Go into any museum today and you’ll find a white marble statue or two.But as it turns out...

>Go into any museum today and you’ll find a white marble statue or two.But as it turns out, most of the people they were modeled on weren’t actually white - just whitewashed.

>This past spring, Sarah Bond found herself at the center of an unexpected controversy. Bond is a classicist, a profession that doesn’t really attract conflict, especially about race — until she wrote an article about on ancient statues and something called “polychromy,” an academic term that essentially means“lots of paint.”

>Bond’s question was simple - paintings from Ancient Rome and Greece show a wide variety of skin tones that reflected a multi-ethnic society.Julius Caesar, for example, is generally depicted as a white man, when in fact historians believe he probably had a much darker, Mediterranean skin tone.So why are these statues always presented in bare marble?

>“We’re interacting with something that is a fiction.It’s something that was transmitted to us because paint gets rubbed away,” Bond explains. “But at the same time it’s not something that is a reality, it’s a fiction that we really like telling ourselves.”

news vice com/story/marble-helped-scholars-whitewash-ancient-history

youtu be/86PD8o6xe_4

Discuss the colored marble theory, that is supported by a lot of chemical analyses of antiques.
Will we abandon the white figures, or keep them as a romanticized version of the past?

>there's something white people are proud of that us universities haven't fucked up yet
>let's fix that

But science went there before political activists did.
There are traces of dyes on all the marble sculptures, and you can recreate the color.

So she's freely admitting that Italians aren't white.
Is she /ourgirl/?

I think it would be cool to have reproductions of ancient statues fully painted and equipped with items they once held. They could sit next to the surviving statues, I am a fan of things like this, its informative, more eye catching and shows people a picture of history only seen long ago.
Not a fan of the typical American skin colour spin on things however.

If only there were mosaics we could look at to see what race people were

Renaissance polychrome bust.

He'd get laughed out of /pol/, thats for sure.

Also, whoever the author of this is, they didn't seem to consider the Iranians and Greeks to be different in skin or hair color.

Who the fuck thought white marble was meant to be their actual skincolour? This is some shallow shitbait this cunt is orchestrating

I mean, they were Italian, so yeah, they get dark when they tan. They follow the old Mediterranean artistic convention of Tanned man, Pale woman.
Is she arguing that Romans weren't literally marble white? Because Italians are white in American terms, even though they can be brown.
They're European

The only people /pol/ actually considers to be white, are white people who try to pass themselves off as minorities, like Elizabeth Warren and Shaun King.

That, and myself and my family. We are white.
This holds true for any single /pol/ poster, subjectively.

There are only slavs and iranians in that pic though

But slavs invaded the Balkans significantly later, after the Romans had conquered it.

Fuck op and his definition of white.

Any rational person would assume that white means what we consider white, aka Caucasian, but she's apparently operating under /pol/'s definition, which is Nordic.

Basically, she's beyond retarded

>why are these statues in bare marble

Yes hello, I can answer that.

Because the paint wore off.

No literally, that's it. The busts were originally painted, we have evidence of this but it wore off. We haven't re-applied paint because that would be DESTROYING AN ANCIENT ARTIFACT OF STUDY. The purpose of museum is to preserve. Renovation is only done when absolutely necessary

It was never a matter of racial politics. This shit simply did not matter except in America and the Carribeans where they breathlessly looked for any excuse to keep slaves even after it began to be outlawed in England. Even then their pseudo-science was directed towards proving africans were inherently inferior, or not human all-together. History didn't come into it. History never came into it. The Catholic church, primary keepers of history post Roman Era, has Black Saints for christs sakes.


Stop inflecting your speech on Veeky Forums, you mongoloid


Modern Iranians are not period Perisans

"period persians" called themselves iranians and called their state iran
just saying

>Julius Caesar, for example, is generally depicted as a white man, when in fact historians believe he probably had a much darker, Mediterranean skin tone

What's the problem with this? Nobody seriously thinks Caesar, or any of the Roman emperors, were Nordic.

>Nobody seriously thinks Caesar, or any of the Roman emperors, were Nordic.

Dohohooho, you poor summer child. If only you knew how bad things really are.

but all that existed there were protoslavs, the ancestors of Alexander.

>romans weren't white, they were mediterranean
>tfw leftists use /pol/'s definition of whiteness

The issue comes in for me when people equate being Mediterranean with being not European, you see mental cases coming to conclusions that these civilisations were black or not European, while being slightly darker as a Greek, Roman or other civlisations of the area and region, don't make you not European.

This. Exactly, sadly, using a /pol/ definition allows people of a crazy left-wing bend to co-opt European history by claiming tanned people are suddenly not European.

In all fairness, that's what academics have to do sometimes in order to ram it through the prejudices of the average layman. In an ideal world, we wouldn't have any problems with scientific terminology.

This. It's the same 'logic' that drives people to claim that Roma aren't 'Europeans' despite settling in Europe for far longer than Americans have in America. As repugnant as their reputation is, it's unfair to claim they're somehow less legitimate compared to other ethnicities. It gets even worse when one considers that they fit the definition of 'Aryan' to a tee, even the racial concept fetishised by Nazis.

>People who make you're not white threads.png

>But at the same time it’s not something that is a reality, it’s a fiction that we really like telling ourselves
Like Socialism improving the quality of life of a Russian peasant in 'capitalist' Russia?

They aren't, Fascists and especially Mussolini realized this.

You wouldn't be white back then unless you could keep clean. The vast majority of people ended up filthy in their lives. It's stupid and not productive to pull the race card because of cosmetic details you choose not to appreciate.

>reddit spacing

They are exactly that: Aryans (not the National Socialist definition).
'White' Americans are Europeans.

>has dirty blonde hair

>was part barbarian

??? whiter than most Americans desu

>making things readable instead of walls of text means you're from another website
"Reddit spacing" should word filter into "I'm a huge faggot please rape my face".


>ayo we wuz Romanz n shit, Cletus

Yeah but no one cares about fucking pre-classical statues

>Not being assymetric
>200 BC

Classical statues were colored too, moron. They also had clothes, armor, weapons on them sometimes.
The greeks were building a colored Parthenon, before deciding to spend the money on outdated submarines and go bankrupt instead.

>vice dispelling pernicious falsehood that Italians are white

What race you think greeks and romans were you dumb nigger?

There was no shortage of water in Roman Empire Italy.
No body was running around on their knuckles either

>Julius Caesar, for example, is generally depicted as a white man

What did she imagine Julius Caesar looked like?
As far as I know, he had brown hair.

Well, all of the depictions of him we put in museums have him white as marble. Maybe she thought its misleading.

Before people get triggered, yes I am in fact joking.

Greek here.


I just want anti-white leftist """academics""" to die, is that too much to ask?

I just want pro-white right leaning """academics""" to die, is that too much to ask?

Of course you do leftist, anything to further the destruction of Western Civilization is a-ok in your book.

No m8, proto-slavs are from modern day Galicia in western Ukraine. Fucking hohols taking rightful polish clay. P

shes american she thinks Italians are not white Europeans.