There are no perfect history podc-

>There are no perfect history podc-

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Get the fuck out with the low tier b8

John Green is a blight

>much noble savage meme
>Greeks would've been better off being conquered by Persians because they were le progressive!
>Islam dindu nuffin and has done nothing since (crusades were super terrible though)

Fixed the pic for you OP

John green is such a fucking hack
Not only does he insert bias into his videos but he also is straight up wrong about a lot of things.
He should just stick to writing books for emotional women.

My nigga

confirmed good taste

That's a nice opinion user, but I'm going to have to stop you there as we're running short on time

Patrician Taste

Anything detailed enough to draw normies away is good in my book


Absolute kino. The Seneca one they did recently was great.

Can anyone explain to me more extensively the problem with John green and his shitty YouTube channel? I hate him as well but I've never really been able to articulate exactly what makes him so shit?

When people say he's biased they aren't memeing.

I said more extensively please.

SJW like him

He tries to combat Eurocentrism by being blatantly pro-anything else, like the Persians should have ruled the Greeks because Sparta had slaves, and then claiming slavery didn't exist in Persia when it did

He's very, very anti-European. Like Noam Chomsky, he's chosen to become so aligned against something that he literally cannot see anything good that they ever did, all while whitewashing non-European cultures.

I would say, rather than just his bias, is that he looks condescendingly at the past. He suffers from the "Historian's Fallacy" (i.e. the idea that just because something seems obvious at the present means it was in the past). Because of this, he presents historical people who made mistakes as idiots, and presents people in the past as having obviously wrong ideas even though those ideas passed a great intellectual rigor.

Care to explain who he is?

The Great War channel on Youtube. They do weekly recaps of what was happening a century ago in WW1. Words cannot describe how comfy and simultaneously informative their videos are.

I like the channel and the content, but I really don't like the guy. He just kinda gets on my nerves, just the whole way he talks -- its just like Jon Stewart doing when he hosted the Daily Show.

>t. John Green

I stopped watching when he said the Macedonians conquered Persia because they invented the Sarissa, a pike, a very long spear, which you can imagine the Persians could have easily manufactured thus obviously couldn't be the reason.

He seems pretty smart so he must have known this. Maybe he thought his target audience had an extreme dislike of military history to the point even this very basic inference would instantly bore the to death. Even if you happen to hate military history and think it is patriarchal and offensive or something, he still outright lied and distorted history egregiously and likely does so throughout his videos, so I wouldn't waste time watching them.

no no no
I literally HATE Crash Course, it's existence sickens me.

At least you aren't a lost cause then

The latest podcasts are great. But the earliest podcasts, let's just say Bragg's voice made me feel sleepy. It's interesting and all but god, his voice can sound monotonous at times.

For our /pol/ friends lurking. So far, I haven't heard feminists pushing their agenda in this podcast.


Why does the image say "in touch"?

reference to a meme

The episode on the crusades would trigger most /pol/tards. It sure triggered me because they spent like a total of 10 minutes sperging on whether or not christians were literally satan.

Which meme?
Metal Gear Rising was probably the most memed on game of 2013 on /v/

I only viewed his psychology series and it really upsets me, some basic terms you can totally just follow the textbooks but he decided to make shits up even wiki is better than him

Never watched it. How does he cover the lead up/start? Is it actually reasoned or is it standard Anglo Germanophobia bullshit? That alone tells me whether or not it's worth the time.

>Hello... and welcome to The History of Rome

>Is it actually reasoned
Oh, it's very well reasoned. They use a fuckton of sourcing and nailed the July Crisis for what it was, a tragedy. Still, the channel improves as it goes on and the team gets more experience.

Never seen anyone have strong negative opinions on that. Hard to imagine one that isn't pure autism or just hates the format.

Were slaves stuffed in boxes?

>Here's my biased diluted version of world history that you could just easily read in a few short paragraphs yourself instead of a long boring visually uninteresting video read by a nasally voiced dickhead which you'll forget a few minutes afterwards which begs the question why you didn't just research it yourself and actually learn something from legitimate resources rather than some tertiary snarky liberal asshole

love this guy.

Just started watching his vids, this mfer is comfy as fuck

I prefered revolutions, although that's probably just because he got better, the History of rome felt very abstracted to me, whilst revolutions established places, names and dates which i could use to get a clearer picture of what was happening.


>Steel Ball Run race will never be real


not germanophobic at all, if anything he is a bit german biased as he constantly goes into how fucking stupid the austria-hungary generals were and how they wasted millions of lives.

rome was good, revolutions is great

Love it when two historians sound like they're about to come to blows over some obscure debate

he just gets most things wrong. It's like the other user said, in a mission to be the contrarian/anti """yurocentrist""" he just emphasizes everything any other culture has down and talks down everything European. I've forgotten most of it but its basically prevelant is most of his videos, things like Arabs started the Rennaissance. It's just nonsense a lot of the time, or he's got it from a biased source or its not sourced at all and he's made it up. He isn't a professional historian, it's as simple as that.

His main source is his former high school teacher as well.

he runs vidcon and promotes SJW's probably what make you feel like he's shitty.

He looks exactly as I pictured

Honestly one of the best podcasters ever, his voice is so soothing

continuing on, a big problem is flashy graphics and 10 minute videos is never going to give you a proper perspective on the wide subjects he tries to cover. It's an awful format for covering history, but it's just good for entertaining """history buffs""" and 'normies'. It's just little, bitesize select facts and John just comes across as a little pretentious or a little to enthuasiastic, especially with the jokes he tries to pull. At least to me, that is, but it is hard to pinpoint honestly

So you don't tip your pizza guy?

In the words of a famous Slovenian, "pure ideology".

Fucking this. You can feel a steady build up of passive aggressiveness in some episodes

play Metal Gear Rising, faggot

The most based nigga.