Who else is almost zero'd out here?

What are you guys doing to cope?

I've been the floor covered by a blanket, staring at my fan, and listening to spacey ambient music for most of the day. Just wondering where it all went wrong.

laying under a blanked?

you should working to get your money back

Were you fucking with pajeet alts or something?

I can almost understand a 40% drawdown in the last week or so, but 0?

Tell us your story, user. Pretty hard to lose everything in this bull market... did you trade on margin?

your post...
too sad user for me cannot stand it

Yobit is a meme, OP. You aren't actually supposed to go there.

Its been a month long process.


Tbf, that money is gone, he cannot get it back. He can only make other money now.

Damn never chase FOMO is the lesson here

How can you zero out?

Ahh... You're buying into bad technicals on FOMO.

Stop listening to biz shills, dude. Anyone who says "BUY THIS BUY THIS BUY THIS" is probably trying to dump bags... and you're already late by the time you see the second shill post.

General rules for Veeky Forums shilling:

- If you're going to buy, buy the first time you see the post

- Look at the chart. Has it pumped in the last 30 days? You're probably getting dumped on.

- If you're early, and it hasn't pumped, then set a stop-loss that has you making money so you get out with your pants on and a couple new shiny buttons.

just hold that adex
100 by january

I'm holding adex bags right now. But from my understanding op bought high sold low for bat and repeated buying high and sold low until he lost it all. So no more bags left to hodl

shoulda held onto that bat you brainlet


Thank you retard for buying at ATH

Someone had to hold the bags when I sold after all.


Yes rode Adex from 28k to 16k, Bat from 6.5k to 4.7, and bts from 3.3 to now.

Was all in each time.. Kind of regret that!

But I kept saying, just need to get 4 bitcoins then I can start diversifying and Trading safer.

user that is what i am doing. I am listening to deep house while in my bed shitposting on a laptop as I attempt to mourn the loss of my crypto gains.


I lost like $5

you're not very good at this huh.

literally all you had to do was hold BAT

My gains in the past couple months are all gone, down to my principle, perhaps slightly below it.
I've fucked myself by missing out on ARK despite holding it for most of its previous downtrend.
Currently looking for the nearest dumbbridge so I can end this.

I was when I followed my set rules. Unfortunately I traded those out for the holding meme.

Oh well. If bts can moon to 6k soon that'd be great. I think it would have had bitcoin not died. Unfortunately they blew their load with all the news so it seems they're dead in the water.

doing pretty bad myself but luckily with Ethbet launching tomorrow im gonna buy in on block one, maybe list it instantly see if i can instant 2x within the day if not wait a few days