MUH Bancor encapsulates the network effect



Other urls found in this thread:

you fall in love with ceo



If it does have a network effect it's not until smart token reserves are bought or token changers are created. Obviously.

Don't hold BNT until any of this is proven to work if you think it's scam..

They all look so trustworthy

>40 lines of code

Damn I remember the threads before the ICO, with all those fuckers denying reality like they were possessed when you tried to told them something a little bit negative about bancor. Hope they read this and will feel like the huge shit they are


bancor is literally unstoppable

Her eyes look so soulless.

They have handled PR terribly and updates have been lacking but none of these accusations would exist if people got their flip and it stayed above ICO.

At least rooster red writes an article describing potential problems with bancor tokens. Most of you know nothing and just parrot other posters.

You trusted your money with a crypto company run by a girl?

Most girls can't even stop their underwear from getting crotch rot stains by the end of the work day, and you're trusting one with your money?

>You trusted your money with a crypto company run by a girl?
See. Knows nothing and doesn't research. It's not run by a girl.

i warned you it was created by commie jews


It's ok. Your ability to be cucked does not go questioned.

The cracks are beginning to show in that bagholder facade, BILU spammers.

haha, made me kek.

Why did you doubt /pol/ ?


Even worse, it's run by jews.

Bancor will pump next week. Sceencap this. Telegram mentioned launch next week and they previously talked about tpkenchangers and web3 .0 integration in the blog so you know this will be huge.

there just needs to be several functional and completed projects using the Bancor protocol. There currently is nothing. STOX doesn't count because you can bet on anything yet, but later on it should help jack up the BNT.

I'm certain that KICKICO will be an immense help though. 300 projects coming down the pipe on a complete and functioning program.

As that balloons with ICO's, as well as other projects only then will we see growth.

I know people are sick of waiting, but KICKICO will be the first indicator of how this all works together. I am betting that the token changer will come shortly after, and that will also pump bancor in a big way.

Until then, Bancor is subject to toil away with random fluctuation, but when token changers and KICK ICO hit, it will be big. BNT and KICKICO are good investments right now.

But really have a look at the kick ico main page, they have 7 decent ICO's ready to go.
>GraphGrail AI is the world’s first Artificial Intelligence platform for Blockchain, built on top of a natural language processing technology and a DApp marketplace
>Re-engagement platform for airlines and travel is a blockchain based that helps airline and travel companies to build loyal customers, increase sales and improve conversion by re-engaging website visitors effectively via web push notification, email, SMS and on-site display using big data and marketing...
>Devia is a Decentralized Cloud and AI driven marketplace where companies pay users for their anonymous data, and use this data to deliver products or services that better serve society....
>ENVIENTA-We are building the new way of living with open sourced innovative technologies at it’s heart. We share knowledge of everything around you in a household: - Smart garden - Smart home - Renewables - Robotics - 3D printing...
>GoNetwork is going to disrupt the trillion dollar virtual content and mobile economy! Just imagine... Using cryptocurrency in all the games and apps you use. Earn crypto by playing games or using apps and much more!Trade assets! Own GoTokens? Just sit back and earn daily by staking! Developed by seasoned app entrepreneurs who have created apps that are featured by Apple. Achieved top spots on the AppStore worldwide! Apps with over 15 million download will start using GoToken by the end of 2017!4

This is going to be huge for BNT.

with ((())) you lost.

/pol/ is always right


I want to leave this place for 3 years with all my money in BNT and come back to spit in your faces

Read this. It is very important information to know as the Bancor backed coins get released.

I can't wait If/when BNT ever hits 100. Gonna be epic. And i think pretty good chance it happens.

How come Bancor is mooning today?

"partnerships" probably.
I pity any legitimate project that tries working with this kikecoin.

BNT has potential to be $342 its mathematically there.

You got

Plain and simple, "partnerships" as you put it inject money right into Bancor. They tie up a percentage of their funds in BNT.

Who cares if BNT dropped in the past? No shit it did, because it wasn't linked to any projects. Now it can make it's gains.