Uh Guys. I just found out this wasn't a neckbeardwho took a pic with some chick. This is a real chick who trades crypto

Uh Guys. I just found out this wasn't a neckbeardwho took a pic with some chick. This is a real chick who trades crypto.



Zoom into the pic. She's on bittrex TAKING OUR GAINS. YOURE BUYING HER BAGS

Kati Zachary.

Hot and trades crypto. I'm in love guys.

>look guys womin can into crypto too hihi
>just look at all these lines

i followed her so hard

Hurrrr cryptogrllll

Who gives a fuck?

Stop being a nerd.

Why is the mouse of the wire coming from the back or is she holding it backwards

>women doing anything

You can see the wire in front of her hands going back

KEK she's shilling espers on Twitter.

looks like the mouse isn't connected at all

kek for real?

Which site or program is that on left monitors

Damn you right user, but I am gonna give her the benefit of the doubt and maybe she has her tower down there or something.

Is she /ourgirl/?

wonder what her gains are

>Lisk sticker on laptop
pls marry me

VIAcoin dev (couldnt remembr the name) somehow hates her I dunno why.

>tfw no slutty crypto gf

everything she can get from retards, like any other camwhore

I know these feels bro.

>heres my buddhist statue its totally cool and hip
>look at my giant peruvian mask haha im so awesome

wonder if she´s holding bags, if not, lmao she is better than many anons here.

Plz, I call wang
