BNB up 400% over 7days

Do you guys not like gains? Get in on this before the 24th

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I'm gonna predict my post # and everyone has to buy this shit right now.

>> 3097966

damn nigga dat shit was almost af

What is going to happen on 24th lad?

Lol. Bought 1538 of these at 1.40, and rode it all the way down to .92 like Dr. Strangelove. No one can accuse me of having Weak hand. I could crush your soul with one careless grip. Back up to 1.47 now. Gonna ride this bucking bronc all the way up to 200.

Binnance introduce trading fees to their site. BNB gives you a 50% discount on these fees

We are not stopping at $2.00 lmao. The whales could easily pump it to $2.00 tomorrow night if they wanted to. We are going to be seeing GAINZZZZZZZZ nigga.


200 user. 200. Watch those decimals. I've seen people lose millions over that.

>tfw bought in at 0.1$
so nice


just leave man.

Registered on binance yesterday but no news. I am waiting to get verified. Do you guys know how long does it take?
Cant wait to buy this chinks coin BNB...

Just leave, man. Did I jostle your Fedora, Faggot?

>not owning at least 3000 BNB

Only 600 senpai

the introduction of trading fees will decline the amount of users on binance, lowering the value of the coin. i bought in at 7.5k sats and sold 75% of them at 30k sats. seems like it has potential for growth still, but i don't want to risk too much.

>tfw only got 50 but up 300%
feels good

its cool bro, you'll still make some good gains, i'm buying more as we speak though.

but the fees will translate to revenue for the company...the owners of the coin...have you even read the white paper? me neither but I saw a video on it

eatin them muhfukkin walls

a big reason for binance's recent popularity is that it allowed users to trade NEO for free. yes, introducing fees will provide revenue for binance. but if they lose a good portion of users will the revenue be enough so that BNB maintains or grows in price? the sites interface is pretty garbage, it will lose most of it's appeal on the 24th.

unlike most exchanges Binance is paying GAS to those of which who keep their NEO on their exchange. Its also common knowledge about the fees. nothing is free, all exchanges have fees. I think the price drop will be bought back rather quickly. my opinion is that this coin will increase in price


Coins give a 50% off of transaction fee. Holy fuck, does anyone read whitepapers

im colour blind

trap... neo is crashing and so will this

rip if u got cucked

crashing maybe but holy shit its like saying bitcoin is dying just because it dips

we killin it rn senpai

man am i glad i bought some more before the spike

Who else sitting comfy with coins from before $1? I've got 1000. I said time and time again this was a no brainer investment, shocker, was right

how did you find out about it so early?

>got the 36 dip
feels good man

Honestly I saw it shilled in a thread on here, looked at the whitepaper and immediately put 1k in

I got in at 10000 sats. Sitting very comfy.

I heard about it here on Veeky Forums. The trick with Veeky Forums is you have to buy it the moment you see something. The moment something starts getting shilled you buy and then start shilling yourself.

verified? you only need email for an account, unless you are putting 2+ btc in there. even then im not gonna give my fucking passport id to some chinks

thinking that this will dip significantly after the 24th is wishful thinking desu.

>date passes where coin actually has value for fee reduction
>lol why would anyone want to trade NEO on an exchange where you can accumulate gas from your holdings?
>binance? that's chick shit, I'm gonna go get raped by fees on bittrex have fun nerds

It's almost as bad as that user yesterday gloating about having invested a bit early into BNB, calling everyone a stupid faggot for thinking this would still be worth anything, shocker, he also had no idea what the whitepaper actually says.

Saw this awesome video on binance get posted yesterday. 5 mins long and hilarious:

Buy order flooding in for 10/2030BTC and just hit new ATH..

I'm sitting on 810 BNB, some random dude replied to me several days ago and said my investment is going to turn into 3200 dollars in just 8 days. so far on track




we just broke 40k

Blasting past 40k SATS with no signs of order book slowing down...

The coins give big discount and the exchange is popping the fuck off with jew coin pairs and fiat pairs every week

And there is the wall. Probably won't dip under 37k today.


910 here bud i think we gonna make it. I bought it on pure concept that i would love a coin that allowed me to trade without fees. So far its paid off

>sold off most of my BNB at 33-34 sats
It was supposed to dip!!!

41k sats almost

according to who/what information? why don't people understand that as long as NEO/Binance exchange gain popularity, BNB will gain value?

Link me plz user?

This is funny as fuck, thanks for posting.
Glad to be a hodlor

So comfy hodling

Haha yeah that dude is hilarious, hope he makes more

It's been dipping that way for three days, I can't blame him. Luckily I learned my lesson selling ANTS at 360k trying to chase a pattern so I just held and bought more on the dips.

