Too late

Be honest Veeky Forums - did i got too late into crypto to become a millionaire? I have something like 200€ spare to invest each month and started 2 months ago. already doubled thats not too bad i think

Maybe but we're currently in the process of raping ourselves so who knows

I don't know faggot, is it too late to invest into to become a millionaire? Probably. Statistically speaking you're fucked. Accept your fate and invest for retirement not the lottery you stupid fuck.

200 per month, yeah, that's too late and too little.

eh, I'd toss them half a bean to tongue wrestle my cock

to become a millionaire yeah, you're probably too late. But not too late to make a couple of dozens grands.

$200 on ANS when it was $1 would be over 7k today

Be smart and lucky and you can find the next NEO

a guy i know invested 4000€ in a literally shitcoin. that thing went from like 0,006$ to 1,8$ per coin and he got some nice gains. but the chances are really low

it's never too late to head to lambo land!
just wait for the btc dip, it will surely drop some more over the next few days
HUGE correction incoming
also fuck those bcc faggots, I tried to transfer bcc from a paperwallet and needed 2 hours to find a light node wallet. Also, try searching for bitcoin cash on google, literally only BTC results

What did you use? Electron cash crashes on my mac.

You're not gonna be a millionaire in one year, or even two. But people getting into cryptos now have a bright future ahead of them.

Wise investments can put you into lamboland in maybe 5 years or so.

ur right fuck bcc. i knew about crypto since 2011 but forgot the whole thing until a friend of mine came up with his shitcoin. could have been earlier into this world but fuck it im now here and im going for the lambo. 1 lambo all black

Thank you for your advice! Im also sure that we are early into crypto future. the blockchain is like holding a year 2100 invention in our hands not knowing how to properly use it

I have always assumed that my crypto "investment" was a lottery. Don't play with money you can't afford to lose.
I've more than doubled my money, but only bc I socked as much as I could in when BTC was $1700, and I held onto my BCC. I've lost a bit playing with shitcoins too.
If you want in, invest long term (months) and only in good tech. Diversify your shit.
For a new investor right now, I'd say put in what you can afford to lose, with half in BTC and half in BCC. Nobody knows which will come out on top, but once nornies are in it'll be thru the roof. I have no doubt them at one of the two will be worth $18k by 2q18.

Of course you aren't too late, crypto is still in its infancy. BTC (or maybe BCC) even at current prices are still future x1000 coins.

Yes! Cryptos aren't going anywhere anytime soon, get in now.

Think about places like India and China, they are modernizing quickly and they will bring lots of newcomers to the market. China is already adopting cryptos a lot quicker than western nations, and about 80% of them haven't even heard of bitcoins. Once the word gets out and normies start believing (3-5+ years imo) we'll all be in lamboland. Gotta play the long game though. See you in space.

It's OMG. OMG is make by gooks and it has some hype

You faggots always say "If only I got in earlier!" but you're the same faggots who sell at a loss on the first dip.

I feel like Veeky Forums has a lot of newfriend FOMOers, and they're first investment is at and ATH because they want to get in, and then the dip happens and they sell and say "maybe this isn't for me." They then come back in and complain about how they missed out. And they will be back in X amount of months to do it again.

Are you retarded? How is he going to get rich off $400 worth of bitcoin? How low do you think it's going to crash, 10 bucks?

Why the fuck do these whore ruin their bodies with shit tattoos

Because women are retarded, user.

Typical roasties

It is a bit late, I think the ground floor for the crypto craze was 2014, but then again 99% of the people out there never heard of this let alone own any considerable ammount so who knows?

I think as long as the normies don't understand it we're early. They don't understand it but we're fucking ourselves over with the forks and splits.

If we survive the next few weeks we're early adopters.

If not, Goldman Sachs and the Communist Party of China have it. If we're lucky they'll let it live. More likely they'll crush it.

