Cracked gunbot - automatic bitcoin exchange profit trader

Gunbot is an automated bot trader for Poloniex, Bittrex, Kraken, Cryptopia.

Original price is 0.1 BTC, I'm selling it for 0.03 BTC (70% discount).
You can contact me and read more here:

WTF I paid 0.1 BTC for it in retail.....

Also, love this bot, making steady 1%-3% gains but you need to have good configs.

Buy from dev, get support and updates, 0.1 btc. Buy from Pajeet, get rat tools and compromised, 0.03 btc.
A bot works that works so well that some faggot needs to sell pirated copies to break even.

support from dev costs another 0.1 BTC
while you can buy it for way cheaper and get free support

Contributing to the demise of BTC by making it extremely volatile.

Fuck off you are scaring investors out of the market.

>selling cracked software
what a fagoot

Did you forget this is Earth? We're earthlings, we eat each other here. Grow some spikes, pussy.

You must be new, bots have been existing since forever.

open source or gtfo, blackhat

>implying your shit won't contain a rootkit

Just an FYI to everyone here... If you're running cracked Gunbot don't be surprised when you discover it made a series of incredibly bad trades and liquidates your bittrex account via the classic biz trading method.

faggots like you have no brain
if I wanted to infect people I would be giving it for free

so even if no rat I would prefer to support the developer unless you really don't have the money...but if thats the case this wont help you make money as you need some base capital to start

can u elaborate on your configs?

why are you selling it then brokefag

one cannot be rich enough

Just bought the bot from OP and its working fine.

Check your DM's, buddy. You got a buyer

anyone willing to share the crack?

is gunbot worth (not this cracked shit, but in general)
does it work?
don't bullshit me

how are is it to configure gunbot? can a literal retard manage to set it up?

if you dont have experience with BTC trading then no
think of it as investment, if you don't know shit then chances are you will lose your money

I don't like guns they make me nervous..

i hope you aren't american then

of course not

only brainlets use bots

Bought Gunbot a while ago from him, made back my money very fast without problems.

What configuration did you use for BBC?

This is 10000000% backdoored

i've been using it for weeks without any problems

Question, average % gain per day?, # transactions per day?

Gunbot its nice, i have one licence and i use it often, but it will be nice to add more exchanges like nova tradesatoshi or mercatox so que can profit from arbitrage

fuck off pajeet.

70% of these posts are pajeets with a vpn.