Darcrus coin is burning coins IN circulation

They already burned 400k. They will burn another today and then two more times in the next week. Website showing the burn log is going up later tonight

This is done by market buying coins off bittrex.

This means what?

If they have 13 million coins and market buy 1.5 million thay means total coins in circulation is 11.5 million.

Trig burned uncirculated coins which doesn't change the price.

Dar is market buying coins off of bittrex exchange... It's like a whale coming in with a $250k and not giving a fuck about accumulating.

Oy vey if people don't get in early they're missing out big.

You guys always complain about seeing nobody posting good Intel until after a coin moons..

Sure this went up 70% or so the other day. But literally only a few thousand know about this right now.

Last bump. I'm done trying to help you wojacks.

thanks OP

HOw high do you think it could go short term?

proof or gtfo

Twitter @darcrus also their slack.

Its whatever the market decides.

I'm expecting something similar to Trig, except more because Darcrus has less than half the coins in circulation..

It all depends on how the market reacts.

>new website
>burning coins
>low circulation
>low marketcap
>currently only trades on bittrex

Easy money user.

Yes only 13.6 million coins.

Stop trying to moon coins with 2.5 billion trillion in circulation and 300 million market cap.

>tfw already doubled my money on darcrus in a week

Fug I was looking at this last night but decided to sleep on it since the bloodbath wasn't over yet.

Bought 500 @ the 1550 dip, I think that evens out. Ready for a small moon mission.

do you know what days they're burning the coins next week?

Nope the guy is doing it without notice. But the website showing how much bought/burned goes up later.

I suspect the first buy/burn happens tomorrow or the day after. The website burn log goes up later tonight after bittrex swaps out the old coins.

Last time they burned Important thing to note:
Previous burn was of 431,286

DAR is going to the moon, and green candles will pain the sky green.

2x is guaranteed, 3.5x is possible, even 5x is not out of the question.

What time frames are you expecting for the jumps?

> mfw I bought this when it was shilled here at 7k


Holy shit, weekend is going to be fun.
