What do Spaniards think about the Spanish Civil War? Does it still divide society to this today...

What do Spaniards think about the Spanish Civil War? Does it still divide society to this today? Is it acceptable to talk about it in public?

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>spanish """"""""""women""""""""""

Going with the OP, is there a regional component to these feelings? It looks like much of the war was an east-west conflict.

derp, I forgot the link


>east-west conflict.
No way man, it was all too messed up to put into such simple terms

east and west were testing their new technology using spanish monkeys as experiment

the east experimented on republicans and the west experimented on the nationalists

you are pathetic, i bet you lack social life

It's a given that other nations were performing military testing over there, what's the issue?

stop persecuting me you basterd !

>tfw no qt strongjawed spanish red gf

You know Franco raped her upon retaking the city. Her tears were from the pain and for her lost idealism, shattered by the failure of the Spanish Republic and the war

a fucking refugee

More like a South - North conflict. The South, mostly poor farmers, supported the Republic. The North had more aristocrats and wealthy industrialists, who backed the fascists.

She was a fucking reporter. This photo is literally the only time she every carried a rifle


still would desu

Why are Carlists even a thing?

Fucking move on, holy shit.

>ywn fight alongside qts for your freedom

delete this

>she's in her lover's arm hiding from the artillery pounding the city is getting

>"i'm scared Carlos"

>before he can respond the door is kicked open and in walks Franco

>Franco immediately shoots Carlos in the head, splattering her with his blood

>As she's crying Franco grabs her and shoves her onto the table where the flag of Republican Spain is lying

>as she feels each thrust of Franco's large cock she sobs and sees her tears and carlos' blood soak the flag of the defeated

chiling with da bois

why does everyone on this board specifically space their posts like a goddamn retard


Absolutely not, there was a lot of strong republican support in the North

Go back to your pillow you lowlife fag

t. not even a dirty gringo

Except the Industrials centers in the north, save Zaragoza where in the republican side (Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa [steel, naval, weapons], Asturias [coal] or Catalunya [lots of things]).

I imagine it's a big deal in Catalonia, but I don't know that.

Spaniard here, it still creates debate, specially with familiars of republicans who got shot and are searching for the corpses and people on the right like the government support franco and doesn t want to do anything against it.



What % of people support the Republicans and what % supports the Francoists? I assume it varies based on region. What's it like where you are in?

You mean Guipúzcoa, Biscay, and Catalonia right friend? All of those areas are Spanish and always will be :)

Another Spaniard here, a relative of mine used to be a captain in the republican side, when they lost the war he was forced into exile. In my area (north of Valencia, Castellón) and specially in the zone I live in (not the actual Castellón) people tend to be more left leaning and supporters of republicans (unless they are outsiders) basically because of the repression from Franco's side who forced them to use Spanish names rather than Valencian (Catalonian) names and basically tried to repress our language n culture

I can t say for sure but a good aproach is to see the votes of the elections, people who votes to the right usually like him and the opposite for the left. I live near cadiz in the south and i think the above applies.my grandma for example really likes franco, says "esto con franco no pasaba"(this with franco didn`t happen) a popular saying for people who like franco

My country romanticizes the Republic, probably since we were one of the only two countries to openly support them (Mexico)

Question for Spaniards, what do big Republic fans think of our support? Or do only the Soviets get attention?

For what i learned at school all the attention goes to the soviets, but thats spanish education, we also didnt learn of the french and british not helping at all

Sixties Henry is the true king of Spain


Your grandmother sounds like a good woman.

>Question for Spaniards, what do big Republic fans think of our support? Or do only the Soviets get attention?

We think you're a bunch of weirdos who LARP as native Americans while speaking Spanish, having Spanish names and having these weird daddy issues (hating the European side of your heritage because muh indigenismo).

In short, eat a dick you subhuman.

