This gem is about to go to the moon

Do not miss the easiest 100%

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Meanwhile EDG moons.

EDG gonna bounce down, while TRIG is bouncing up, your money, dont cry like a baby once it dips and you miss 100% gains on TRIG

but why

It pumped to 70k or around there a day or two ago. It's at 30k now.

Why does this thread exist you wonder? Not because of a moon mission but rather because of the bags OP is now holding being 50% down.

Think again, this is friendly advice, not everyone gets to drive a lambo

Why would this moon? I also saw some posts about this on twitter. I'll consider it though!

Bought 10mBTC for a laugh, lets see how full of shitty bags OP is. GLA

Ah, makes sense. OP missed his chance to make money now they want to pump up the price so they can get away with a little profit and dignity before this thing goes back to 5k

or you cant even read? They are having huge announcement in a few hours, ignorant and dumb, perfect combination OP

What are we talking about here? what kinda news? Any new development in the horizon?

check internet, twitter even, sorry too busy making money. Among all others they should announce some big partnership and some more good news

So is this token literally going to be used to pull the trigger on your glock? If so I'm going to long this hard. So many cops would be buying this shit right up so they can unload into a brother.

Let me tell u this.. As a gun toting, freedom loving, trump voting american whos from the south and now lives in the north..

Trig is an absolute shitcoin, and i wouldnt touch the commiecrapcoin even if it was guaranteed to give me gains..

I can make gains off any coin with enough patience,and still have pride in myself to not touch some piece of shit like trig.

Guys for real. Check EDG out. Its going up. Lets ride it.

good life driving toyota

Could've done a better job at shilling this. I'm asking for a PhD on the matter, just a quick line about it. With this kind of reply you sound like you're trying to dump bags user.

Useless shitcoin

No jackass

Its a token that takes the trigger off your glock, leaving u with nothing but your little weiner in your hand.

He really could. They did make an announcement.

They released the white paper.


This whitepaper is complete trash.

I bought this at 31k and want to dump my bags.

wtf is edg?

which part did you not like?

sold that 10mBTC I bought after reading that whitepaper. Literal fucking dogshit 2 page mongo work. Still made 5% so im happy.

It looks like it was written by a third grader. Honestly no white paper would have been a lot better than this.

It's still pumping though so not sure what to do.

People still buying this? Did you guys not get the warnings from others a few days ago about this coin?

What warning?

they have huge announcement in an hour

he is speaking nonsense

Give us an actual link to confirm you're not just a bagholding little retard buddy. All I see is a 2 pages "whitepaper" explaining how a fucking SD card works.

I shared a picture at what price I bought before making this post and as I told you about EDG it gonna go down in flames... while TRIG gonna moon starting 30ish minutes from now

I'm not. The lead dev massively shill this coin to no end. They constantly post "pump posts" and then retweet other people's pump posts on twitter. They post things and "ideas" that aren't even related to what they are doing to hype themselves up. They then post random "partnerships" that nobody has heard from or never even happened. In fact, most of the plans they have haven't even happened yet. They also burned 70 million coins THAT weren't even in circulation trying. Their whitepapers look like some refridgerator to-do-list. There is not even much info on the science behind it and how it is all going to even work. A lot of people here bought in at around 22 cents and then sold at around 1 dollar to $1.10 at the first pump and have not bought back in. I was one of them as they made it feel really uneasy to hold. The coin is completely useless. Pic in image is the dev shilling and it wasn't even his first time saying that. If you buy now, enjoy the gains but be wary. It's being shilled now only because people bought ATH or bought in now and hope it will pump as this coin has been pumped a lot lately.

time will tell. For what they have now, they are undervalued by market cap and have big news soon, plus rebound from the dip is usual thing especially with what is going on, I have been in this market for a long time and opportunity like this one does not come often

yep user, dont worry about the fact that it mooned nearly 3000% in less than a month, there's SURELY more upside to this totally legit coin
fucking kek