Well Veeky Forums I never thought I'd get here, but here I am

Well Veeky Forums I never thought I'd get here, but here I am.

>$780 in my checking account
>$480 on my credit cards
>$320 for car registration due the 30th
>$70 for water bill due the 26th

>net worth: -$90
>next paycheck: unknown

I'm so fucking close Veeky Forums. My youtube channel is growing fast, everybody who sees my videos loves them, but google takes ~6 weeks to pay, and amazon takes 8. I am so fucking close to making enough to cover my living expenses. So fucking close.

But I might hit the ground before I get there.

Fuck, Veeky Forums. Fuck me. I'm so fucking close. My expenses are so fucking low. Why can't I just get a break?


Why the fuck is your water bill so high?

Jesus christ, lay off the 2 hour showers.


get a loan from mommy

You still have some buying power on that cc. Kneepads are pretty cheap.


It's water and trash service, about $30 each. I live in the southwest so water's pretty expensive. Sharing bills with my roommate, he pays electric.

I've already borrowed 3 grand from mommy at the beginning of this year, to give me enough time to start my channel. It's established, and I'm making basically enough to live on, but like I said, payments are delayed 1-2 months so I won't start getting those big enough paychecks until end of the month/october.

Kek, I actually have just under a $40k combined credit limit. Don't want to carry a balance at all though, if I can avoid it.

Give me your address i'll mail you a bunch of dildos that you can merchant for money

whats ur address so i can come over and fuck you.


Oh sweet, I've always wanted to get into the dildo merchant business. Dragon dildos, right?

I'm asexual

lmao then your net worth is -$3090 you fucking loser

7401 mission st

what type of channel?

>Kek, I actually have just under a $40k combined credit limit. Don't want to carry a balance at all though, if I can avoid it.

15% APR is nothing on $480 desu. It's not ideal, but without investing in some kneepads, the alternative is letting a critical bill lapse or borrowing from Mummy. Since you don't have any real expenses, just run your credit score into the ground for a few years sempai

Excludes phone bill...

your channel? Youtube i'm guessing what's the content

here's the adress of someone as fucked as op (me)


should have read the whole OP saw your pic and got bored. Still want a link OP

Don't pay the water bill, they don't immediately turn your water off, it takes a while.

Family loan not as serious as bank loan. My parents know I'm going to pay it back plus interest, but unlike a bank they won't fuck me over. Thanks parents for your small loan of a million dollars.

fuck how did you know

It's on computers/gaming. Yeah, I know, "everybody is doing it". Difference is I'm doing it better.

Shit, you're probably right user... I was really hoping to never carry a balance, but yes missing a bill would have actual consequences.

Covered by family. Like I said, my living expenses are through the floor, on top of my being a really inexpensive person in general.


should have played spent first

Not usually a fan of debts, but seriously 480$ is like 1 paycheck from a McJob.. you can put a couple of hundreds on that card before you starve to death.

sell drugs

you know what to do op

dick sucking, we all did it, and this time you can take money for it

You gotta do what you gotta m80.