The British army can't fi-

The British army can't fi-

*loses empire*

-ght without allies

Fighting Russians doesn't count.

*gets btfo by turks*

French did the most in that war

75% of engaged soldiers were Brits.

>Fights against the Russians to preserve the Ottoman Empire in 1853
>Fights against the Ottomans to preserve the Russian Empire in 1914

What did the Anglo mean by this?

In 1853 the Ottomans had more allies
In 1914 the Russians had more allies

Brits always fight on the most numerous side

>hating Britain for being smart

75% of the soldiers were British
and they did 25% of the fighting

Sounds awfully.... Perfidious?

>to preserve the Russian Empire in 1914

Balance of power. The Russian and Ottoman empires were always fairly evenly matched, but in the 19th century things started to become lopsided in Russia's favor, which could basically become a hegemon over all of eastern Europe and central Asia if the Ottoman Empire was allowed to collapse. So the Brits supported the Ottomans. But in the 20th century, the threat of Russia was overtaken by the threat of Germany, who threatened to outstrip Britain as the world's leading industrial power (well, besides the USA, but as far as everyone back then was considered the Americas were a different world). So Britain sided with Russia, even agreeing to give them suzerainty over Constantinople, which would've been unthinkable previously.

It's almost as if nations aren't completely static objects and change over time

>Fights against the Ottomans to preserve the Russian Empire
Yeah because Russian empire was in grave danger of getting destroyed by the Ottomans.

the british and the ottomans have the same number of casualties....

fight smarter not harder

Turks only count as half of a person, at best


Don't forget how they lost the second cod war, and the third cod war

That was the first time russians ever held a siege. They btfo swedes later, cucking their empire


Nothing to do with fighting ability.

they won the Turbot War though

What the fuck is Jule.

it's last christmas u dummby diumb

This was the war where british small arms outranged russian artillery, the technological difference was absurd.


The Crimean War articles simply got better sources. The ones before were Russian language ones non-ironically saying that the coalition took far greater casualties than the Russians in the war in spite of all conventional military logic and the fact that the Russians A. had more men, and B. lost.

>British naval supremacy

The edit wars that have taken place when Britbongs try to oppose someone listing this war as a clear Spanish victory are great.

>keeping down opposing powers by siding with the majority
damn those anglos are genius

and when they get isolated they are quick to peace out

Holy fucking shit
You mean to tell me
That the strategic goals of a nation
After 61 years
During a period of immense geopolitical change and social upheaval?
Whoa man, I think you might need to slow down.
