No highschool diploma at 21

>no highschool diploma at 21
>live in Canada so no economic opportunity
>only have about a thousand dollars crypto
No hope

Other urls found in this thread:

Make use with what you have. It could always be worse, user.

Hey look it's you again, the guy who gets a ton of advice and then acts like he can't follow any of it.

Same, and I fucked up my career and can only hope on getting it all back.

I do however know programming and am working on a multi-layer perceptron to trade cryptos for me.

You guys never give advice, merely normie platitudes.

user please hang in there. Do a ton of research on day trading and maybe make a little profit. Turn that 1000 into more I believe in you!

Bro join me in my discord, I only have a community college diploma in philosophy and am killing it on youtube.
heres the discord were having a really good convo about evaluation currently, oh yea and link

How about repeating high school instead of repeating your thread?

Neck yourself since you always want the easy way out.

Thought about it

Will you be kind to me? Do I have to use microphone?

Never give up bro. I was once fucked like you until crypto saved me.

We're all going to make it

If you think using your savings to escape a destructive and abusive home environment is a normie platitude then you have some sort of abuse fetish. Just get out of there then come back and bitch about shit. Staying in an abusive home is crippling you.

convert to Islam and maybe Trudeau will give you free money

Look man im not proud of it but it's better than moving out when I have nothing. What will I do if I move our? I will have nothing to eat.

I started with 1000$ in May
Turned it into 130000 thanks too RDD, Verge, DGB and a P&D group
There are still many opportunities

go to a third world shithole i live in one and you can live comfy with $500 and the rest of your capitol can be invested, i feel sure enough this way, but just suggesting

You said you had 20k in stocks and 1k in crypto. There are plenty of people that live in your city that have less saved up and probably work shittier jobs than the one you had and they still manage to live on their own, buy food, live life, etc. No risk no reward. Again even if you fuck up you learn from your mistakes and you can have some pride because at least you tried.

I'll pay you to suck my cock, that way you get money and protein

Look. Normie, Please.

I have no hs diploma. I have no skills, im not pretty enough for gay escorting. I wouldn't survive in the real world.

My only hope is fixing this shit in the next year or so while I live with my parents.

Posting variations of the same pathetic thread over and over is surely the best way to fix your shit. Keep up the good work!

Nigga u said u had a job before your dad went wack on you over it. You're your own worst enemy right now and once you realize that you'll be able to crawl out of the hole.

Yeah and I got lucky there. Now im fucked. I've sent 100+ applications with no response besides fastfood

Go work at a fast food place then? You're acting like you're above that shit when all the folks at McD's have income and live on their own. You'll actually feel proud of yourself and have a sense of accomplishment when you get a check and can pay your rent. Plus cheap food.

What's up with Canadians and not having a high school education? I see this thread several times a week.

Ill feel humiliated that highschool normies work there.

I'll be next to tons of underaged girls ill never have sex with.

Ill get acne from the fryer oil.

Ill be laughed and mocked by society.

Ok now this is bait

It's the same fucking guy, over and over and over. He's legitimately mentally ill.

Holy fuck how does every loser have "20k"? Or is it a meme like the 100k but the "poor" ones pretend to have 20k...

You'll have opportunities to socialize that you don't have now.

You'll have your own income that you can use however you want.

You'll be able to move out and not deal with constant emotional abuse.

Your current situation is more humiliating and deserving of being laughed at by society.

No one even gives a shit about that anyway, people are concerned with themselves, not strangers they interact with.

Normie platitudes are purgatory, but you're living in hell right now and justifying it.

Get over it.

that's cause it's the same fucktard who needs an online message board for motivation

OP go fuck yourself you lazy twat

On his post last night he said he had 20k in stocks and 1k in crypto. Also that he lived in an abusive household. Apparently not wanting to be abused, being successful and living your life your own way are normie platitudes though.

You're right...

How hard is it to start a business in Canada? Is it cucked with liberal laws?

t. Merican

You have $1000 crypto and you think you have no hope? There are guys who invested $100 into crypto last year and have million dollar portfolios now. Just invest 70% into a staple like BTC or ETH, 20% into stable alts, and then the remaining 10% into unstable alts like OMG and XAUR that had enormous peaks in the past and are bound to rise in the next week/month. When you're a millionaire next year you can thank me.

You don't have to take my advice user. But you'll never know if you don't at least try. When I have been at rock bottom in my life a change in perspective and environment always bettered me. Just tryin' to look out for you, not convert you to normieism.

Not really. Apparently there's loads of grants for starting businesses.

I just want to become successful but my past mistakes ruin everything. I could go to school if I actually finished hs

>ultra high taxes
>absurd amounts of red tape
>can form LLCs

We're America's mildly retarded cousin. OP would pass for normal up here. Any more questions?

Can't* form LLCs

You focus too much on the past. Focus on the present and plan for the future. Look to the past to learn from your mistakes, don't carry them as a burden. Let the wounds heal and turn into scars that you'll remember, stop picking at the scabs that are the failures from before.

Okay thank you user