s/1930s. It was rightism in leftist clothing, rhetoric and style.

The left/right binary is useless since it doesn't come close to modelling reality

It's only useful in creating a sense of tribalism, and fitting many ideas into the binary involves distorting them to the point where important detail is lost.

I propose simply describing political movements based on a number of criteria, e.g. extent and reasons for government intervention, policy on hierarchy and wealth distribution, personal freedoms, environmental protection and military matters

Funny that is pretty much what an Antifa member said to me after he called my friend Fascist for wanting to limit immigration.

If you cant name one or establish with primary source evidence that all communist movements were led by jews on every level of execution of its party apparatus then youll have convinced me. You you wont and you cant because that evidence doesnt exist. All you care about anyway is finding whatever evidence you can to confirm your biased

I guess all of them.

>Karl Marx was a jew
>Emma Goldman was a jew
>Rosa Luxemburg was a jew
>Paul Levi was a jew
>Victor Adler was a jew
>Rudolf Rocker was a jew
>Walter Benjamin was a jew
>Leon Trotsky was a jew
>Vladimir Lenin was a 1/4 jew on his mother's side
>Karl Radek was a jew
>Grigori Zinoviev was a jew
>Lev Kamenev was a jew
>Bela Kun was a jew
>Gustav Landauer was a jew
>Vladimir Medem was a jew
>Noam Chomsky is a jew
Most of the prominent communist/anarchists theorists were jews, and jews are also disproportionally represented in all communist movements. Denying it is just comical.

Not the guy you're responding to, but what makes your opinion in any way qualified? What sources are you basing it from? Your gut feelings? Have you read any full-length non-fiction books on fascism as an ideology?

All totalitarian government is of the Left.

The Right want to be left the fuck alone.

Stay in America, Satan.

>Vladimir Lenin was a 1/4 jew on his mother's side
Yeah but his mother's father was a Jew who converted to Christianity. Therefore, his mother wasn't a Jew because her mother wasn't so neither was he.

>Noam Chomsky
Come the fuck on.

Are you implying that Noam Chomsky is not jewish, or that he isn't a communist? Because he's obviously both.

>Yeah but his mother's father was a Jew who converted to Christianity.
He still had jewish ancestry, was 100% acting in jewish interests, and famously said (bragged) that the only smart people in Russia have jewish blood.

>Karl Marx was a fedora
>Emma Goldman was a fedora
>Rosa Luxemburg was a fedora
>Paul Levi was a fedora
>Victor Adler was a fedora
>Rudolf Rocker was a fedora
>Walter Benjamin was a fedora
>Leon Trotsky was a fedora
>Vladimir Lenin was a fedora
>Karl Radek was a fedora
>Grigori Zinoviev was a fedora
>Lev Kamenev was a fedora
>Bela Kun was a fedora
>Gustav Landauer was a fedora
>Vladimir Medem was a fedora
>Noam Chomsky is a fedora
>Joseph Stalin is a fedora

This should be the real warning. Considering they tore down Synagogues at a higher rate than Churches, it's clear fedorism is the real issue, not Judaism. Judaism is directly in opposition to socialist values.

>Deuteronomy 23:20 Unto a foreigner thou mayest lend upon interest; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon interest; that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou puttest thy hand unto, in the land whither thou goest in to possess it.

>was 100% acting in jewish interests

Destroying all the Synagogues was Jewish interest?

Killing Yiddish poets was in Jewish interest?

Opposing Zionism was in Jewish interest?

Russians only hated the racial anti-semitism. they were fine denying them religious rights. I mean there is a reason Kahane and people like him hated the Soviets so much.

Fedorism always exists as a byproduct of jews who want to become goyim, but are too repulsed by christianity, for obvious reason. The list of "jewish atheists" is endless and they're always the kind who change their name from Glassbergoshekelsteinowitz to Smith or something.

>Russians only hated the racial anti-semitism.
lol what

>Fedorism always exists as a byproduct of jews

Makes sense. Jews invented (((Judaism))), (((Christianity))) and (((Atheism))) as well. They are all Jewish tricks.

>they tore down Synagogues at a higher rate than Churches
No they fucking didn't. They were Anti-Christian, not Anti-Jewish. Save me your fucking tears, Christians were the ones who were actually affected. Saying anything wrong about Jews was the death penalty in the (((Soviet Union)))

>The total number of Christian victims under the Soviet regime has been estimated to range between 12-20 million.

It makes 6 million look like nothing.

I wasn't the guy was responding too but I found his response to the other person funny considering my encounter with the Antifa member.

