

>get a young man to impregnate your roastie wife
>hoard all the prime boipucci for yourself
don't see the problem desu

This Hellene gets it

meanwhile in Athens they wouldn't even take their wives to their orgies

dear faggot please fuck off with your shitty fetish, we're fine thanks

>this post
Clearly not made by a Greek erudite, warrior or philosopher

in the defense of the Spartans if you were a man you were probably gonna die int he next war and the women get all the property when you die so who cares what kid is yours.
Thats why sparta failed and became nothing more then a city of losers by the time of rome

>matriarchy where women control all finances and men are nothing more than disposable sources of labor and wealth and are sent off thanklessly to die in endless wars

The Spartans prefigured the 20th and 21st centuries pretty well.

>a city of losers
More like a resort town where the wealthy went to see prime boys get sensually and erotically beaten and whipped.

When nobody provides a serious answer to your thread on cuckoldry in Ancient Sparta so you make a new thread with the correct answer

what did he mean by this

I find it more likely that such claims are politically motivated in order to justify modern "progressive" societal models by referring to the past, together with the claim that at a certain point in history it was just the same and that people would get used to it again.

It's a quite common pattern nowadays.

Any thread on ancient history will have mentions of boipussy. It's one of the best aspects of the era.

>book cited is 15 years old

don't even need to click your link to know that it ultimately cites plutarch, a boeotian who was talking shit 500+ years after the height of Spartan power.

Exactly. I've noticed Elagabalus getting a few mentions in the media in the last 12 months, for some reason.

An Emperor who was widely ridiculed and condemned for his behaviour, and then assassinated...

boipussy isn't gay

are there any greek cities as petty and worthless as the boeotians?
>see that the spartans are making an empire
>try and make a league of your own, only its a religious confederation
>still subjugate cities that constantly rebel and seek foreign aide
>make deal with athens when you invade plataia
>stab them in the back (they literally charged the backs of athenian soldiers)
>still lose
>side with persians in the second invasion
>still lose (to the athenians again LOL)
>lose your entire confederation to athens in the aftermath of the persian invasion
>cry to sparta to draw out their forces so you can "heroically" reclaim your subjects
>side with sparta during peloponnesian war
>still get bitchslapped by athens in the first half (who also bitchslapped sparta aswell)
>do nothing of noteworthiness in the second half, even when athens is severly crippled
>wait until sparta suffers from a revolt and humiliating naval defeat before you make your "hegemony"
>accomplish nothing of noteworthiness military wise (your most famous fighters were all fags LOL) or culturally
>get bitchslapped by macedon like thirty years into your "hegemony"
>have some salty historian talk banter about the previous greek cities, even though the city he came from was the "literal who" of greek cities
>also steal your city name from the ancient greek settlement of the SAME NAME

Will USA be reduced to a small village by the time the Chinese conquer the region?

I think Sparta is a good example of eugenics in an ancient world setting. When I think of Sparta, I think of Brave New World but for people without modern tech.

so Sparta was an ancient Gachimuchi ?