Let see if Veeky Forums has the power to move something

Alright ladies. For interest let's pick the cheapest, shittest coin that exists which moon coin and all pump it.
Literally spare a dollar and see what this board can do. Not shilling, actually genuinely interested.

Other urls found in this thread:


You are bad at this, if you want to play with the cheapest coin get this coinmarketcap.com/currencies/caliphcoin/#markets

Dude moon coin is 0.00000001 per coin. There is literally nothing cheaper. I got 10,000 for 37c.

pajeet pls...


I see your guru ji told you to buy mooncoin

nice! just bought 100K

>p-please pump my bags for me so I can dump them


This board keeps talking shit about how to make money off normies. If it pumped a few bucks it would be up literally thousands of percent. What have you got to lose or can't you afford 50c?

>literally nothing cheaper

Go on the dogecoin exchanges. The entire reason dogecoin exists is because of sub-satoshi shitcoin markets.

>muh bags
I think I can spare $2.

>I think I can spare $2

Doubtful if you're spending the time to beg Veeky Forums to double your $4.33.

You're all boring as batshit

Marketcap determines how hard it is to manipulate a coin, if all caliphcoins were on the exchange right now you could buy them all for $120.

Why do people think price per coin is relevant at all? I always see "recommend a coin under 10 sato" threads but if there are a trillion coins then it would still have a 10,000 BTC / ~$37,836,800 marketcap.

Everyone just thinks I'm shilling and aren't interested anyway. If anyone was interested in it for a laugh I'd bother

Alright so Ive looked again and realised that overall market cap is what you want in this situation because there is no point in buying all the coins. The point is to pump volume and percentage increases. These are all the same, you get some momentum and people jump on. I was just interested in seeing if this board could move anything.

Hey pajeet, HTML5 Coin is the way to go before the swap around september happens.


Do you even know what it will cost for it to reach 10 sat? It's $1000000 you motherfucking retard. Seriously, neck yourself you fucking pajeet son of a bitch.

Go cry about it peasant

Why don't you pick something then we can influence?

Fucking $2 investor calling other peasant lol

This is why mooncoin have been mocked as pajeet coin, it's because fucking Indian scum like you,. no one will ever touch it, the same way no one will ever shit in real life. Every coin that has been shilled here by Indian always end up turn to shit (Espers and Moon)

I propose Gaia coin. It's under a cent and has been P & D before. But it's cheap now.

Theres been almost no trading of it in the last 24 hours too.

Alright I'm in
Fuck off bed wetter

Just bought 85. Oh my god, I think I'm bankrupt.

hang, didnt realise I had to sign up to this crytopia scam

still waiting for my money to clear, got a few of other about to buy.

Alright losers, let's get this coin pumping, see if Veeky Forums can buy the market cap.