What was your country's 7-1, Veeky Forums?

What was your country's 7-1, Veeky Forums?

basically its whole medieval history.


Battle of Mohacs

Socialismo del Siglo XXI

The invasion of the magyar tribes (romania)

Almost the entire history of Poland.

probably the battle of Trafalgar
fucking frenchs

Battle of White Mountain

Early years of the Hundred Years War, later years of the Seven Years War, Russian Campaign, 1870, 1939.

Arguably, every day since 1968.

Battle of Arausio/Battle of Cannae or Battle of Caporetto



The 90s


bankrupting the country to win a war against brazil then suffering the biggest diplomatic blunder in history because our diplo guy accidentally gave the contested lands independence

2006 Lebanon
2014 Gaza

Hungary vs El Salvador. 10-1.

I don't know what that means.

1975 Lebanon civil war. That fucked us bad.

>Yfw your Marshal has 22 Martial but your Justiciar has 4 Diplo

>What was your country's 7-1, Veeky Forums?
Beating Brazil 7:1

The 7-1 itself, or all the presidents of the last 15 years

Suez Crisis

This pic annoys me, Britain has a bigger population, stronger military, larger economy, and more relevance internationally than Canada

>not the republican coup

The Emu War

This one should be the one.

the end of ww2

or maybe 1848 if you want to find a root cause

Hence why canada is the submissive hardworking nurse

Vietnam War.

Peninsular war

Most of the millenium desu.

Hate to break it to you but you didn't win that war, buddy

What was was that?

Mexico 1520 to today.

I was wasn't what was was.

Oops, my bad.

20 november 1975

>Hence why

Getting refballed and losing a basketball game to the USSR.

Every stanley cup playoff since 93


>Roman empire
>same country

Bay of Pigs

it was kind of unconclusive.

brazil and arg nearly bankrupted each other on the war because neither had the logistical capability to fight each other but still had to finance the whole thing. So they and wanted to end it ASAP and take care of more domestic stuff.

Cue our diplomat and mediators having the "brilliant" idea of just letting the uruguayans have an independent polity with some minor territorial losses technically administrated by us, which was all in all not the worst thing that could happen. But it was seen as a massive political blunder by the military types in the country because the war was definitely winnable. In the end it cost the ruling triumvirate it's politcal power and it was forcibly replaced by another

Of course because of the br-arg rivalry neither side will ever admit being the lesser party in the conflict

I made that image originally and then some faggot ruined it with the Canada flag. fucking leaves are worst than aussies.

'Nam/War of 1812

The 2008 election

So assblasted to this very day we now only send our top NBA players


Fuck off /pol/fag

But niggers spics jews ZOG! Jidf! Hitler was Aryan supreme subhumans genocide! White nationalism heil Hitler! 14/88

Australia is the drug addicted son who never calls and feels up his girlfriend in the waiting room, then steals his dad's pills whenever very he does visit.