>was gonna buy this a week ago
>changed my mind once i realized it was another chink coin

tfw you realize you are a small whale with 810 BNB.

to sell at new ATH or not to sell Veeky Forums, that's the question.

you are not a small whale you silly boy

I sold yesterday around 31k for some nice gains, expecting I would be able to buy back in around 28k because the previous dip was 25k.

proceed at your own risk

Sell some to cover your initial investment or just average your cost down. Increases your likelihood of coming out at least even without destroying your moon potential.

sell the profit I made and re-invest it back? I like that idea but if I sell everything, the dip will be noticable and when I re-invest, it'll boost the price againt, kinda like a selfulling prophecy thing

>tfw 9.2k BNB with an average cost of 14k Satoshi

Am I gonna make it?

You are delusional dude nobody gives a fuck about your 800 coins this shit is turning over that kind of volume every ten seconds.

>almost new ATH

to sell or not to sell boiz, dis gun be gud



had over 1k binance coin and thought this shit would dip and i got burned now i have 960

turning off my computer now and not touching it see you all in 1 year

It's going higher. They only have like four coins so far. To get listed on Binance you need to pay in BNB, they are handling three major ICO in the next couple months. This will be a $10 coin by the end of the year. Way too much power behind binance, it will overtake bittrex by early next year.

I'll sell some of my stack at 5$, some at $10, and the rest at $25.

Don't feel bad buddy, I could have had 14k, ended up holding 5k, sold it, now can't find a re-entry point :^D

Heed this wisdom, Binance has a co-founder of OkCoin working for them which is one of the largest BTC exchanges in China, they are targeting China users right now, and they will be going multi-lingual in the future to a further extent.

Expect A LOT of fudders telling you it is worthless chink shit, reality is this is THE exchange to be on in 2018 and it is also home of the most hyped crypto in China rn, NEO

lol, whale spotted at 28BTC sell at 40K

Shilled to infinity and all the interested people already filled their pockets with it. It Will fall.

At least in TME the shills are not ready to pump it again.

there were a bunch of 10/20/30BTC orders gettign thrown around about 45 mins ago. They have been trying to keep the price down, absurd walls - keep breaking down.

I hope you're right, but it should be reiterated that after the 24th the value on this will be permanently increased because it becomes useful on that date.

I feel like a dickhead for selling at 32 last night, didn't want to go to sleep holding it and now this.

China moves this starting around 2-4am every night. Have to take that into account when making decisions, we're in the same boat.

28btc whale ?
im on my way becoming one

Yeah, it's the age-old tale but pretty annoying. Don't want to hold it overnight because of how volatile this has the chance of being, so move to safe btc, but miss everything happening overnight so can't make a move.

>Used to reduce fees on one of the biggest exchanges that will support English, Japanese, Korean, and most importantly chinkese
>Will actually award GAS to NEO holders instead of just keeping it
>Will buyback and burn 50% of coins

I want to invest more into this, but I kinda need to save up enough money to buy a car by the end of the year, and I know this a long term hold.

Same issue with my OMG and ZRX.

What do what do..

take the bus

You dumb faggot. Hold this until January and then buy your car, ffs or just kys for being a retard

Why January?

>get into crypto
>sweat day and night about your investment
>finally make that amount you wanted

and all of that to buy an expensive car that will need maintenance and go out of style over time.

What the fuck? I need bitcoins to buy BNB? FUCK THIS SHIT

buy it with eth you dolt

the resilience of this coin is fucking crazy, people who are watching the graph right now, know what I'm talking about.

It just dipped if you didnt buy you missed out

Yeah. Thought that dip would go further and it got bought up. Whales are losing their power over this, and fomo is crushing dips.

.1% xaction fees is still lower than bittrex, not even accounting for the bnb discount
where do you think people are gonna go?

>cunty bot undercutting everyone with 6 BNB to hold the price
Can you fucking not

It'd going to go about 4X from here in the next 10 days.

Sick of explaining to brainlets like you that this is not a shitcoin, it's pretty much stock in the Binance company. A lot of early investors and founders were given Binance coin and everything the exchange does is based on pumping up its value. It's genius, it's pretty much a stock offering with none of the regulations.

It's like buying Amazon for $1, not a shitcoin like OMG or NEO or whatever other worthless piece of shit you guys are shilling today. Outside of Bitcoin and Eth this is the most valuable in on the market.

Hey TME will moon this week fucking watch.

Don't come crying after the 24th that you didn't buy this

Should I buy back in at a loss? There are no signs of a dip that I was hoping for, almost bought back in at an improved position around 31k but I sleep while this shit moves, god dammit!

im wating for like 37k satoshis

Has someone got a meme lines chart for this? What is the support level?

The support level goes up every day because this thing has not had a dip that lasts longer than 24 hours since it hit Binance

tomorrow we'll cross 45k sats, screencap this.

> the same trend will continue

wow dude, that is next level

Why can't I just buy with cash? Why do I have to jump through all these hoops just to make some money? It's retarded

support on this coin is ridiculous