Authorship's PR Disaster

Did anyone else watch as Authorship fucking lit themselves on fire as a company today?

PR guy got into personal fights with users on bitcointalk, flip-flopped on company policy to try and please literally everyone (hundreds of people) who were messaging and emailing him and completely destroyed his entire company's reputation in under an hour.

You can take a look at the past 40 pages of the thread if you're so inclined:

Entire thing is a chaotic clusterfuck.

Did anyone else here witness this today or just me?

Other urls found in this thread:

This is a relevant business event which took place today and NONE of you saw it?

Goddammit Veeky Forums stop shilling EDG and NEO for one fucking second to talk about this.

post some highlights man

I smoke weed and if you're not left winger, you're a white suppremecist

didn't even receive referral bonuses fucking faggots

Quick rundown? Am I getting my FREE $10 :^)

Just here to shill mgti..

I checked in on it a couple times.

I never got my ATS, most of these ICO launches are just straight disasters. Its like none of them have done any sort of research into anything they attempt.

faked about 3k tokens, all safe and sound over my wallets, but I'm afraid at this rate they'll be worth 2€

Go read the bitcointalk thread.

Their decision changes every few posts. They flip flopped back and forth on whether you will or won't get them about 10 times, trying to fit everyone's needs.

It's a fucking shitshow.
Nobody fucking knows.

Peter should 100% be fired for this and he's destroyed the entire program. Today's events alone will likely destroy all faith anyone ever has in ATS and hence severely damage the Authorship company.

Reee, Im supposed to have like 2k from sharing the link on some crypto forums and it never came through.

I failed to fill out the withdrawal form in time and am now fucking waiting for mine to come through.

He says
>90% of them have now been distributed
Yet it seems like everyone is still waiting.

Who the fuck even knows anymore

on half of those tokens I didn't even bother to use a different IP

the link to the bitcointalk page only contains posts saying the relevant posts have been deleted. I don't know what we should discuss here.

I'm also not "shilling" Neo, I would like to discuss the SmartContract stuff with anybody who knows a bit about it.


I knew this coin was pants-on-fire bullshit with all of the affiliate shilling that went on. Didn't get involved beyond that.


LBRY Credits did the same thing refusing to payout for referrals. TrueFlip did the same thing and changed their program after getting all the free traffic.

They always claim too many cheaters so they just dont payout or payout very few people instead of actually doing work and auditing the referral program.

>affiliate shilling
This. I'd never invest in shit that is so greatly shilled on Facebook and shit.

Peter the PR guy was practically screaming at people today "WE ONLY DID THIS CAUSE YOU ALL SAID IT WAS A GOOD IDEA BUT IT DIDN'T HELP US WHY ARE YOU STILL MAD AT US?!?!"

Like a fucking teenager.
I swear to god this is an indian scam despite claiming to be based in Maryland.

I got my 12k ATS Coins
Thanks tor browser


I'm still waiting for mine.

First come first serve my ass.

their thing looks like shit with that stupid fucking image anyway

would never buy that bullshit

>mfw people who invested thousands of dollars received 0 and I received 1200 just by signing up with Tor a bunch of times

>mfw this shit is selling for 5 cents on Etherdelta, which is 1/3 the ICO price, but even at that price not a single person is buying

Lmao even fucking Timereum, which had no purpose and was given away for free with nothing more than an email address, had better turnout than this.

Holy shit lol it's like they lit their company on fire.

Witness it?
Holy shit, I was reading in a closed german facebook group about cryptos, where almost 50% of the people were absolutely balls deep in this useless shitcoin.

You could feel the desperation.
The resignation.
Holy shit, I hope some of these retards offed themself already. Tinfoilers as its best - thinking that germany is not a state, anti-vaxxers... it was hilarious.

It's now like 1/3 the ICO price. And the team even sent out an email GUARANTEEing that it would be at least at or above the ICO price. They guarantee it, which considering they're a US-based company isn't even legal. But then they went on to say it will likely go to 5 or 10x the ICO price.

Now it's at 1/3 the price and they raised like 4 million dollars.

All because of this retarded PR guy named Petre (who pretends he's an American and his name is spelled Peter).