Buy Dar now. Burn happening soon. Just dipped. Thank me later today fags

Buy Dar now. Burn happening soon. Just dipped. Thank me later today fags

BAT mooning though

Bat just had a nice dip. Good time to pick up a bat bag. Grab a bag of Dar too. You won't regret. I set sell order for 29k. So please bid my bags up to that point

i holding it since yesterday

I made 1 BTC from this from buying on saturday and selling on sunday. Will I be able to make it again, I wonder...

down 30pct on the day the open market buybacks are happening? thats not how capital markets work. when a major corp anounces buybacks shares are up on the day of the buybacks 100pct of the time. did they open market sell and lie or did it not happen yet?

It already pumped like 80% from saturday to sunday. It's been down since then.

i pumped during the countdown to the burn. burn is happening today

They are waiting in bittrex to open their wallet. So weak handed cucks probably sold already because they can't wait

burn when?

Apparently sometime today


When's the next burn?

You mean besides the one from today?


The news has already been sold. Just think about it.

I'm with you user.


You could be right. Hope this thread is still alive when they burn

The dev is taking coins out of circulation.

He's going to do that buy buying up a shitload of coins at the Ask price.

That's going to artificially force the price of the coin up..

How the hell can that already be sold? Are you seriously that dense?

>He's going to do that buy buying up a shitload of coins at the Ask price
If that is true, then you're right I guess.

Where can I verify this info?

On the Darcrus Telegram he's explained it.

when should i sell?

Decide for yourself. You're the trader

I'm already up 3x on darcrus so I'm feeling pretty good but I also have trouble leaving when money could be on the table

I think the burn has started

sell now and invest in something else

i don't see it

burn starts when wallet is on
wallet isn't on

1BTC from what? 0.5 BTC? not that impressive if you ask me.

Hurry the fuck up bittrex

Sigwo will deliver.

the swap is delayed and DAR over-hyped their burn with that gayass countdown clock which just led to a blog poast update.

the true opportunity was buying the rumor and selling the news.

if there was serious chance that DAR will burn a lot of tokens, then why did it selloff so much yesterday and today.

it's now ranking as a top Loser on coinmktcap, and was showing as down 25-30% this morning on bittrex.

DAR and their faggot owner overhyped the burn, and were way too coy about it to begin with. they were very unprofessional with the way they mentioned the burn without doing it in a clear and official manner.

Prices go up and down based on rumors, news etc. They aren't doing shit. Yes they over hyped it. But it snot their fault the burn hasn't happened yet.

I'm in this for the profit. And it will come. That's all I care about