Post historical figures that are literally you

Post historical figures that are literally you

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You've had Czechs make an attempt on your life?



ahh based kaltenbrummer. good choice.

pic related is me because I'm autistic like him and i look somewhat similar. my eyes are larger and i don't have a receding hairline but the long face and nose is me.

Nobody fucked with based Kaltenbrunner until after he was beaten into several strokes.


I hope you're blasted to pieces by a bunch of Czech partisans like your hero. Off yourself stormnigger.

Nnnnnnngggg... schöner kleiner jude




i never said he's my hero :(

All the men in my family look a lot like Oliver Cromwell. Kind of funny since we're Irish.

>kinda shy (unless I'm in court its weird)
>well meaning
>fucked over by a chad I thought was my friend

I am greatly respected in Finland.

You referred to Ernst Kaltenbrunner, a fucking war criminal, as "based." By your stormfag Nazi fetishizing and /pol/ lingo, I assume you are, indeed, a stormfaggot.


ummmm, excuse me, but you called him a storm n-word, and that's just not okay - this kind of folksy racism may be acceptable in your sisterfucking hovel, but not here.
go back to /pol/, then kys yourself.

You're the fertility goddess of a cult of Bomber Harris worshippers on a Mongolian basket weaving forum?

That's actually pretty cool

Heydrich ws the one who got killed. not Kaltenbrunner

And yes, Kaltenbrunner was based.

>someone else who appreciates taft on Veeky Forums
nice. this calls for a rare Taft meme

>Kaltenbrunner was based.

He wasn't even that good at his fucking job. Nazi Germany had one of the worst performances in terms of intelligence gathering and espionage. He fucked up Unternehmen Weitsprung (which would've severely hampered coordination between the Big Four had it been even only partially successful) and fell repeated Allies ruses.

He was a terrible excuse for an intelligence chief whose only noteworthy accomplishments was mass murdering innocent people.

>Unternehmen Weitsprung

>falling this easily for Soviet propaganda

I am actually a spitting image of Felix Yusupov, homosexual Russian count who killed Rasputin.

yeah nice false flag post you got there stormNIGGER

>being gay on a history board
welcome to the Greek section

essentially me

gonna be murdered soon, mark my words


>tfw you will never cuck that chicken farming mongolian aryanboo

>this is leftypol in action

Isn't he literally the only Nazi to show fear before the hanging?

leftipol are commies, they don't give a fuck about race, newfag

Thank you for your service


Yeah, and you're against him, which mean you support fucking Soviet war criminals you dolt




The guy was crafty enough to cuck Himmler just because his apprentice got taken from him

>The Virgin Himmler vs The Chad Kaltenbrunner

The Virgin "Aryan"
>Get fucked up so hard you fear Chad more
than the Hitler
>Become Chad's puppet
The Chad Obergruppenfuhrer
>Will screw you and your friend over for taking his apprentice
>Befriends everyone that you screwed over to prepare for your impending doom

Kaltenbrunner groomed a young Adolf Eichmann, who was then stolen by Heydrich. Kaltenbrunner complained, Himmler did nothing and it became clear that Heydrich was getting perferental treatment from the boss.

So Kaltenbrunner shut his mouth and went back to work. He quietly started fostering relationships with other SS officials whom Himmler and Heydrich shunned or mistreated.

He proceeded then to the National Socialist government and made deep rooted connections with Albert Speer (A man whose position Himmler coveted to the point of plotting an assassination of Speer) and Martin Bormann (Who had the keys to access with Hitler and immensely mistrusted Himmler)

With Bormann as a friend, Kaltenbrunner now had direct access to Hitler. It was Kaltenbrunner who nominated his personal friend Otto Skorzeny to the assignment of saving Mussolini. With that, Kaltenbrunner earned the favour of Hitler

The real kicker is that Kaltenbrunner's greatest aid to his rise to controlling the SS was Himmler and Heydrich. Heydrich went on an open top tour of Lidice and as a result Himmler was saddled with all of Heydrich's responsibility of the internal security of the Reich. Himmler was a lazy man and dumped it off on the seemingly stupid and loyal Kaltenbrunner.

With that the trap closed on Himmler. Kaltenbrunner now had the most political clout of the SS in his hands and became puppet master to Himmler for the duration of the war. Himmler had lost all his power except for his name and friendship to Hitler. The only reason Kaltenbrunner likely didn't just dispose of him. Thanks to Himmler and Heydrich's showboating and infamy, when Kaltenbrunner was placed on trial he was presented as just another high ranking SS man when in reality he was the one to carry out most of the holocaust. from 1943 on.

Himmler was quoted by the Swedish emissary at the the end of the war to saying that he feared Kaltenbrunner more then he did Hitler when the betrayal became known.


Dude Taft was based he just gets overshadowed by Teddy’s personality. He broke up WAY more trusts than Roosevelt ever did, but who gets remembered as the trustbuster?

Reinstated the income tax, approved high tariffs, regulated business without congress approval, increased presidential powers, set bad standards for the future imperial presidents.