Spanish civil war was gestated by all the fucking world except Spain. We were puppeted by america and europe (the WHOLE EUROPE)to a fascist protectorate that sided with whichever prefeered and ruled by a low class general that eliminated the 6 ones that were above him and went full gestapo with his popular militia(look for falangism and authentic falangism) meanwhile the rest of spain was mixed with commies,republicans, plebs and normal ,inocent people who inhireted a broken spain ruled by olygarchs that still have roots from UEFA to the tinyest townhall.
Right wing antisemitsm commyie hahting is fully accepted in Spain except for three elements.
Gays, racism and fascism/nazism.
Homophobia is prosecuted as shekels by the Jidf.
You can say openly you dislike X culture and that it should be, erased or castrated and that they should learn from us but never based on his skin(except if they are gipsyes or chinese). But wich country doesnt?
Fascism/nazism. If you talk about this openly or point its good points you are ostraziced or feared as you could be related to a nazi gang. The ones you see on the news nowadays is caused by theese guys. They are very well organized and work together. Maybe 1000 per small city besides people that also fall on the right side of politics ally with them/usw them.
Civil war was a disgrace and represents the utmost core of spain. We are full of hate and talking about it is considered gossiping and for dorks as it should be painful how we were used by other countries(fucking Guernica), but in the end was necesary to enter on the "circle".

We are not divided but more or less redpilled. Both sides were full of hate and commited the most atrocius crimes while rescuing half of the population. It was a purge


retard. there were republicans and nationalists all over the country

Daily reminder Franco was the biggest beta out of all 20th century dictators

This is why I hate Spaniards. As ashamed as I am of Mexico today, how fucking ironic that they are the most famous Spanish speaking country, with an economy that dwarfs Spain. For all the major issues Mexico has, it will somehow outlive Spain; a broken nation trapped in the glory of it's past with no scientific or political legacy, a declining population and the ever growing presence of moorish and negroid immigrants. Let's not even get into the economic nightmare Spain is currently in, patiently waiting to rob Greece of the spotlight as Europe's new ground zero for financial catastrophe.

You all deserve to rot into the dustbin of history.

I don't hate you guys...

It's a rare health issue called plebbit spacing
Sadly, it's become much more common in recent timea due to all the inbreeding

It is recognized and thanked by people who care about it.
Which are a minory.
>Lo cubrirá con orgullo la bandera de México- Para nosotros será un privilegio, para los republicanos una esperanza, y para ustedes, una dolorosa lección.

You guys are not mentioned anywere, we are taught about voluntaries, most of them from the anglosphere supporting republicans and catholic nations and fascist helping the nationals

Also it is known that many families ran to mexico, so thats something
You are the "most" famous spanish speaking country because you border the US and nothing else, you think canada is relevant? think again, bucko. Also:

>Economy that dwarf Spain:
still not getting fucked by narcos
>Trapped in the past
Kind of
>No scientific or political legacy
Haha, yes
>Declining population
Like the rest of the first world countries
>Let's not even get into the economic nightmare Spain is currently in, patiently waiting to rob Greece of the spotlight as Europe's new ground zero for financial catastrophe.
We are the most growing economy inside the EU baby!

gilipollas me cago en la leche

>Is it acceptable to talk about it in public?
Not beyond the academic sphere.

Hundreds of thousands were murdered and a monarchy was imposed by fire and blood, yet people are not allowed to question this narrative. Nobody from Franco's dictatorship was ever punished, the King is supposed to be considered some sort of hero and nobody knows why (holding free elections in exchange for untold wealth and having a throne given to you doesn't seem like a big sacrifice).

Every now and then Franco's mass graves are still discovered around the country and people choose to look the other way.


lol we give you munition , and a lot of french volunteer join your rank . :(

Franco was a Catholic he wouldn't do that you retard.

so beta he's the only one who survived and didn't go full retard and get his ass kicked like all the other european fascist powers, and instead stayed in power till 1976, btfo communism, reinstated the monarchy, did an economic miracle.

>And he lived happily ever after
How did he do it?

Even Spain in its actual state is hundred time better than Mexico you beaner

Not a spaniard btw, belgian.

Not joining the Axis.

>hundred times better
Nah. I would say it's just 2-3 times better.

so you're a spanish rapebaby

>Says the fucking dominican
Kill yourself, subhuman.

wow man, too harsh

He using my username and post as me, don't fall for it you retard, I will never say something so childish like that