Where the olmecs the Sumer of the Americas?

and did they turned into the mayans or were they a different ethnicity like Etruscans to romans?

also general olmec thread

Dont know but their jade art is great


No. They were the early mesopotamians. Aztecs were the Mycenaeans. Incas were proto-minoan tier, yet they had an advanced organized system.

Minoans are more like Aztecs than Mycenans, who were more like Incas

Except that Incas didn't have a writing system. Only coherent glyphs and symbols that probably wasn't writing.


The Minoans did so why are you equating them with the Incas?

Because Mycenaeans were more advanced than minoans.

...No they weren't

How so?

Maybe Myceneans had slightly better ships (though they were probably initially modeled after Minoan ones), because they traded directly with far away places like Italy and Sardinia but that's it

Why do you tards insist on pairing arbitrary things to eachother? Not even comparing similar things, you're making direct equations which is especially autistic

Except that they weren't roman tier nor classical greece tier. They needed 1000 years more to reach classical greece at least.

Is there some nice book on them which isn't totally outdated?

The Olmec's were pretty fucking stealt, in my opinion.


Mycenaeans learned their civilization from the Minoans you retard. They were superior in one way only, they were militarily stronger and so conquered the Minoans.

That's why I compared Incas with early minoan civilization. And aztecs as mycenaeans.

>That's why I compared Incas with early minoan civilization. And aztecs as mycenaeans.

... because Aztecs and Inca are totally unrelated? Or because Inca are contemporaries of the Aztecs, and not progenitors?

incas were less civilized/advanced compared to aztecs and mayas.

So you compare the more advanced Minoans to the Inca because...? Let me guess: You're an American, right?

Olmecs were pretty advanced, having running water:
A water system consisted of a buried network of stone troughs..These long U-shaped rectangular blocks of basalt were laid end to end and covered with capstones.This aqueduct used to provide drinking water to the different areas of the settlement.

So incas are proto mesopotamic tier? I guess aztecs and mayas are mycenaean tier because they had writing and bronze.

>I guess aztecs and mayas are mycenaean tier because they had writing and bronze.

The Myceneans had bronze, not the Aztecs or Maya. The Myceneans also did NOT have writing, not until the conquest of Crete and then only really on Crete.

" As the Olmec civilization increased, they needed more food and water. So, they built aqueducts. These aqueducts carried water that went into sacred and decorative pools. Water also traveled through the city for drinking and bathing."

Mycenaeans were more advanced.

The fact that they had writting makes them more advance than all of them. They had no metal because america was isolated from the rest of the world.
Also their jade mask are great

Myceneans and Minoans had writing, idiot

Aztecs had bronze. Why do you keep denying this? Also mycenaeans were more advanced to minoans.

> not until the conquest of Crete and then only really on Crete.

Why do people like you do this retarded bullshit?

You can check on google and obviosuly find out you're wrong, hundreds of Mycenean linear B tablets were found in mainland Greek cities like Pylos, Thebes or Mycenae

>The Myceneans also did NOT have writing, not until the conquest of Crete

Considering they were irrelevant before that that's not saying much, Myceneans became relevant after conquering Crete, like Romans became relevant after destroying Veii

>Also mycenaeans were more advanced to minoans.

In what way?

These are 5000 years old, found in what is now Michigan, really makes you think.


just that one of the earliest use of metal in the world was in northamerica.

That Mycenaeans are more advanced compared to minoans, but there is a retard over here who can't even prove me wrong.

The Tuxtla Statuette is a small 6.3 inch (16 cm) rounded greenstone figurine, carved to resemble a squat, bullet-shaped human with a duck-like bill and wings. Most researchers believe the statuette represents a shaman wearing a bird mask and bird cloak.[1] It is incised with 75 glyphs of the Epi-Olmec or Isthmian script, one of the few extant examples of this very early Mesoamerican writing system.

what's with the m*xicans and their obsession to compare new world cultures with old world ones?

>incas were less civilized than x