Fuck technical analysis.
Fuck fundamental analysis.
Fuck all the analysts.

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Nice, just bought 100k

oh this MUST be it
check it out guys

Its hit the bottom, my homboi

Some people are predicting it will go to 8k to 10k tonight.

I think they are fucking crazy ass bitches who dont know shit.

It should go to 6.5k tonight.

check my trips, $2200 is the bottom

>Some people are predicting it will go to 8k to 10k tonight.

i can believe it. theres a hefty green wall

Dude, we're no where close to the bottom. There might be a bit of a rise but it's still on its way down because this still hasn't had time to affect the Chinese bitcoin miners. Once the miners are forced to shut down, the entire network will become unusable. Transactions will take weeks to complete and bitcoin's value will sink like a rock.

Sorry, the bogs have spoken

The difficulty adjusts to the hash rate.

>being this retarded

shorts are getting nervous about getting squeezed apparently

3k $ breached :^)

Doesn't change that there won't be nearly enough machines to handle the load.

The charts look quite bullish now. The lines close up at 7k tomorrow, we should be going to 6k to 7k tonight

Lol, you don't know how Bitcoin works, do you?

Hello newfriend

Nice, just bought 100k

fucking kek

So mining will be profitable again and Westerners will jump in? McAfee to make millions?

>He thinks the bottom starts with a 3
>He thinks the bottom starts with a 2
Try again my feeble-minded friend.

Thats what goldman sachs are saying... lets see... of ot hits 2200, i am fucked BIG TIME

Let me tell you this: more miners means only more competition for the mining rewards, not faster transactions.
Here, read this, for starters, it's a short primer on Bitcoin:

2900$ is the bottom. set your buy orders