Well that's weird... it appears OMG is pretty stable with short -/+ $1 fluctuations

Well that's weird... it appears OMG is pretty stable with short -/+ $1 fluctuations..

Strange, Veeky Forums said it was going to crash? Huh...
I mean, I could understand with the Apple Rumor being debunked that it would be in free fall but...oh...wait, it's not. Strange. Infact as of this post it's almost back at $12. shouldn't it be $8?

Personally I'm just glad I have so much Neo it is sure to skyrock...oh.. it's down another -8.5% today...wierd.. but Veeky Forums said this is THE Ethereum killer. THE Chinese Ethereum. Clearly Veeky Forums isn't stupid... or are they?

Huh, really makes you think.

Both NEO and OMG are good long-term holds, but yeah, I agree with you.

good post


Meanwhile..walton coin



At this point we can all agree that OMG holders are fucking morons who are clinging onto hope that Omise will actually deliver. I wish them well, but quite frankly a Dev team that is behaving like it is sends red flags for me

Huh... hmmm

Huh... hmmmm.... but clearly if the dev team with such an established team and advisory board wouldn't dish out false promises? I just can't wrap my head around this stable price...

Good luck user, sincerely I hope they deliver their pipe dream possibly (and probably) illegal vision of fiat to fiat, crypto to fiat ect payment process

Last time FUD was this hard was during ETH launch.

Remember that shit?

Keep with OMG. We have a long road ahead.

The even weirder part is that, and if someone can explain this to me, I'd greatly appreciate it, is that the price of my OMG goes up atleast $1 a week. It's as if, the price is naturally rising. Am I wrong here?

I actually sold after the "big announcement" today. Bought back when I saw how stable the price was, I don't know what's going on either but I feel more comfortable having something this stable than not at all.

Why illegal?

It's almost as if this anonymous poster is spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the project. But why would he want to do that?

Where do I buy these?

I checked 3 exchanges.

I want to get them before they get listed.

Yobit, dear.

Its not there..

Searched market for walton and wtc

Agreed, they had plenty opportunity to shut down these Apple rumours early on but they decided to reply with winky faces, coy comments and overusing the Apple emoji on Twitter ect and don’t get me started on that fucking sticker.

They actively try to add fuel to the speculation and rumours and encourage it to raise the value of their coin, it’s a horrible and seriously dishonest business tactic I suspect OMGs days are over now and we will go into a long down trend now similar to neo after its bubble until actual developments start being realised in the future.

the prophecy has been foretold

I feel the same way about that whole situation

Binance fagboi

This is pure speculation, but they may already be working as a 3rd party on Apple's FaceID and may have signed an NDA not to talk about it.

I have to say, only a select few continued with the Apple rumors, and fudders used them as fuel to shill their own respected shitcoin. Intelligent investors never once believed in an apple partnership.

To clarify: They may be working on integrating as a 3rd party to Apple's FaceID already and signed an NDA to not talk about it.

Apple did mention that FaceID was open to third party developers if I am not mistaken.

because large amounts of cash moving between USD to USD or what not would be liable to current crypto currency tax laws if I've understood it properly

When I get home then.

They might get grabbed by bittrex soon. Yobit at a minimum.

OMG was originally called Esper$. But then it was rebranded. Yobit exchange still calls it Esper$. They are same coin. You can buy sir without hesitation.

You should know by now that 99% of people either want you to lose money or are completely fucking retarded.

I do sort of agree with this, even that I am heavily in OmiseGo, and believe that this coin will still be around after five years.

Their marketing is kind of based on the hype that people will create, because they noticed that it's working. They give hints and people will do the advertising. I don't think that their intentions were to create false hype, but for an product which actually has good goals and that can fill a huge market cap, doesn't matter how people hear about it, they are probably going to stick with it after hearing about it. All in all, the Apple rumor was bullshit from the start. One of the developers confirmed that like three weeks ago, after the apple emoji tweet. But people still kept talking about it and spreading speculation. I guess that they saw that it's just good advertisement on their end goal, which is true.

I hope that the Google partnership will be worth of mentioning, if it isn't, then I might consider to move my profits to some other coin.

I see. Does not concern me as im not from US. Tax free cryptogains, legal omgs and lambo pickups

So what you're saying is...biz doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about?

Hmm...quite intredasting indeed.

i knew it wouldn't drop below 10

I shouldn't have sold my OMG

just buy again
its at 11

for a coin thats been on an insane bubble/rise for over a month, calling it stable is a joke.

come back in 3 months and if it hasnt corrected by then (it will) you can call it stable.

>muh apple rumors
When will you stoner neet fucks learn that whatever pops into your head is garbage and no one outside of Veeky Forums gives a single fuck about Apple
I've never even seen mentions of it outside of here

And to believe the big money going into omg is people trying to catch a rumor, hilarious!

>pricing in USD

get off my fucking board

Most of the volume seen with omg is from usdt pairs
So... like... yeah

Damage control.

You chink coin is going nowhere.

he will introduce their apple facepay app on 18th,
you get a free mc thai burger and fries the first time using it

its a misleading number though, the only concern with any alt is if its rising against bitcoin or not

Or dont sink with the ship and hop on after the downtrend, retard.

Bitcoin has been tanking and omg has been holding its value
So idk what that tells you

Considering Omise works as a liason for the Ethereum network it definitely is not a "Ethereum Killer"

Also, not a coin.

Sounds like you're salty because you missed the ride up.

p.funny it really shows how few people took the apple shit seriously :) proud of you guys :)

Yeah, well memed, OmiseBros.


We really are going to make it guys.

with this apple bullshit behind us we can safely continue our trajectory toward Alpha Centauri, strap yourselves in boys, it's gona be a comfy ride

Did Apple even mention face pay?

Yes, Apple introduced "FaceID" and also mentioned that it was open for third-parties to use it.

FaceID they just released the face thing it'll be a bit before pay is worked in