I didn't say Jews invented atheism, just that they always default to atheism when they want to blend in with the general population. Before atheism was accepted by society, they usually converted to Lutheranism (see: Marx's father), but were never observant Lutherans.

youtube.com/watch?v=qTYSv_YQOVo This jew rabbi talks about the issue, there's two kinds of jews, the ones who are proud of their jewishness and the other kind, the secular leftists who deny being jews and try to infiltrate the gentile society and then remodel it from within. I don't like either kind, but the outspoken jews are at least honest about it, unlike the "my fellow white people" kind. I appreciate honesty.

>karl marx
Parents converted to protestantism was protestant himself. Married a nonjew and wrote a influential antijewish work (on the jewish question).
>emma goldman
An anarchist not a marxist

>zinoviev, trotsky, kamenev, radek
All atheists and who all got purged by the communist regime

>gustav landauer
Anarchist. Did not support bavarian soviet republic and resigned from it very quickly. Renounced his religious herotage and adopted wacky pantheist beliefs

Grasping at straws here i see. Lenin never knew he had jewish ancestru and as it happened his grandfather was heavily assimilated and had converted to christianity before marrying

Father converted to lutheranism and medem never converted back to judaism. He was a social democrat associated with the jewish labor bund, so far from bolshevik.

>Noam Chomsky

>Bela Kun
Mother was jewish, father was nonpracticing jew. Magyarized his own name because he identified as hungarian. Started out as a socdem and only became attracted to marxism near end of wwi. Failed revolutionary and cominterm agents and besides that stalin had him killed and lenin didnt like him


Bela kun
Mother was protestant*

Why do you keep linking this retarded video? That annoying Rabbi isn't an expert solely because he's a Jew.

Anarchists are 100% Marxists with the exception they don't believe in the dictatorship of the proletariat.

First time I linked the video. Did it hit a nerve or something? Are you a "formerly jewish atheist" or some shit?

Lutheranism was necessary to get a job in the german state retard. Youre moving the goalposts anyway. First i refute the fact that those you listed werent marxist or communist or prt of a unified conspiracy, so now you fall back on some bogus argument from a religious figure who for whatever reason you delegaye ultimate authority on who is jewish or not. Its especially farccal because any religious figure, especially from a closed ethnic group with conservative views, will always Be bitter when people are leaving his religion and needs to find a reason for the faithful to say why these people are apostates or different from the group that didnt leave

> Youre moving the goalposts anyway. First i refute the fact that those you listed werent marxist or communist or prt of a unified conspiracy, so now you fall back on some bogus argument from a religious figure who for whatever reason you delegaye ultimate authority on who is jewish or not.
I literally posted that argument before you posted your "refutation", learn to chronology retard. It's not shifting the goalposts, it's accurate description of how things are.

>religious figure who for whatever reason you delegaye ultimate authority on who is jewish or not
He doesn't have that authority, genetics do. Being a jew is a matter of genes, not a matter social consensus.

Not according to the standard definition. Again you move the goalposts and claim victory by distorting definitions to fit your worldview. You are despiczble and intellectually dishonest. Drop your childish conspiratorial fantasies that verges on cultic and read an actual history book

No I see that video in every thread. It's just funny how storm fags play the same game KANGZ play wit the whole "ayo look dis white man is admitting we wuz kangz look he white dawg shieeeet"

What's the difference between marxism and anarchism then? Both want to create a stateless, classless, moneyless society. The only difference is that Marxists want to install a transitionary period of dictatorship of the proletariat before they can reach communism.

>No I see that video in every thread.
>everyone posting a video must be the same person
Do you suffer from paranoia, or paranoid schizophrenia? That would make a lot of sense: haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.560128

>It's just funny how storm fags play the same game KANGZ play wit the whole "ayo look dis white man is admitting we wuz kangz look he white dawg shieeeet"
Not an argument, and a shit analogy on top of that.

This is why I hate Veeky Forums infiltrators. Any thread about anything gets subverted by people like you into ad hominem attacks.

What refutstion? All youre spouting is bullshot

Not according to jewosh law you fucking fool. Only requires matrilineal descent and a lot of the peiple you listed werent fully jewish or not jewish matrilineally. Your argument is unverifiable nonsense. If we point out these people arent practicinn jews or outright atheists or christians you then turn to some sophist argument that jewish genetics somehow predisposes one to want to destroy society unconsciously although that is scientifically dubious to say the least and outright pseudoscientific mysticism.

Are you seething this hard or just illiterate?

>Not according to jewosh law
Jewish law isn't relevant, genetics are. See pic, jews cluster together genetically regardless of their nonsensical laws.

