Why should I be ethical instead of self-interested?

Why should I be ethical instead of self-interested?

Because being a sociopath harms society as a whole and you being a part of society will be harmed directly if not indirectly.

Defection in general ruins society, and society teaches you to defect in 2017.

user has no reason not to defect in such a climate.

>harms society
And why should I care?

Because you live in that society, and so will your childrens children.

You are part of society whether you want or not you inbred moron. If everybody would only act in self-interesst society would suffer and you could no longer rely on others just like they can not rely on you. Only a few people are able to sustain themselves without others, so ask yourself whether you are one of them and if you are not, I would heavily advise that you check your ethics because being egoistic will come around back to you one day.

What a useless thread.

>self interest cannot be an ethos

because the two are the same

me against the world
makes you worry about everything, treat everyone as enemies, and you are forced to pretty much be on your guard at all times.

social contract
a lot less worrying , alot less things to consider
more things are taken for granted.

>be a selfish cunt
>everyone hates you and your life is worse than it would be if you had been nice

Faux altruism is the key to self-interest.

Are the two mutually exclusive?

*downloads pic*

>be civil and pragmatic in social situation
>gain numerous advantages in interaction by doing so then by being a rude cunt
Gee whiz i wonder why

>if everyone
But he's only talking about himself.

even when you are ethical you are doing it out of self interest (it makes you feel good), it sounds like you're trying to justify a hedonsitic sociopathic lifestyle that would not actually bring you any happiness

ethics means morals, you moran
any kind of morals, including lack thereof
you meant "altruistic"

I'd ethic her self interests, if you know what I mean.

People don't exist in a vacuum.

Because being ethical is in your self-interest unless you're a psychopath, do you not feel good doing good things for people? At the very least it gives you something to brag about.


>why should I not be self-interested
>because it harms society

If you believe that the "self" is the highest good then acting purely with self-interest would actually constitute being ethically correct.
This is assuming that "self" is meant as your perceived corporeal self.
Now, do you think that this self holds the highest meaning?

>yeah self, I've got bigger fish to fry

What does he mean by this?

you will be happier

Because helping other people makes you happier than helping just yourself.

Having said that consider killing yourself please op.

everywhere I go, I look and everywhere I look I see clues

because it is in your self interest to be ethical.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

In fact being ethical requires moderate self-interest. And alternatively, being self-interested requires you be moderately ethical.

because otherwise society will fuck you up, son

Prison is a great deterrent you little shit

>tfw no nipponese waifu with big udders

Ethics is just self interest with a vision.

Scientific studies show that you will be happier, more successful, more popular, and get laid easier. There is no conflict.

Hedonism gives little of real value in life, would you rather be Bertrand Russel or some shit tier chad wannabe

Because if you forge relationships with people you can use them later

Because it might be in your self-interest to be socially ethical at some points in your life. If it's not, then expect expulsion because a mass of people is nothing without collective insecurity

Imagine being married to a woman like this

Being ethical is in your self-interest


It's funny that they always fall back on some sort of karmic system.
Perhaps this worked in small societies where behaving unethically and self-centered would lead to repercussions but in 2017 there's little reason to think unethical behavior will have consequences.

Thank FUCK someone said this already.

Is there more of this?

Asian women are white mans sex toy.

>harms society

Because it is not in your own best interest plain and simple, the shockwaves of your actions are noticable if you either:

A) Work in an environment were broad communication and interaction are necessary.
B) Your actions effect anyone related and/or are family members, an example being friend of a family member.

Another thing to consider is your current locale as smaller towns make it more complicated to get away with things going unnoticed more difficult, my advice is separate your Jeckle life from your Hyde life so to speak, having a good societal reputation reputation is pivotal for advancement but then again so is doing whatever is necessary to further your own ends.
To sum it up practice your silver tongue and wear a mask.

To further add society as it currently stands does not have your best interest in mind, assuming of course you live in the U.S. everything and i mean literally everything is based off of hyper-consumerism above all else, there is a pretense of human compassion and understanding but in the end most businesses and/or practices want your money or your life (see: military) so being ethical is playing a societal roll that will by cause and effect come back to put a damper on your goals.

>Only a few people are able to sustain themselves without others
ñiterally no human bean can sustaim himself until some years have passed, so without any society humans last one generation.

>Why should I be ethical instead of self-interested?

Because your self-interest will end with self-interest of someone with a bigger gun/stick/knife.
Or just plain lack of restriction towards maiming you.

Being ethical moves the former to the sociopaths and cuts off the non-sociopaths, but who would fall into "fair play" territory.

Also, didn't they teach Aesop fables in the America? The Old Man and his Sons, particularly?

My asian folder is getting too big

>harms society
But that's good

>having children

Now, IRL

>be a selfish cunt
>made it to the top
>manipulate the masses
>they love you

Not saying that's a good thing btw

>t. faggot

>too big
no such thing

Shame her face doesn't look as good at other angles

which in turn harms you.

No, I don't understand. Can you elaborate?

They really love to ignore that part

self interest is ethical

what part of "will be harmed directly if not indirectly" didn't you understand

you harm us we harm you, it's only fair

depends on the extreme

some cases no, some cases yes

They, like always, will blame everyone but themselves about it.

She's korean

You can be unethical and self-interested without hurting society.
I got my first job as a programmer at age 19 after teaching myself, I wanted to move up ASAP so I could get paid more. I manipulated my co-workers, boss, and his boss and convinced all of them to quit or do something to get fired within 4 months. After only 4 months I more than tripled my salary and took my boss' boss position.
I didn't hurt society while greatly benefiting since the people I convinced to quit were pieces of garbage and it is a private for profit company, so it doesn't matter if they go out of business or anything else bad happens to them.

If you convince an entire society to be ethical, then you wouldn't need to worry about your own interest


because it's the right thing to do

because it's the same thing

because you have decided to act morally

This tbqh.

so... self interest?


I'm one person among millions, i'm not going to affect shit and even if i did it's likely to only fully manifest after i'm dead.

Being ethical is in your own self interest. Anyone who doesn't lead their lives ethically is not living the best life they could live, you're screwing yourself.