SegWit soon what happens to BCC?

SegWit activation day one.
>Miners switch to bigger blocks for more tx fees.
BTC dies BCC has 10x to 35x moon mission at peak FOMO
>Miners stay with BTC
BTC rallies to 6K
BCC? Dies? Becomes the "other bitcoin"?

How are all of you preparing for SegWit?

BCC is to BTC what ETH classic is to ETH

Bump. Want to hear from people with iqs over 250 only

BCC will stick around somehow until LN is up and running. Then die a slow agonizing death as big blockers realise they were bamboozled.

I predicted that BCC would end up the same price as ETC is to ETH

turned out to be amazingly accurate.

You do realise BCC will be implementing second layer solutions along along with the block size increase right? That BCC will not be constrained by cryptokikes attempting to get a cut out of each transaction?

Then it's too similar to segwit coin for anyone to invest in it.

Face it,BCC is over

It honestly seems like whales are going to bcc. All new dumb money is flocking to btc. Btc will have continued success because of network effects but i think bcc will make some huge gains in the foreseeable future

BCC: Low transaction fees, large blocksize and no middle men
BTC: Ridiculously high transaction fees, small blocksize and cryptokike bankers taking a cut form every transaction.

Face it pajeet, BCC is here to stay.

Fuck off Pajeet shills. Go back to r/btc where you all fellate each other thinking about Ver's cock

there is no point in bigger blocks when they havent filled even one block with 2mb (except at the fork when people were dumping, and even then the network proved how it was unreliable with high fees and long transaction times), face it chong bcc is a shitcoin and will never come near bitcoin

All I know is my BCC that I just separated from my BTC in electrum is taking fucking forever to get to my bittrex wallet

Still 0/10 confirmations...


Actually, segwit has very small transaction fees. Thats why they adopted it, because you cant become a currency by charging high transaction fees and being slow. They will make up the loss with volume.

>saying BTC is slow

It's taking me longer to send my BCC for fucks sake. Sent BTC earlier today, trying to send BCC now, same amount, no confirmations after 30 minutes...

Sure it 'will'. I'm also sure everyone will trust a couple of hacks hired by a state sponsored Chinese magnate over a FOSS project ran by dozens of engineers and CS nerds raised and educated in the western free world.

You should write a fanfic about it Mao.

Big blockers are a religious cult at this point. Literally nothing they say is true, but they do not care. Like the scientologist nut, they will invest and shill as much as they can; when their money magically fades away, they will blame, blockstreamcoreaxailluminatikikes or whatever buzzwords they can think of, instead of facing the truth.
For example BCC is actually BitConnect, which has existed much longer than Bitcoin Cash. But no, they cannot use the actual ticker BCH, they have to use BCC because their cult told them to, and they don't care it is wrong, juvenile and plain retarded to do so.

Just how many Bitcoins are there? How many more to come

Now only on 2 confirmations out of 10...christ

Going to sell for BTC and use it to invest in some shitcoins

Blatantly fraudulent analogy

just hold it. Miners wouldn't dare sell it until it's at least 0.4. Why fuck yourself out of more money?

LMAO. BCC will never go above 0.1 again.

nice fud shill.

Don't bother replying for now guys, chinks are still on dinner break. Chinacoin heavy shilling should resume once the night shift begins.

BCC is a pajeet coin, only pajeets care about low transaction fees

just call it bcash and look how many will foam from the mouth its so funny

There are around 16mil, and there will be 21mil total.

But a lot, probably millions, are "lost," meaning they have been sent to the wrong wallets, or the private keys for the wallets were lost.

No one in Veeky Forums(excluding me) has triple digit IQ

aug 17.