Why was he so perfect?

Why was he so perfect?

Because He is the Son of God

Because he was written that way. He's a Mary Sue.

Because we projected all kinds of goodness to him and merged him with all kinds of cool lads.

Jesus was based as fuck. He didn't talk to any body. He didn't flirt with girls. He didn't care about getting money. He just spent his time building houses for people for food for his family. He had a good heart and spent all his time meditating upon the love of God. This simple life led to his total enlightenment and the ministry which would change mankind forever.

By definition he is perfect

Begs the question; was Jesus perfect? No.

There are two ways the conversation will generally go. We might agree that he was a human, warts and all, and therefore not perfect. Or, someone might argue that he's a god or demigod, whereupon further examination will reveal that christian theology is incoherent and/or in opposition to truth.

So, to make things simple, your question assumes something that is not true.


because he loved us

Are there imperfections on Christ?
Did he pooped and peed?

Because he's Jewish.

>Christians care about inconsistency
That's why the Trinity is a thing my guy. You don't gotta explain shit.

Ah, a classic. There is one all powerful God but he can't manifest in any way other then the one way I say!!!!!!! Honest!!!!

>jews and muslims

Well, Christians don't feel the need to explain anything, really. They put truth to one side and took up faith. The trinity is incoherent, but I understand Christians fundamentally don't care.

Agreed. It's sad thing to see.

Please explain how an omnipotent god cannot manifest itself however it wants.

I'm curious to see good old fashioned Semitic mental gymnastics and "n-n-nuh ur a pagan!!!!"

I'm not sure what side you're on here. I'm not religious and I don't claim to be. I'm just a mathematician.

But I don't have a rebuttal for how a god can't not choose to be whatever whatever. I'm just noting that it seems strange that the Trinity is a strange theological view that I've never heard anyone explain. The only thing I've ever gotten was "it's a mystery and we believe in it."

Christianity doesn't really make sense to me, but I don't have anything against it. My own brother is a Catholic Priest and we just get along by not talking about religion.

That's not my point; your request is meaningless. You are just asking me, "assuming what I say is true, how is what I say not true?"

What I said is that the Christian account is incoherent. You don't appear to care that your account is incoherent. So be it, but I said nothing wrong. Christian theology is incoherent and based on faith in Hebrew mythology.

I'm a non-trinitarian Christian. I do not believe it's supported by scripture.

I've heard so many illogical and incoherent defenses of the trinity. I cannot understand how one would come up with the trinity after reading the Bible with zero biases and preconceived notions.

Never heard of non-trinitarian Christian. Sounds like a cool secret club, glad you have meaning in your life.

I think it's funny that his cultists successfully hyjacked the jewish mythos and now 2,000 years later you have people from a different fucking continent thinking he is literally God. Stranger than fiction.

an absolute fucking tragedy. Christianity infected Europe and its colonies, and Buddhism infected China/East Asia. The two most tragic things to have ever occurred.

The only thing that can outjew the jew is god himself

Because he is largely imaginary.

His "cultists" were mostly Jewish at first. Of course they'd be using their own scriptures.

Trinity? I don't believe in such foolish popery. Catholics aren't true christians, they are crypto-satanists.

You don't seem like the type of guy who hears much.

Because he was redpilled on the JQ.

But Jesus was a Jewish nationalist?

This is why Jesus is my personal savior. The world needs more Jesus these days. He didn't take shit from no one, you didn't fuck with Jesus of Nazareth.

He was an absolute monarchist.

How did he actually look phisycally?

archetypal soy boy

Jesus was a craftsman and most likely a mason so he would have been built.

Because he is an historically distant cipher onto which you may project such perfection.

take your pills


Jesus was MGTOW

unironically this

Perhaps because he's a fictional character. Not that there was never a real man named Josh from Galilee or thereabouts who did those things. But that the man you imagine when you think of that real man is largely a fictional character.

>jesus is made up
>actually it's proven by facts that he did indeed exist
>y-yeah b-but that's a different guy

classic atheist

"professing to be wise they became fools"


I think there was probably a guy named Josh who preached roughly what the Bible has him say. I don't think he did any miracles or rose from the dead. I don't think he was the son of a transcendent being.

Miss me with that modalist shit

He was basically a Mexican laborer doing unskilled labor on buildings. He was very unlikely to have been a skilled craftsman considering his poverty.