How can society survive to declining aging population?

how can society survive to declining aging population?

serious question.

I'm afraid we'll see the collapse of all countries economies this century.

Chattel: either synthetic or organic.

Just like every other time in history.

>boo hoo the world is overpopulated and we're all gonna run out of water and die
>boo hoo everyone is too old and birth rates are dropping we're all gonna shrivel up and die

a religion that allows euthanasia

Alright but don't come crying if your loved one got euthanized because she was too senile or too old. And don't come crying to me when they announce that you're going to be euthanized next.

that doesn't magically spawn new childrens faggot.

yeah, is not like you need young workers taxes to sustain the healthcare system.

oh no, the population is declining.

who will buy property? I guess we'll just have to lower real estate prices. What a nightmare.

who will pollute the oceans and create landfills. I guess we'll just have to watch pollution decrease. What a nightmare.

who will work unskilled jobs if there aren't enough people to do them? I guess we'll have to increase wages. What a nightmare.

with a smaller population comes more tightly knit communities. Who will commit crimes? What a nightmare.

Cheaper real estate, less pollution, higher wages, less crime. How will the world survive?

yeah, let's ignore the economy collapse of all major countries.

>who will work unskilled jobs if there aren't enough people to do them?
u do realize that a lower population will also mean less demand and therefore fewer jobs, right?

A declining population is comparatively easy to adapt to. If the economy collapses it will be because of climate change, or to be more precise, the failure to properly deal with climate change.

Just like post Black Plague Europe, amirite?

>the entire economy depends on population growth
>but yeah, it will be easy to literally switch the entire economic model

yeah, let's ignore the white population will be 9% globally in 2050, and the black population will be 30% in 2050.

I guess being the same fate as amerindians, is karma

and who will take care of the dying elderly and the not so dying old? what a nightmare indeed.

>yeah, let's ignore the white population will be 9% globally in 2050, and the black population will be 30% in 2050.
Can someone post ANY population prediction that made a prediction more than a decade ahead and turned out to be accurate?

Why do retards post click-bait "news" article predictions as if they are fact?

Simple. It's fit their narrative. They already believe this shit, now they're looking for literally anything that confirms it.

yeah, is not like millenials in germany are 50% not white now.

More like market correction

>more old people
>less young workers
>who will pay for the healthcare of the people
>increase on taxes
>decrease on consumption
>automatization to offset decreasing productivity
I don't think capitalism can survive that.

By switching economy not based on uninterrupted growth regardless of consequences

Stop expanding entitlements. That is literally the answer and nobody is willing to do it because old people vote more.

Don't worry bout it the world will never become "overpopulated".

By importing tens of millions of refugees, of course.

The future is Singapore or Dubai. Large amounts of plebs with an insulated elite.
Capitalism will be fine. Welfare-Statism will go

I thought robots are supposed to turn us all into NEETs by 2030 anyway.

It happened we just skipped the robot part and became NEETs anyway.

>automation around the corner
>objectively less space for a person to survive in a world of significantly less labor

I still have not received my promised robot-waifu

>tfw born just in time to see the Silicon Age Collapse

The return of the truly traditional aka extended family (with multiple generations living in one home) is inevitable. It's better that way desu. Nuclear family and unnaturally family are crap.

>>automation around the corner
pffttHahha hheeehaaaahooo :'^)

>absolutely no prospects for automating anything more complex than data entry
>absolutely no infrastructure whatsoever for automating anything more complex
>no legal foundation established

But muh utoob videos tell me all jobs will disappear in 5 years tops! But muh basic income! But muh socialist utopia!

>it doesnt already exist
>therefore it will never exist

>yeah, is not like you need young workers taxes to sustain the healthcare system.
The system will struggle for a while and eventually recover. Why the hell does everyone act like the smallest issues nowadays are the end of the world?

>half the population in 50 years
yeah, who cares about that.

Populations rise and decline, that doesn't mean they're going to die off. We could lose 50% of our population and you'd still live comfortably. The only thing you'd notice is less traffic.

It only causes problems for corporations who want their profits to continually rise and rise. They need more and more people to keep the profit line in an upward diagonal pattern. They don't care if they have to import numbers and destroy a society in the process, their profits are more important, and they're going to convince you it's necessary to continually grow to survive, when in reality continuous growth will be the death of us.

>We could lose 50% of our population and you'd still live comfortably. The only thing you'd notice is less traffic.

Most retarded shit I've read on this website in quite a while.

>around the corner
we'll be dead by then

>decrease on consumption
This is much worse for the upper classes than the general public
Would further reduce consumption

Automation has been around for almost 300 fucking years