I admire this man a lot

Honestly he was not in charge of the system in Congo and didn't know what was going on. He was just happy he was getting his rubber.

even if he knew, who would unironically choose to not collect all that money and wealth?

literally figuratively me

>using literally figuratively

Urrrrgghh, you utterly disgust me, particularly on a board which is supposed to be about the humanities.

You deserve random Muslim anime.

T H E O N L Y G I R L I ' V E E V E R L O O O O O O O O O O O O O V E D


Is that Roman Von Sternberg?
I look a lot like Trotsky and had a similar early life (well off working class family) can't say I became a communist though.

thats cool cheers for that. he looks like a powerful and terrifying man.

want me to kill you with an ice pick?

that obscure guy who isnt know for anything

On all levels except physical, I am Michael Wittmann

>Literally Hitler

Is ice pick a euthanism for something .... Bigger?

EP and I go way back

I take it Kaltenbrunner took Heydrich's place in coordinating the Final Solution after his death?

Yes, Kaltenbrunner was the who enacted Herydrich's plans and arguably made it worse. Heydrich wasn't anti-semtie. He was a carreerist who saw the Jews destructions as a stepping stone. Kaltenbrunner was a genuine Anti-semite and ramped up the misery in contrast to the quick clean extermination Heydrich wanted.

Killing Heydrich was probably the worse thing that could have happened.

>Killing Heydrich was probably the worse thing that could have happened.

It would've saved a lot of lives had the British done it a mere eight months earlier. Without Heydrich's organization skill, getting the Final Solution off the ground would've taken a lot longer. At the very least, it would've bought many of the victims a few extra months of life.

Also, had Heydrich lived and not been captured (very likely given his resourcefulness), he might've put his skills to use helping Nazis escape the Allied dragnet or worse, jumpstarted a legitimate Nazi insurgency (i.e. Man with the Iron Heart by Harry Turtledove).

I'd Heydrich was definitely too dangerous to be left alive and that the Allies' greatest mistake was not killing him much earlier.

Alright. Killing him before Wannsee was the best course of action, but leaving him alive post Wannsee until the end of the war would have been preferable to giving Kaltenbrunner the keys to the Reich security network and extermination program.

Whatever the case, at least we got to see that the Heydrich sociopathy was only limited to Reinhard.

Big Bill was too good for us.

Heinz Heydrich, a misguided lad in that he foolishly followed his brother into the Nazi ideology. But still, when confronted with the bestial nature of the Third Reich's atrocities (largely perpetrated by his brother no less), he did everything in his power to stop it.

Too bad he decided to destroy his brother's Wannsee Conference documents. He should've tried to have them smuggled to the Western Allies if anything. Putting the detailed plans for the Final Solution into the hands of Roosevelt and Churchill would've meant they could have explored military options to derail it. Directing the Polish Home Army to attack the camps, flattening them with airstrikes as soon as they came within range of Allied bombers (albeit this wouldn't have really been possible until 1944, too late for most victims), arming Jewish guerrillas, or simply warning collaborators that they would suffer the consequences if they cooperated in the Final Solution. At the very least, the documents would have been useful in establishing guilt and would've gotten a lot more Nazi leaders their well-earned appointment with the hangman.

heydrich wasn't an antisemite? this is news to me. i thought he was one of the most vehement anti-semites of the lot

>Heydrich wasn't an antisemite

Antisemtism requires hate and ignorance, and by all accounts Heydrich wasn't a man who wasted his time hating anything or anyone that did not go out of his way to directly interfere with him.

The eradication and removal of the Jew was just a job first. At first he tried it with deportation and population transfers. Signing agreements with Zionists before the war, and then when Germany controlled Vichy France as a puppet attempted to begin a program of deporting the Jews to Madagascar. When the Allies took the island and the war in Russia started, the Jewish matter in occupied lands began to be seen as a resource drain, so the pressure to find a solution was on, and so Heydrich and his boss came to the decision to simply kill or work them to death.

I'm not married so everyone thinks I'm gay.

>gasses you
>nothing personal Untermensch

Based Machiavelli

The word became widespread in 1600+ ad. Name me an event that was the cause.


Literally me.


im not even memeing

>tfw to smart too not be a pedophile


>Also, had Heydrich lived and not been captured (very likely given his resourcefulness), he might've put his skills to use helping Nazis escape the Allied dragnet or worse, jumpstarted a legitimate Nazi insurgency (i.e. Man with the Iron Heart by Harry Turtledove).
>we will never live in the universe where Heydrich lives through the war, escapes Germany and forms SPECTRE
genuinely upset right now

Surprised no one's put up Hitler yet


similar looks, almost the same height, same autistic personality/mannerisms, illegible handwriting, similar views on certain subjects such as religion, etc., and although we do not share the same birthday, mine is only two days off from his

tfw i'll never be even a fraction of one percent as great as he was


Have been told I sort of look like Mikhail Fonvizin.

What a true legend

any historical figures that are handsome and talented wastrels?



My Grandfather was in his 20s and 30s the spitting image of Reza Shah, a former Shahanshah of Iran.

Did nothing wrong desu

I might be remembering this story wrong, but wasn't there some poet or something who died of either exhaustion or starvation because he spent all his money constantly fucking prostitutes all day and therefore he either couldn't afford to eat or just didn't bother to take breaks to?