Well. From a $200 deposit a week ago I've broken $1000

Well. From a $200 deposit a week ago I've broken $1000,

I know it's not a lot, but pretty proud of myself considering how many people say they are down to there last 20 from there first deposit etc etc,

What's next? Do I play different now I've gotten 1000? Or stick to what I'm doing,

At the moment all I've done is put it all on 1 coin and sell when it peaks.


Go all in on OMG and thank me later

Pretty sure it's Australian based,

Has about 60 different cryptos to choose from

ATM it's all on Ark, just some for information for you guys

what are the buy/sell fees?

Really fucking high

Sell is 3%,
But if you sell it for another crypto e.g trade your ark for lisk it's only 1%


I wanted to buy BAT through them but the damn POLipay shit isnt supported by ING

Cryptopia is in NZ and trades much lower between crypto. I mostly use Coinspot and Independent Reserve to convert from fiat to BTC. Everything else cryptopia.

Coinspot is the worst

all in BAT m8

word of advice for ausbro. take your btc off australian exchanges right after you buy it. and ignore the aud value until you are ready to cash out.

for the record

that is high, i do like the website though

Seems to me that buying things like XMR is cheapest on Coinspot?

What have you traded to get there?

>all in on a total shitcoin

user, pls stop.


Bro pls explain. Im autistic.