Something is up with bitcoin. The charts are weird as fuck right now...

Something is up with bitcoin. The charts are weird as fuck right now. I'm not saying it's going to moon or crash or go sideways, I'm just saying something is amiss and it's being heavily manipulated. Who knows what the plan is.

If I had to venture I would say that there is strong downwards pressure from most of the market but someone or something is trying to prop it up to make it look like it has some solid floors before throwing a boatload of cash at it to make it periodically jump.

On top of this after the run to $4400 it should have corrected a lot harder than $3800. I know you are just going to call me a FUDders but that wasn't a correction, it was within the daily variance, only it was just down enough to make people think it had corrected.

Again I have no idea what to do here. Someone could drive this up to $5k overnight if they wanted to based on what I've seen. Or they could sell the holdings they've accumulated and totally crash it.

I'm not sure if this has to do with the impending BCC diff readjustment or something else. It's just fucking weird.

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Lol over 71 billion market cap who the fuck is manipulating it.

Put ur tin foil bak on

its hitting 4800 because thats where they want to bring it to

da jews ya blu-pilled horse cock lover

Is now a good time to buy btc to use in exchanges or do I wait for it to dip?

It's just separation booster stages on its way to the moon

Usually buying near the all time high leads to people getting btfo and everyone saying "wasn't it obvious", although this is for shitcoins

t. nocoiner looking to buy aswell

I want to get my gains on but I only have a hundred dollars worth of BTC on hand unless I buy more right now

It feels like it has something to do with Gemini. Like the market should be trying to punish that with volatility but it's not.

gdax has had a shortage of btc on the order book if you zoom all the way out too. Gemini being down so long did boost this a bit, but someone is buying 21 btc at a time. The character of the buys on gdax over the past few days has been ridiculous.

I'm not risking it, BUT this is my first time buying bitcoin (although I'm buying a lot) so I'm not exactly an expert.

Just saying usually people do get btfo when they buy the ath, be careful. Although I think even if you buy now and it crashes you'll gain in the long run

Whole crypto market is unregulated and heavily manipulated. How is this news to anyone? Thats the biggest reason people can ride the waves that they so

>who the fuck is manipulating it.
is that a rhetorical question?

yes, the alts especially but bitcoin doesn't usually act like this

OP, I have been watching carefully this week and I agree entirely. I'm not sure what the end game is though. Maybe just reaping profits from short squeezing?

Thanks, guess ill just wait it out

who cares. even if rich people are manipulating it, all that means is $100k BTC is inevitable. they're just doing damage control right now, trying to shake some weak plebes out.

Buy ETH instead.

>Something is up with bitcoin.
Bitcoin is being manipulated by Digibyte



Just look at this, we are $25 off the ATH and there's been no profit-taking

that dip I pointed to should have been WAAAY deeper, that's not how dips happen at this stage

this dip

Is it only for this situation or is ETH better in some way?

Endgame IMO is to make segwit the short-term winner and get ahead in the hashpower over BCH.

The big fear is that BCH will win, so (((big moeny))) props up BTC until it's no longer a threat in terms of highest POW chain.

You're an idiot and a newfag. Here comes the spooon

It's to fuck BCH over

There's nothing strange about it, it's being kept up to keep miners on the old chain. If BCH ever became more profitable to mine on then it would be game over for BTC.

Welp, looks like it's time to establish another floor $40 off the ATH, lol wtf is this shit.

What if the big Buttcoiners backstab you, short the shit out of BTC at ATH and get to keep their BCH too?

im so tired of these meme

multiple people have explained it to you by now
if you still don't get it then maybe this game isn't for you
try fast food , it's much easier on the brain.

own both, set stop limits on both. (or just own eth)

I understand it completely, hell I own 50 BCC, I just find it fascinating that this is the strategy to keep BTC on top

so once the diff adjusts do you think it will crash?

I thought that too so I bought some but then I lost 50$ and got out...
Then it dropped even harder and now its trying to kill the 34 btc wall at 0.06815001. The Hashrate Correction will make it profitable to mine at above 0.056 all of this implies that there will be enough orders above that price. I dont think so.


> the price could climb to as much as $4,827. But she went on to caution that the market could correct, sending the price tumbling below $3,000.

Pretty much another investment bank pumping the shit out of something before dumping.

BCC is currently being stress tested to see if it can handle the attention
Expect a lot of fuckery
people keeping BTC on top have deep pockets
But people who want BCH to win have very many coins.
I expect BCH to win in the long run (timeframe unknown)

Just for this situation. For the amount you're investing, you'll do better in ETH.

my dude, i posted this same-ass shit its fucked. im not touching it until it plummets. was thinking about putting some money into bcc to try riding that train until it settles. im kiiiinda getting this feeling that its not sachs, but bcc bros. and theyre going to time the crash to coincide with the difficulty decrease going down to try to get everyone to make the transfer over to their coin. if so.. hoo boy.

and how do you just know they are jewish lol..

It's kike shills trying to woo woo newbs into staying with their fiat scam.

I dont see anything wrong give it time it will distribute evenly

Lmao Jihan fuck force is going all out today

The distribution has been the same since the beginning. It's not just an aesthetic problem.
It's about 100 of those literally being capable of individually buying every BTC sell order across every market between here and 5k. Many of those could buy every single sell order period.
They have immense power to manipulate the market and denying that they do. During the 2013 pump it was obvious there were bot wars going on.

why does bitcoin cash have such low volatility? you think btc is being manipulated, it's 10x easier and cheaper to manipulate bch.

if someone were to have a motive to be manipulating these two coins, looking at the activity in them over the past week, what conclusions do you think we can draw regarding what those motives may be?

lol bitcoin is scary heavily looks like heavily manipulated to me

this is getting comical.


REALLY? how many (((coincidences))) does there need to be before you realize that they're not coincidences at all. hell there's even an app for it