According to the BBC, Vikings have Islamic heritage

Is this true?

Why did Vikings have 'Allah' embroidered into funeral clothes? -

Because they traded with the Middle East. They also sometimes wore crosses while trading with their Christian neighbours.

Any other questions?

>Tharik Hussain

Is he the brother Junaid Hussain, this famous Briton ?



Or they could have just copied the symbols because they thought it looked cool.



Denying thier Muslim heritage is Whitewashing history, you racist

This. Talking about Islamic influences is like talking about how Danes founded the Ottoman empire or something equally silly.

Don't talk to me about whitewashing, boi


Ever hear of the Varangian Guard?
They were considered the elite troop of the Byzantine emperor. Part of the job of being a Byzantine soldier was fucking with Muslims of the daily, so I'm sure many Varangians sent things back to Scandinavia or brought them back after retiring

>Why did Vikings have 'Allah' embroidered into funeral clothes?

Because the arabic alphabet doesn't look like an alphabeth as much as a decoration to the uninitiated. Thus, it's not impossible to think the guy that was buried with such clothes just asked for a decoration resembling "those fancy decors brownskins have everywhere" and, thus, ended up with the tailor sewing "Allah" on his clothes without even knowing it meant "Allah."

>turning WE WUZ into a meme

It's actually scary when revisionist shit with little evidence is being taught in school and on tv. Like the gay Roman interracial couple in ancient Britain. Isn't that the same kind of revisionism the Nazis used?

>we've discovered some cool archaeological site
>lets explore and use the findings to support our already-existing hypothesis

Who's promoting these ideas anyway? What's the end goal? For the Germans it was national pride, but I think in Europe it's neoliberal international identity.

Idk maybe I'm a conspiracy theorist

>What are the Danishmend

No, the vikings met the moors in spain and reached northern africa, they simply traded slaves and stuff like that, very very rarely fought each other


>Enlarging the patterns and looking at the reflection in a mirror revealed the word 'Allah' (God) in Arabic
The absolute state of archeology.

didn't hitler told his archeologists to stop doing this shit because romans were probably laughing at how primitive germans were back then?

all traitors should thusly come to grief


they also found a jade bhudda.
they were obviously all bhuddists.
they also found roman coins in japan.
they were obviously all roman.

it's because polytheistic pagans are open to the existence of more than one deity.

One japan stopped beheading christians. they just accepted jesus and the Abraham god as just another kami. even the christian japanese i know would make shrine visits on the holidays and had the ancestor shrine in their house.

/pol/ btfo

This, also look up Ahmad ibn Fadlan. Guy was the assistant to an 10th c. Abbasid diplomat who wrote extensively about his encounters with "Rus" and "Varangian" vikings when they were sent deep into what is now Russia. There were travelers, merchants, etc that moved extensively around Europe, the Middle East, India, etc back then.


i think they even got into slapfights in north africa too.

like that coin stamp they found in york.
had the words "st peters money" on it and thors hammer.

>some embroidery
>"see!?? the past was multicultural too, racists btfo"
There shouldn't be anything shocking about cultural exchange, and this is certainly an interesting find, but I guarantee that this will be used by some to push contemporary ideologies that are totally unrelated to this curiosity.

The endgame is "see, your country was ALWAYS full of mud, so don't complain about the tide we're pushing on you this time"

Thanks for summarizing the article, I was too lazy to read it.

Wow, I love mass immigration from Muslim countries into Scandinavia now.

I mean, how can Denmark refuse millions of Egyptians, Bengalis and Indonesians moving into their country now that we know they buried their warriors with Islamic-influenced clothing in the 8th century?

Hi guys. ...native Arabic speaker here ...even though the patterns it looks close to the world الله allah in Arabic. ..but for fuck sake it is not is probably runic symbol it's amaze me how stupid are we as a human race let's say that it exactly like the word Allah but in opest it doesn't men that it's fucking Allah is probably just a fucking pattern.
I swear on the god of tits and wine these Arab emigrants and refugees ruin the fuck out of Sweden .

Not danish

>some embroidery
It doesn't even look like it unless you're going out of your way to look at it, I mean for fuck's sake you have to mirror the image to even see it. It's just as likely to be "aw" or "E6".
>Why would it be aw or E6?
Why would it be Allah?

did you even read the article