
>not calling them niggers
fucking cucks

You just admitted that Egyptians are black

>rick and morty
fuck off back to red.dit, thanks.

I don't watch it, I just happened to have the image. Now stay on topic

post a webm of you deleting the image and promise to never post a reddit and memey image again, and we have a deal.

You don't have to be black to be a nigger

I got a better idea, how about you go fuck yourself and I will watch

I'm going to live comment and see how far I go.

Before we start, anything pretending sub-Saharan Africa isn't a primitive wasteland PC denialist bullshit. Anything pretending North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa are the same thing because modern maps lump them together as "Africa" is bullshit. I assume this video will fail at least on the first point.

>African history is complicated
Thought terminating cliche go. Personal rule of thumb: never trust anyone that uses the word "complicated" in a political context. Oh, and as if European history doesn't have many facets. Off to a terrible start.

>west Africa had huge empires
""""Empires"""". Oh Nubia is an empire too now. Everyone's an empire. Veeky Forums is an empire.

>Africa doesn't have tribes because tribes sound primitive and that's racisms
Oh boy here we fucking go. This whine, outside of the inevitable "excuse the history let's cry about the racisms for virtue points", seems to be a semantics thing. Tribe linguistically comes from Europe therefore you can't use it in Africa. There is no socio-cultural dynamic that would need to be described with a word such as or similar to tribe hurrrr

>environmental determinism stuff about unpredictable rainfall affecting migration patterns
This is pretty cool. Don't know if it's 100% legit, but interesting no doubt.

>""""great Zimbabwe""""
"It's civilization for real, you white oppressors!" It had to happen but God I am so sick of hearing about this overrated stone wall complex and phallic granary. Peaked in the 1400s and they didn't even have the written word. Don't know much much (anything) about kilwa kisiwani but it looks to be another arab slave master inspired city, where revisionists studiously ignore the arab element.

"Whaaa 1800s raaaaacists thought Zimbabwe might not be African" There it is. African "History"

>Ancient Egypt = Africa. Egypt was great huh?
Damn, for all my complaining I thought this guys was actually better than that. Nope.

Out of space.

>you shouldn't call all of africas people africans
proceeds later to say what "africans" could do by
>muh look at egypt

Zimbabwe is seriously underrated, a civilization all born by itself without outside influence, something whites never accomplished

pic related, they did it all on their own with no outside influence

everyones very proud of the sick men of civilization

Fuck off please, they did it all with dry stone

look at these guys
what an accomplishment




You realize that the great enclosure ins't the only ruins belonging to that culture?

pic related

>Never trust anyone that uses the word "complicated" in a political context.
I haven't even started watching the video but it boggles my mind why someone this anti-intellectual would want to shitpost on Veeky Forums of all places. What kind of person would someone like you even vote for? How do you even discuss things outside your frame of reference?

Considering Kush aka Nubia conquered all of Egypt, yes, it is an empire

>is surprised by anti-intellectual people

Its en vogue on /pol/ right now.
If you are educated, you must be stupid, because educational facilities are run by post-modernist Marxist liberal communist Jews.
Thus only the uneducated can be intelligent, as the Jew hasn't rid them of their natural intelligence by (((educating))) them.

You can now finally decide what an empire actually is.

Empire = one people conquering and ruling another people.
The age of colonization shifted the definition a bit, due to excessive blobbing and states painting the map as if controlling 2 ports means you control all land a thousand miles inwards too, even though you don't even know what is there.

1000 development and 100 prestige


It's a rule that so far has served me well. Try it. People that understand something complicated well can usually explain the basic idea simply to non-experts. As in the case physicists explaining the theory of relativity.

People that say "it's so complicated" usually mean they don't actually understand the issue well enough to explain it to you, but they are going to do so as a false authority anyway. OR, more likely, people mean they understand the issue well enough, but they don't want you to fully understand it and will instead soon feed you a proffered incomplete biased narrative that you might sense is not the whole story, so please don't question. "Complicated" is code for "don't think, don't question. Surrender, listen and believe whatever I tell you."

You see "it's complicated" invoked a lot by Israeli-Palestinian conflict warriors. What follows that buzz phrase is usually some biased narrative that you're supposed to be intimidated into believing because you're ignorant. "It's complicated. There are many shades of grey and bad guys on both sides, but X started the war and peace will not happen until they change."

>What kind of person would someone like you even vote for?
Mostly Green Party or Socialist. What of it?


except a situation like the israeli-palestinian conflict is complicated, thinking that every situation on earth has a black and white morality to is infant level thinking

What the fuck are you going on about?

>How to put words into peoples mouth 101

this guy sounds like an absolute faggot if I might say so

>faggot who posts handicapped frog acting intelligent to help himself facilitate discussion lecturing anyone on anything

>that map of africa
>not crediting the age of mythology soundtrack anywhere in the video


>People that say "it's so complicated" usually mean they don't actually understand the issue well enough to explain it to you, but they are going to do so as a false authority anyway. OR, more likely, people mean they understand the issue well enough, but they don't want you to fully understand it and will instead soon feed you a proffered incomplete biased narrative that you might sense is not the whole story, so please don't question. "Complicated" is code for "don't think, don't question. Surrender, listen and believe whatever I tell you."

God bless you Pinko, you are exactly right on this.

>how to put dicks in your mouth 102

That's pretty gay, man

>""""Empires"""". Oh Nubia is an empire too now. Everyone's an empire. Veeky Forums is an empire.
Athens ruled like 10 cities and historians called it an empire, because its size doesn't denote 'empireness,' subjugation of other countries does


Not even ruled, just extorted money from.

Aka a tributary state
Aka it was a fucking empire with autonomous provinces, akin to their Persian contemporaries

I am not denying it was an "empire" - the athenians were one people who conquered another people. Thats an empire.
I am denying they ruled them. The places ruled themselves, and just paid heavy taxes to Athens, and in return weren't butchered.