Acne and tooth decay

How did ancient peoples deal with acne and tooth decay? Why does it seem like modern technology is less effective at treating acne, compared to tribal technology? In the pic these men have near perfect skin.

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>How did ancient peoples deal with acne and tooth decay?
They didn't give a shit like modern fags do. It was all about survival.

HURRR MUH ACNE I LOOK BAD PLZ HALP XDD fags fucking spineless faggots

I feel smarter thanks

can someone explain this to me? Apparently my IQ level is too low to be on this board.

What about tooth decay then? A rotting tooth can literally kill you

That's still the leading cause of death in the third world. Check your privilege

I said can, not could

not even shitting you, swish piss in your mouth for whitening

They didn't give a shit, they had more serious concerns.
>tooth decay
South American Indians used tree natural rubber like chewing gum, others just used chew stick to cleat their teeth. If a tooth got too bad they just removed it. It was a huge concern before modern dentistry, by the time you got like 70 you probably have lost most of your teeth.

Even a few years ago oral care was terrible. Here is what happened to Louis the XIV:

>In the autumn of 1685, Louis developed an agonising and persistent toothache, and his doctors decided to extract the offending molar. However, they were ignorant of the importance of post-operative hygiene, and infection set in: the king’s gums, jawbone and sinuses became dangerously inflamed. A committee of nervous physicians concluded that drastic measures were called for.
>Louis underwent a truly terrible ordeal: they removed all the teeth from the top layer of his mouth, then punctured his palate and broke his jaw. This was all completed without anaesthetic, the king being fully awake throughout this procedure. The most powerful man in Western Europe was helpless before the primitive medical knowledge of his time. At least the wounds were kept clean on this occasion – cauterised with red-hot coals.

People who don't eat processed sugary shit like we do have way less tooth decay.

>a few years ago

>Even a few years ago
>literally 3 centuries ago

Tooth decay was far less of an issue before sugar became readily available.

Tooth decay isn't a problem as long as you eat the good kind of food

t. someone now free of any tooth problem

meant to say few hundred, my bad

>perfect skin

Their diet had alot less sugar so they didn't really get much acne or tooth decay unless they were rich and could afford sugar.

>I wish I was born in 1200 bc, I don't listen to Katy perry and dumb rap music like other kids my age XD truly I was born in the wrong generation

Nah, I take what I can. I'm actually glad I'm born in those times.

Women are easy to fuck these days. All it takes to pound 17 year old slut in her shit is to buy her two beers.

Irony is that i may get my root canal in india cause of how cheap it is there

Tooth decay wasnt a thing until the chalcolithic and the adoption of agriculture.

Wierd as anaesthetics were known in the middle ages. Maybe the king was too important for them to risk fucking up the dose?

You sound like a 15 year old ESL kid

Tooth decay isn't worrying unless you eat processed shit and the bad kind of food(rich in phylatic acid)

t. someone now free from any dental problem

You sound like a bitter faggot that can't get laid lmao.

Ancient Egyptians had a huge problem with tooth decay because the flour they used to make their bread usually had some sand in it which quickly eroded their enamel. Also eating large amounts of high starch foods like grains is in itself pretty bad for your teeth, and their diets were largely based on bread.

are you saying people that treat their acne are ""fags fucking spineless faggots" ???????

whoah buddy relax

Survival means reproduction. Not gonna get laid with acne

>Not gonna get laid with acne
What is rape

Ok Joe Rogan

Acne is caused by a bacteria that lives in your skin. It didn't spread much in ancient times.

Ancient people ate very little sugar, and when they did eat sugar it was from fruits and not massively refined white grass-paste.

Anaesthetics weren't standard in surgery until the late 19th century.

I don't know about barbarian populations, but Classical Hellenes and Chinese lived a life so pure and healthy that such issues were never realised.

Wow, that's a real credible site you've got there. And they've even got an article telling me how I can use a hunk of salt to emit negative ions in order to protect me from getting cancer from the microwaves generated by my WiFi and cellphone:

I was hoping they'd also have advice on aligning my chakras to protect me from hemorrhoids, but alas.

Sugar is not actually a major factor in tooth decay. Tooth decay was definitely a major issue.

Your argument contradicts itself. If their diet was so harsh, then the sample would be like medieval populations which had less prevalence of dental carries then modern times. Having a diet high in roughage grinding away unhelpful bacteria is inconductive to the formation of caries which require the adhesion of food to the dental surface.

>medieval populations which had less prevalence of dental carries then modern times

We're not talking about roughage here, but constantly chewing on fucking grit. Chew on a handful of sand and see if it improves your enamel.

And is this site credible or not, contrarian faggot ?

>How did ancient peoples deal with acne and tooth decay?
Mostly by having a short life.

Acne and tooth decay are both caused 100% by diet. Ancient people didnt eat sugary garbage so they didnt get either. Both problems are totally non existant before agriculture and rare until modern times.



