There are faggots here

who bought
BTC @ 4900
ETH @ 400
OMG @ 14

I bought BTC at 13, 15, 20 and all the way up to its present point.
I bought ethereum at ICO
I bought NEO as ANS

I sold everything and went all in on omisego at 14

But these hands are iron. Moon or zero.

I bet it

My average BTC buy is at 4600, ETH at around 320.

I unironically bought ETH at 400

BTC at 2900
ETH at 290
OMG at 6

Shame I only had £200 to spend haha

No you didn't, that would be insane.

good decisions though mate. you will be a poorfag for not much longer.

I bought ETH at 40 and 400 so what, next year I will buy at 4000

haha jokes on you buddy I bought BTC at $5018.14

I've made a bunch of all in bets over the years. They've all paid off. This one will too, and this one will allow me to retire.

BTC 3500
ETH 300
OMG 12

;-; I spent 3500 dollars
Why does everything go wrong when I start it.

That kind of faggot reporting in

That's awesome if true. I'm all in on OMG as well with 17k. Hopefully we both make it

You might be right. But you're still a madman.

All in on OMG at 12. Currently feels bad man, but it'll be fine. Just wish I was more liquid to pick up on dem cloak gains etc. But now my shit is trapped in OMG because I refuse to take an unnecessary loss.

I bought LTC at 85

I bought ETH at $140 & $190
Haven't sold yet

I also bought 0.145 worth of syscoin all the right back in Aug 14
Also havent sold that despite the FUD

me too user

larping all the way to the imaginary bank

Bought NEO at $50

hes a long term guy

All good bought btc @1200

bought NEO @ 40