How do we solve the wagecuck problem?

How do we solve the wagecuck problem?

Mechanisation. Then we will have to solve the no purpose for the masses problem.

how do we solve the fat weeb virgin manchild problem

Talk about projecting

how do we solve the non-argument problem

How do we solve getting rid of wagecuckery/capitalism once and for all!!? I literally can't get a job no matter how hard I try. I hate this shit system. They would literally hire studentfaggots from college over me because they're somewhat "qualified" even though they don't have a degree. Meanwhile I'm free to do anything, am close to their business, and I'm a hard worker when I have to be. Seriously fuck wagecucks and people trying to compete for wagecuckery. We're being played like pawns and it sucks donkey dick.

And what's more: babyboomer niggers pretty much solidified this way of life. They expect us to get jobs when it's literally an inefficient system and they're laughing with bags of money over their shoulders because ofc it was easier for them. I hate baby boomers and I hate this job market. Fuck this world holy shit.


Stop all government programs.

If you don't earn your money, you starve.

Wagecuck problem goes away, creates a starvingcuck program

Destroy the working class
Create Starfleet

what about people who didn't earn their money but inherited it?

what about them you fucking faggot

By posting ones the first place

You're going to solve the wagecuck problem by making more wagecucks?

seize the means of production

yes, you see

wagecucks only really come to be because they can downgrade the value of their labor so much they can be easily employed and discarded while creating a level of wealth for their employers that makes it easy for a taxing government to keep the rest of the labor force in reserve, artificially feeding them resources to create a looping feedback of consumption and debt, thus downgrading the position of the wagecuck even further. If we prevent the state from allowing the destitute and idle from spending economies based on pointless spending crash.

when nobody works pointless services because nobody can afford them and everything is focused on actually harvesting, processing and distributing the essential, all jobs will be important and well paid.

Genetically deities mega autism.


And respecting the 25 year rule.


You don't because it's not a problem. If you live in a modern economy, even if you have a low level wage job, you probably have a higher standard of living then the average Pharaoh did. Try being grateful for once.


>25 years old
>make $23/hr
>no gf

Who else /poor loser/ here?

>pointless spending cash
>lives in america the country whose GDP has risen most strikingly with a consumer economy model

kys u fucking sadsac

>GDP mattering at all without a good HDI

guess we should have done like the fucking Saudis and never develop any industry whatsoever because we can hook 9/10 of every asshole on permanent petrodollar welfare

u did but consumate pop growth and fintech diversification was tied to the biggest consumer product: housing

enjoy your endless recursive speculation because that's all money is good for anyways

the wage cuck problem will be solved within years of 0/kwH power

Wait for complete automation. Transportation is unbelievably fucked and it's going to be glorious.

why the fuck you think all the biggest families from before 1950s were all tied to oil money? what u think rothschilds' nest egg was

why do you think the US dollar supplanted the pound as the defacto currency of world trade - it was $/barrel bro

the US still has other things going outside oil while SA, UAE and other states in the region are literally doomed if things blow the other way for a prolonged period.

diversifying the economy comes easy with owning a whole continent.

>24 years old
>make $10/hr """tutoring""" full time
>no gf
It's not so bad. Teaching doesn't make me want to kill myself, being an office wagecuck for 3 months earning $25/hr was the worst time of my life.

u needed capital from oil to build the infrastructure you needed for >yadda yadda
im not saying anything about the ME, i could care less if they fell into the ocean DESU

How do you survive on $10/hr? That's starvation tier if you're trying to strike out on your own.

I still live with my parents. I have absolutely no motivation to get fucked up on debt and intend to stay here for as long as they let me. Main reason is that I'm not healthy.

>tfw no assigned jobs from birth given on the basis of a neurological analysis of your brain and genetic makeup along with training specifically tailored to your strengths
>tfw you get a horrible inefficient one size fits all education and pseudo "freedom" to do anything you want even though half of the jobs out there are given via nepotism
end it

>26 years old
I just don't but pointless consumerist garbage. I have a phone and a laptop and one TV in the house. I eat simple meals from scratch. I rarely dine out. I walk to work. I even successfully pay my mortgage.
The problem is I only just started college. Good thing I'm used to being "poor", i.e.; not buying garbage and toys and living within my means.

>tfw no comfy 6 figure deskjobs where i get to jack off to hentai all day
news flash, not everything in life is handed to you

go to trade school you fucking numale pansy

i wonder how you'd feel if it turned out your assigned job from birth was "gay anal prostitute". Like your entire genetic make up was perfectly optimal to be fucked in the ass day in and day out, and you were legally barred from being anything else.

>custom tailored vocational training and job training will result in people being forced to work as prostitutes
Holy strawman Batman.

isn't that just like technical schools and programs being applied right now? doesn't sound like a job assigned from birth, based on neurology and genetics.

as i said, there has to be someone who is just 100% optimal in every way to take dicks up the ass.


How would we obtain products we want? Would the machines make so many they are handed out? Money would have to exist, and with money comes wageslavery.

If that was true I think it's safe to say that whoever it was would be pretty happy to get a job like that.

>Neet, live with parents
>non virgin, no gf
Probably will take your route of life in one year or so. I am used to live with the bare minimum, the only things that matter to me are internet and decent clothes. Do you have anything to give me on my way to yours? Any advise?

>How do we solve the wagecuck problem?
>ctrl+f Marx
>no results

He wrote a fucking book about the alienation of the craftsman from his craft in order to maximize profits, and the depression it produces in the craftsman.

Idk man, not that guy but as another truNEET I'd advise you against going down this rabbit hole unless you have a damn good reason.

I am sorry but being a Neet is the only real rabbit hole

Yeah I misread your post, I meant to warn against becoming a truNEET.

Work harder and maybe you will receive the fruit of your labour. Invest money and stop spending time on Veeky Forums. Most importantly, stop whining about your problems to other people like we care. If you are a lonely virgin with no gf and all you do is cry about it then it's your fault.

Someone gave me this advice when I was living in a motel room flipping burgers, smoking weed and worshipping capeshit: If you just changed some things about yourself, you'd be much happier.
The fact is nobody can light a fire under your ass and get you to fix your shit, it comes from the desire to rise out of your dissatisfaction and improve your experience yourself.
Stop any hobby that has an overabundance of children and manchildren; anime, capeshit, dude weed lmao culture, etc. Get hobbies that involve actual research and construction. Volunteer at an animal shelter, get a bit of sweat on your brow cleaning kennels or something.
Get a job, even a McJob for now, just something to get out of the house and a minimum of socializing. I used to be socially retarded but a year running register at a grocery store helped me mellow out and open up.
If you're getting high, stop. Shit retards your development. If you drink, do so seldom and with care.
Stop eating junk food. Stop binge watching television.
Stop smoking.
Wear cheap, comfortable clothes. Brands are a meme for immature adults and kids.
Stop spending time on video games. Playing to blow off steam for an hour every day or two is okay, but spending hours playing vidya is bad for you.
I don't know, just stop buying into the consumerist culture and find what makes you satisfied elsewhere.

How do we solve the Ad hom problem?