>How did ancient peoples deal with acne and tooth decay?

Acne wouldn't have mattered, but tooth decay would have been a death sentence in prehistoric times. People would have died from it as they could not eat.

My mum always used to say the same thing when I was a kid and we were watching period dramas together "Ha ha you know in the past they would have had all their teeth rotting out because they didn't brush their teeth. But modern actors all have perfect teeth".

But thinking back this can't be accurate. How do primates teeth not rot out? They don't brush their teeth.

And if people in the past all had rotten teeth how did they eat?

Nooone makes music these days like those Hurrians

Before refined sugar became common, tooth decay was less of an issue.
IIRC it's things like tuberculosis, malaria, pneumonia, and other such diseases.

I remember reading a book about the Middle Ages in Europe saying that they used narcotics as anesthesia. I guess they had anesthesia then; it was just very dangerous to use it.

Nice meme

He is talking about Acne you retard.

Animals teeth decay just as badly as for humans. Ever had very old dogs or cats? They get all kind of dental problems and lose teeth constantly if not treated. The same happens to wild animals but they tend to starve to death when they can't chew properly.

You are forgetting people used to live in general shorter lives back in the day. With war, famine, diseases and general lack of medical treatment very few lived up to the age when tooth decay became a thing. Further more, todays food is significantly chunkier and more hard to bite off, porages, soups and mashed foods were far more common. The lack of easily assessable sweets further improved the chances of tooth decay setting later in life.

I feel like black people get acne the least out of any race

i've seen lots of asian and white people who are complete pizza faces, I've also seen black people with acne but IN GENERAL most black people have nice skin

I think it's more due to the fact that red on white stands our while on brown/black skin it doesn't

They re older than any "black" person user, despite being in Africa. Are you one of those tards who think The Middle East and India aren't true Asians? There is such a thing as different races being native to one landmass.

Life is so full of suffering for both the high and the low it makes me sad

I think I would rather order my headsman to cut of my head then go through that

Don't forget about enriched flower caries are thriving mad in that shit

A shitton of old animals die because they weared down their teeth, I'm mainly looking at herbivores here

You seem to be one of hose fags who think Europe is a continent by geographical standards.

I guess I can understand the vanity of having clear skin but, how did people in the past have such perfect skin? Genetics? Did they put on special oils? Even today in third world country you see photos of tribesmen with perfect complexion. Me on the other hand am 36 with deeply pitted face and still get zits from time to time, not fair senpai.

I read that in ayurvedic, they would swish oil in the mouth to pull bacteria out of teeth and gums and science today says it works by creating too slippery of a surface for plaque to stick to.

Of course it don't matter, especially if they don't got acne, just look at the picture

Because tribesmen don't exclusively eat dead and processed """""food"""""

they don't process their food?

a redskin, a little brighter skin tone here. Is this photo-shopped? Immaculate skin!

well, he purposely fucked up his own face but I see no acne scarring.

too many days in the sun

I don't even

no acne, but getting some george soros eye bags

Holy fuck.
They process their food like you process your acne!

acne dont matter
>fuck you acne riddle faggot

which is it

How can you be this dumb. You need to learn a thing or two about food and two things or three about acne.

Short answer is that they didn't. Access to fatty and sugery foods weren't availible to anything resembling modern times and as such decreased the occurence of tooth decay and acne. However tooth decay was still a serious chronic societal problem in the past. IIRC the ancient, way back, egyptian method of working wheat etc resulted in small stone fragments inside the finished product which lead to universal teeth problems.
The most famous danish king was nicknamed Blåtand (Blacktooth, allthough literally Bluetooth) due to having a prominent rotten tooth and one of the more famous english queens had a whole mouth full of them.
Suffice to say that there's a reason that the stereotype of elderly people being toothless exists.

Chew sticks were and sometimes still are commonly used in Africa for dental hygiene. In Africa, they are typically made from twigs of Salvadora Persica.

They were eating diets that didn't lead to acne and tooth decay like the ones today. They ate more of what would be considered a 'paleo diet'. High fat, low carbs, minimal sugar, minimal grains, no over processed foods, and a larger intake of fermented foods made for a healthier diet compared to average one of today. They had to struggle to eat where now our bounty of food supply is rather decadent and sadly leads some to poor diet choices, likely because of the sheer simplicity in obtaining food today.

what do I need to learn then, that what I am asking. Apparently our schools are worse than ancient civilizations.


>cauterised with red-hot coals
>it's almost finished Your Majesty, hang on.

Simple they died younger so thier teeth didn't have time to Decay. Also dark skin is just better at all the things that skin does.

some of the answers here are fucked. tooth decay really started going hard when we started going heavy on grains . acne didnt exist really because they werent eating an ocean of oil based grease products

is this real? omg I need salt lamp nao