What will be the next "big war"? I.e. a war between to fairly large powers that isn't a proxy war or a Cold War...

What will be the next "big war"? I.e. a war between to fairly large powers that isn't a proxy war or a Cold War. Will there be another one? How long will it take to happen?

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Iran vs Saudi Arabia

Second American Civil War turns into WW3 or WW3 turns into the Second American Civil War ala Russia 1917.

What a glorious day it will be when the Iranian flag flies over Meccah

>people actually fell for the Shia meme

Spoilers: there are no good guys in the Middle East

If the Americans don't intervene, Iran would win in a few weeks.

No Shia ever did terrorism in my country, they're the good guys as far as I'm concerned. And fuck Saudi Arabia anyway

You utterly fail to understand why there was a Cold War and proxy wars instead of WWIII in the first place.

Do you live in the United States, Argentina, Kenya, India, Greece, or Panama?


They're right cunts.

Australia, so my point still stands

The only people who have are IS, and their attack was pathetic.

You guys aren't worth bombing.

Still, like 40 Ausfags have died in Afghanistan because the Ayatollah decided it would be funny to buy Al Qaeda flight simulators.

most probable regional-level war: Saudi Arabia and allies going to war with Syria in the event of an Assad victory, expanding into a regional war with Syria and Iran vs. Saudi Arabia and possible allies in the UAE and Turkey.

most probable global-level war: Ukraine gets full NATO/US support and declares war to take back Crimea from Russia. and that's extremely unlikely to happen as no party has anything to gain that would be worth the money spent and lives lost.

I'd put money on it being something in East Asia.

North Korea finally spergs out, Japan and China start flinging shit, China decides to take back Taiwan.

Some sort of slanty-eyed autism that draws in more and more regional powers.

Nah, it'll be India and Pakistan over muh Kashmir

That or Pakistan goes full-on Somalia and everyone has to scramble to hold onto those nukes before one of them shows up in Mumbai or Los Angeles.

If the Shia vs Sunni proxy conflict continues, then expect a major Middle Eastern war in the coming years. Israel will also get involved. The last thing Zionists want to see is a Shia Arabian peninsula under Iranian influence and control.

Something unexpected, over something stupid.

What about my post implies that?

Eastern Europe. Who the Hell knows

Israel and its puppets (US and Western Europe/NATO), India vs the Muslim World, China and Russia

when will the next war be, bros?


Germans make one last attempt at world dominance.

hahaha stupid shia

WWII was the war to end all wars

There won't be another World War. Pax Americana will reign forever. When our distant descendants reach Alpha Centauri, they will be speaking American English.


Finno Korean Hyper War II

Who could have predicted that the end of Imperial Europe and the destruction of four hundred years of colonial work would come from an Austrian getting wasted by a Serb in Bosnian land? It's utterly unpredictable.

This shit should never have been named "world War 2" it sounds fucking retarded and trivializing of the actual event. Might as well call it "Big War 2". It should be called what it is, The German-Polish war

>History board
>Asking about the future

>implying Pakistan could deliver warheads to the US

>yo lay the foundation for the hydroponic bio-dome here senpai

Yeah that's the only reason the great war broke out.

The Polish War of Aggression would be more fitting.


Russia was a revolution, not a Civil War.

There won't be another grand, national US vs Them slugfest. Nuclear arsenals ended that. The world will not end with a bang, but with a whimper.

Think food riots and an end to globalization. When the world runs out of cheap aviation fuel, and diesel for maritime fleets, people will start killing each other for a cheeseburger and Coke.

>a bloody revolution between two ideologies is not a civil war


i could live in this future

>baka whats this fuckin nigga doin puttin the emergency power substations outside of the range of orbital relays? swear to gah mayn