Lets not get bogged down in semantics. The two words exist separately for a reason and while they night overlap there is plebty points they dont. There are so many theories of anarchism and comminism anyway that sometimes two versioans totally disagree. If your whole argument hinges on the necessity of communism and anarchism are interchangeable and connected by a grand jewish conspiratorial undercurrent then its a shit theory

You can have different terms than Left and Right if you'd like.

One group will still be advocating themselves as rulers over you, and enrich themselves, and the other group will want to be left the fuck alone.

Call it Useless People and Useful People, if you'd like.

You seem like one of the Useless People.

It's not really a conscious conspiracy, it's an innate instinct.

>jewish false dialectic
>muh soshulism vs crapitalism

I'm on my cellphone. If you have to revert to correcting my grammar instead of actually making a valid argument, that's quite pathetic.

>Jewish law isn't relevant, genetics are. See pic, jews cluster together genetically regardless of their nonsensical laws.
In other words, the youtube video you posted is useless and meant to misdirect the argument and you only used it because it validates your hysterical hatred against jews.
You haven't proven that genetics means anything yet. I'm still waiting. Besides that jews were no less overrrepresented than other ethnic groups in the russian communist party.

>125$ for a blowjob

> it's an innate instinct.
and you know this how? because you made a ridiculous extrapolation from the words of a butthurt ultraorthodox rabbi?

>I'm on my cellphone.
Should warrant an insta-ban desu. Normies aren't welcome here.

>You haven't proven that genetics means anything yet.
I have, by presenting that all jews cluster together, and that jews exhibit genetically inheritable schizophrenia and similar debilitating mental disorders in far higher frequencies than non-jews. You are doing pic related right now, textbook case.

Authoritarianism is when a single authority rules (one man, one party and so on) with no room for alternatives.

Totalitarianism is when the ruling body (whether authoritarian or not) plays some active role in every aspect of life for the citizenry ('total' government).

>Should warrant an insta-ban desu. Normies aren't welcome here.
So, in other words, anyone who disagrees with you and who happens to be using a different electronic device is not allowed into your super secret treehouse? That's the reasoning of a child

>and that jews exhibit genetically inheritable schizophrenia
you showed that they are genetically related but you haven't shown this at all. even if it were true a a slightly hither prevalence to mental illness
(and still quite rare at that) means nothing.

Funny how you quote Hitler as though its a reliable primary source upon which can be made a sweeping theory of history. This is a history board. One of the traits of a qualified historian is the critical use of primary sources. Spamming primary sources as though its age in itself makes it valid is the sign of an elementary grasp of the field.

>So, in other words, anyone who disagrees with you and who happens to be using a different electronic device is not allowed into your super secret treehouse? That's the reasoning of a child
Go back to plebbit phonecuck.

>you showed that they are genetically related but you haven't shown this at all
lol this is just peak comedy at this point. You're literally ignoring the posts I made because they shatter your ivory tower. But for the sake of the argument: nature.com/articles/ncomms3739

>Jewish law isn't relevant, genetics are
So working as part of the great ZOG hivemind is hard coded into the genetic code of all Jews?
If you took a Jewish baby and had him raised by a devout Catholic family, would he still try to bring about the NWO or something?

There's a significant risk that he would. Madeleine Albright wasn't aware of her jewish ancestry until later in life, didn't stop her from becoming a warmongering cunt bombing white Christians.

>Go back to plebbit phonecuck.
someone's insecure. but for the sake of argument you have no evidence. you can keep ad homing all you want but don't pretend your making an argument

>lol this is just peak comedy at this point.
yes because sneering at the opposition is an effective argument, isn't it?
>You're literally ignoring the posts I made because they shatter your ivory tower.
do you even know what ivory tower means outside of it being a buzzword you adopted from rightwing forums? anyway, i ctrl f schizo and mental and no "evidence" appears. all you have is bluster but theres no substance behind anything you say.
The abstract in your link says nothing about schizophrenia being more prominent in jewish populations. all it does is study which genes in a particular jewish population are asssociated with it. Again, no evidence. you probably just typed jews and schizo into nature in the vain hope of finding some connection. And I seriously don't expect you to have actually read a whole article brimming with scientific jargon and actually made sense of the argument within it, because you quite clearly have no foundation in science from reading your arguments.

>First i refute the fact that those you listed werent marxist or communist or prt of a unified conspiracy
You didn't show proof they were part of a unified conspiracy.

>Saying anything wrong about Jews was the death penalty in the (((Soviet Union))
Could you show some proof on this?