You boyos ready for the moon mission of a lifetime?

You boyos ready for the moon mission of a lifetime?

Im incredibly ready. All in atm

have you....tried day trading your losses away?

or did you fall for the hodl meme?

any date? announcement?

Along with this, the Citi Bank challenge will announce its winners Oct 2, and since all contestants are under contract, they cannot release info on winners. But this app release see,s very promising for a win.

Im not at a loss sweetie :)

Should I jump in now?


Oct 2nd, they are the losers.
>Back to the digimarines the moment, and not all time high


still pretty fucking stupid for going all in on anything in these markets

Buy DGB to stay or become a poorfag. Better buy XVG.

I cashed out my 70% ETH in at 89 when it peaked 60, and used the remainging 30 for day trade LTC, cashed and remaining profits of that are in DGB. You'll get there some day

Really like digusign lads. Works like a treat, if they get a win I'm holding for the inevitable partnership announcement.

I am waiting since months .... very frustrating.


yeah I'm watching like fifty different coins across six different exchanges

you won't be getting there someday

Does your dad also work for Veeky Forums?

no, he's a pilot

>you won't be getting there someday

what makes you say this? why so pessimistic

well, I mean.....part of being a good trader is realizing how retarded 95% of everyone in crypto actually is
