What is the Israeli–Palestinian conflict about?

What is the Israeli–Palestinian conflict about?

Why haven't they been able to just live together as one country?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Be Palestinian Arab
>Live on land for centuries, have your familial roots and property in the area.
>Suddenly the Brits allow a massive influx of European kikes LARPing as Ancient Israelites and they overrun and out populate the locals.
>We wuz Moses and shiet, gib land
>Fight war and lose, Jews forcibly remove your people and take your property.
I hate Islam but the Palestinians are so obviously in the right here.

no one owns land

>Private property


Because it's a religious war and they both hate each other.

Back then people everywhere on the planet were getting their shit fucked up by other countries. Everyone got over it. Big difference is that Palestinians are STILL using it as an excuse to have their children grow up as terrorists living in filth.

Jews understand that all humans aren't equal, they have racial awareness. They don't want to live with Arabs so they genocide them,trying to remove them from existence.
Same with whites.
But here they promote multiculturalism in the west and other Cultural Marxism propaganda poison that is deleterious for the white race.

On the one hand, the Palestinians seem to be morally in the right, for they were subjected to a foreign occupation and suffer under an apartheid government.

But objectively, why have another middle eastern desert shithole country when you could have a prosperous 1st world nation?

Like Rhodesia vs Zimbabwe. You really can't blame the Africans for wanting to drive out the white devil. But I think everyone knows in retrospect Rhodesia would have increased the quality of life for everyone, even the Africans. Especially the Africans.

Palestinians feel they own the land, because they did for hundreds of years before the Israelis took it off them.

The Israelis (or at least the ultra-religious Israeli right wing) feel they own the land because God promised it to them.

Major turning point was also the assassination of a peace-seeking Israeli PM by an Israeli rightist. Since then they've had Netanyahu who's just a bit of a warmonger.

Jews and Arabs screeching autistically over eachothers' existence.

>What is the Israeli–Palestinian conflict about?

Zionist occupation of land that Palestinians feel is rightfully theirs.

>Why haven't they been able to just live together as one country?

Because both sides have their objections to it. Some Zionists feel a binational state would would undermine the Jewish state, and would put Jews in a vulnerable position.
Some Palestinians do not want to compromise either and want a wholly Palestinian state.


learn to deal with opinions you don't like faggot

Those are not 'opinions' but objectively biased and slanted perspectives with an obvious agenda you faggot.

The brits tried to stop it tbf

>LARPing as Ancient Israelites
They weren't larping as Ancient Israelites. You're retarded.

>Back then people everywhere on the planet were getting their shit fucked up by other countries.
You're dumb. In the early to mid 20th century they weren't people brought from another continent to make a state where another person were displaced, except for Palestine.

It's about ethnic right to land with some religious tensions over certain sites and religious undertones. But overall it's about ethnicity. There is a lot of bullshit claims being thrown around in the conflict like:

>Palestinians are descendant of Canaanites or early Jews
False on both account. They are Arabs and have recent ancestry of people from the Arabian peninsula.
>Palestinians should have accepted the UN resolution of 1948
That resolution was mostly bullshit and it gave a disproportional amount of land to a minority
>Israel treats Arabs better than the rest of Middle East
Whilst it is subjective for the most part as to what is "better life", it's a bad argument to ignore Palestinians in the West Bank who do live in a very oppressive condition by standards even Israel adheres to when it comes to their own citizens.
>Israel is an apartheid state
It's not but it is getting close to one, especially if it implements a one state solution.
>it's a religious war
While there are religious undertone, most of the prominent factions since 1948 were more secular than religious.
>Palestine is an invention
True but that is the same for every country. Palestine is a more recent invention however.

It is important to note Arabs have been living in what is called as Palestine for hundreds of years. It's not their fault that Jews were exiled, enslaved and led to refugees after the two Jewish revolts against Romans. Blame the Romans for that.

(I'm an Israeli Jew)
Palestinian identity formed starting at 1920~, maybe later on, before that they were just arabs. I don't think Jewish settlers confiscated lands or exiled anyone before 1948.
And you should also bear in mind that a lot of this is a result of what happened in europe (Jews had a hard time there, and some countries prefered them leaving. After WWII, it was a fine solution for them to support the Jewish state).
A lot of jews migrated to Israel before it was founded because of economical reasons rather than sheer zionism. Also, some only migrated there because they couldn't reach America. Also, for some time during the British mandate, the British were comfortable having Jews there as they were considered more trustworthy, skillfull and less trouble-making than the native Arabs.
I suggest reading about Balfour Declaration and McMahon–Hussein Correspondence, the British played with everyone there for their interests.

That's pretty much the literal definition of an opinion.

It's just stupid. If you want to shitpost about Jewish conspiracy theories just go to /pol/ and do it.

You can have all the fun you want there.

>The exact details of our suffering a hundred years ago are different than yours, so we are justified raising our children as terrorists

No. Many states were founded after displacing the original populace. They all got over it, because a bright future for your children is more important than old griefs. You don't see Irishmen turn their kids into suicide bombers because of butthurt over Northern Ireland.

You don't get to decide who posts what and where. You're on Veeky Forums, not reddit.

I'm not even /pol/ and have high regard for Jews, but you whiny cunts that can't handle a negative opinion about Jews just need to stfu.

>British fighting Ottomans in the Sinai
>British agent T.E. Lawrence promises Arabs independence if they revolt against the Otto Man
>Meanwhile British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour promises the Jews a state of their own in Palestine (N.B. Israel doesn't exist at the time)
>Palestine in 1914 is around 83% Muslim, 10% Christian, 7% Jewish; so the creation of a Jewish state is predicated on the dispossession and displacement of the vast majority of the native Arab population, both Muslim and Christian
>Arabs fall for the bait, help perfidious Albion overthrow the Turks
>instead of giving them freedom as promised, the British, with the aid of the League of Nations, create the British Mandate of Palestine, an administrative entity to rule the region until the native population is 'ready to stand on its own feet'
>the British proceed to facilitate mass Jewish immigration to Palestine and the large scale dispossession and displacement of the native Arab population
>after WWII, once the demographics have sufficiently shifted in favour of the Jews, it's suddenly decided that the natives are ready to stand on their own feet
>a Jewish state is declared
>Arabs chimp the fuck out
>the Jews beat their asses and take more territory by occupation
>rinse and repeat all the way to the present day

What's the difference between Palestinians and Israeli Arabs?

>I'm not even /pol/ and have high regard for Jews, but you whiny cunts that can't handle a negative opinion about Jews just need to stfu.

wtf are you going on about. Keep /pol/ memes on /pol/. I don't give a shit how philosemitic you are goy boy.

make me faggot

>waaaaahhh wahhh people posts opinions quick call the mods!!

Different cultures can't live together as one? Hmm..

The Jews are already looking for another land in Patagonia in Argentina and Russia. They will leave Palestine because they don't want to afford it nor suffer any more social undermining. Haven't you heard,goy?

>>Suddenly the Brits allow

There you go it was british territory the fucking arabs have right to say "muhh its our land".

It was british land and they made the decision to give it to jews where is the issue now ?

Deal with it arabs you never going to win a awar against the eternal jew anyway.

Greetings from a non jewish german.

Love jews hope they kill as many arabs as they can.

>What is the Israeli–Palestinian conflict about?

Who has the better psycho-killer's notebook.
