Bancor is literally unstoppable

Bancor is literally unstoppable.

elaborate plz, just bought 100 since you cant lose with jews

I seen guys saying they sold 10K, 15K even saw someone said they sold 20K... what's the dealio? Is this a fucking ruse? I only enter these threads to keep tabs but now my interest has been legit sparked. Someone help me understand.


>I seen guys saying they sold 10K, 15K
Because this coin hasn't done anything over the past month. The chart is horizontal.

Veeky Forums teenagers have a very short attention span. They can't wait more than 2 days for something, they need to throw their money in whatever shitcoin is going up at the moment.

If you can't wait a few more months, don't even bother investing in it.




No, its people like me who bought the ICO and sustained huge losses
> but have weaker hands than me

bancor is literally fuck you

More like diagonal. Downwards

only got this coin because of the IMF "bancor". im sure they're not talking about the same bancor but you never know how these jews operate

Gotta admit, NOT ever buying this coin was one of the best trading decisions I've made, thanks for the opportunity.


>More like diagonal. Downwards
Here, I made a chart for you. Enjoy.




What teenager has 20/30K in Crypto? Let alone one single coin... But still, I guess this coin hasn't had a moon mission. I think I'll get onboard with a couple hundred. I'll now start posting in these threads!!

>literally unstoppable
>could online harassment limit blockchain's growth?
Sorry, but by Galia herself admitted that online anti-semitism is bringing this project to a grinding halt, and it will only succeed once the goyim are brought to heel.

Learn your place goyim.


>What teenager has 20/30K in Crypto?
A lot... Some teenagers spend the entire day trading and have become really good at it.

How many Bancor can you fit in the oven?