I asked myself the same. What a waste.

similar to XVG which was at 17 sats and peaked at 250 sats, these things happen once in a blue moon and you have to be lucky, I bought XVG when at 17 sats during the biz pnd but sold it at a loss at 15 sats thinking I was bagholding but if I had hodled the gains would have been insane.

lately i asked many people about btc and crypto. most of them never heard of it or think its a black market thing. Not many markets or stores accept crypto payments. I think the pioneer coin/project is still not out. the one big thing that makes crypto mainstream has yet to come

>I don't know faggot, is it too late to invest into to become a millionaire? Probably. Statistically speaking you're fucked. Accept your fate and invest for retirement not the lottery you stupid fuck.

exactly, you can be a millionaire, its just going to take 40 years of discipline to get there.

I watched a comedian in silicon valley tell a BTC joke, only 3 people out of 200 laughed, everyone else literally wtf'd.. I think we've got another year until early investor status, and another 2-3 before normies.

How much to buy these gals for an hour on the Signatum marketplace?

I'm nominally "fiat" up 100x from initial investment. I started in 2013. 2 logaritmic increases more and im a 1%. I'll gladly take the houses the normies are gonna mortgage in 3 years at the peak of the market.

well done !

thank you, crypto is the only hope i have in my life to finally do whatever i like and not the stupid job i hate, because, frankly, i rather stare at charts for hours on my own than to have a conventional office/managerial job.

nice user. I started not long ago and in 3 months I'm up almost 7 times my initial investment.

That's pretty good for such a short period of time. I actually entered in the worst possible time (2013 crash) and didnt make a cent for more than a year. Bear markets are tragic. Im really curious/worried on whats gonna happen after this bull market ends. Its much different this time but generally, when btc goes down, alts go down even more. We are in uncharted waters with such a huge market now. I have no idea whats gonna happens next.

Bro, the crypto market as a whole is only about $100 billion, the market for gold is $6.3 trillion, there's still plenty of room for us to grow

Market cap hit a all time high... its actually the best time to join u idiot.

Bruhs. I have 5 btc and 10 eth. I can afford to buy 1 btc or 2 per month at the current price. Am I gonna make it? That's half my net worth so even if this crashes I have my exit strategy. But I really want crypto to flourish because this is /our/ thing. Norman's just gonna ride the train and pay us for it. Please Kek make this happen

How much bitcoin for a pair of busty tattood whores like this

can confirm
im a newfriend FOMOer
>but i plan to hodl the dip

So, I used to be degenerate and have a tiny fraction of BTC left that I used to buy drugs.
I made a profit just by owning it, does it even make sense to try and make something out of it or should I just hodl or cash out now and never look back?

I don't have a lot of money that I can use to trade every month because I am a poor student,I could maybe spare 50$ but that's it

I am not sure if the left one is a girl or a guy.
Those shoulders are deceiving

all you need is 3.47 bitbeans my friend

I feel you man, after the first month that was really good to me I started thinking about an exit strategy. Right now I'm just keeping everything afloat and looking forward for any big spike in gains to get those out. I will have 300% of my initial investment out in fiat by next month if everything goes right. From there on I will try to keep up and every other month get some money out without fucking up my positions.

Just hold it. If you can afford to buy $50 of bitcoin or ethereum a month and stash it in a wallet you will basically have a jump on saving for your retirement, so that's even better. You don't need to be a daytrader to make money on crypto, the entire market is exploding, but it looks like (for now anyway) bitcoin and ethereum will be around for a while.

sounds like a good plan to me.

Damn you OP I just went on a hunt to find girl on left and spent 1 hour staring at pics of the chick on the left. Damn she's fine .

not sharing?

What an ugly nose ring she has though

You sure thats a lady.
Her body is pretty confusing,

It won't be too late, unless you miss out on the 25th

Felisja Piana (Fishball Suicide)

literally took 1 minute

She only does softcore though

What's even the point