Bought at 0.15$, what do?

bought at 0.15$, what do?

Hold for 2 years. Enjoy a 6.66666x return on investment.

Dubs speaks


How are you so sure? If you can predict the prices of coins like this then you'll be rich

are you serious? he's talking about holding a top 10 coin for 2 years
we're all idiots here, daytrading around, swing trading, position trading
the people who made the real money held for a year, bought back a dip, and now they're holding another year.

Then if what you're saying is true why don't you dump all your money into the coin then and make rich gains?

the point remains that any trader who held over the course of one year has made money on any top 10-20 coin

bahahahaha, you sound like a person that makes bad investment choices, doged a red flag right there

are you an idiot?
the only point i've put forward is that if you hold ANY top ten coin for a year or two that you will see gains
you could hold BTC/ETH pairs and make good trades, i was asleep when the announcement happened and the drop filled my 6100 buy order whoopdidoo
by all means though, don't hold onto anything for more than a period of 10minutes

I will hold onto my investments into ETH but what makes you think BTC is going to increase in price? Its difficulty to mine is already really high

you honestly think that BTC is going to stagnate for two years? rofl okay gl

Hold untill monday

btc did 4 times its value

nope but it will decrease for sure

okay it did but the difficulty of mining them expoentially increased, and now its going to the point where mininers will no longer gain profit but a loss for mining bitcoins, it will decrease. Theres a reason why other coins have appeared rapidly

$.15 x 6.66666 = $.99 gain per coin

...just bought 100k

Its not garenteed that it'll increase, anything can happen boy

you know what is guaranteed?

An annuity. Are you interested?

tell me more about this ooity thingy.

well basically give me your savings, and i will guarantee you income for life. Simple as that. Just sign on the dotted line my friend.

Why is logo an autismo spinner?

This coin is a joke. Its just a pnd and probably the only pnd coin in the top ten. This coin does not deserve any serious recognition when it is only used to steal serious amounts of money from regular people who believe the fake hype. Put your money in something that actually has potential like bitbean or dgb. Litteraly anything but this coin is good unless you want to give free money to the banks.

>shits on XRP
>recommends fucking bitbean and dgb

wew lad

My point is that any random shitcoin has the same moon potential as this one.