Why have most famines in history occured under capitalist regimes?

Why have most famines in history occured under capitalist regimes?

Why has capitalism always led to mass starvation, endless war with millions of casualties, and increasing social stratification?


fuck wrong pic

>Why have most famines in history occured under capitalist regimes?
because most regimes in the period of history in question were capitalist regimes

>everyone not explicitly communist, including the National Socialists, were capitalists
>the fucking Khmer Rouge don't count as communist

riddle me this commie man, how can famines have happened under communist rule if real communist has never been tried?

Barely any, if any at all, of those famines were caused by a failure in economic policy, and that alone, whereas nearly all of the Communist ones were.

>Great leap forward 43 million
>everything else a few hundred thousand
what did he mean by this

>Why have most famines in history occured under capitalist regimes?
>history starts in 1810.
They haven't.

Most famines have occurred under various oligarchies (monarchies, empires, etc.). Anyhow, it has less to do with the government type and more to do with weather and crop types. In Europe at least, cyclic famines were just a part of life.

What changed that more than anything was the potato -- a couple decades after the potato was introduced, massive famines were then very rare. The potato was more immune to too hot weather, too much rain, wind damage, bird damage, insect damage, rampaging war bands, fires, and so on. It's why they became the stereotypical peasant food that they are. Maise/corn also had a boost in reducing famine, since it is a very calorie dense crop for the acreage it takes up.

>hurr durr Ireland
Ireland got fucked because peasants were growing like 100% ONLY potatoes, the blight came along and fucked 'em. Grains were for landlords, only.

Yeah, commies kill people accidentally by failure and incompetence, whereas cappies kill people voluntarily like during the 1974 Bangladesh famine. That's way better !

>don't true capitalism

>capitalism is human nature
>Monopolies, monarchist and oligarchies aren't capitalists

>only reading the first sentence of a post

>Khmer Rogue weren't commies
Nice meme faggot.
>backed by the CIA
USA has a long history of financing commies. Look no further than WW2.

Well, in terms of trying to evaluate the effectiveness of an economic system based on the famines it's associated with, yes it is better.

Reminder, anime is fascist and reactionary.

you take that back

>yfw Hitler was a huge fan of cartoons and would have been a weeb today


>Detroit, Michigan

Holy fuck that's hilarious.

He's probably from Dearborn given the Arabic.

Or he's some noi memer. They're big in Detroit.

I'm just highlighting the sheer absurdity of the post.
>Arab writings
>edgy Dzerzhisnky quotes
>sperging about anime
It's like a /pol/ meme coming to life

>It's like a /pol/ meme coming to life
This is not even their final form

NOI aren't really prevalent in Detroit actually.
t. lives in near Detroit

>t. lives in near Detroit
Get outta there user!

I'm fine. I'm white.

What website is this?