You goys always shit on Germany for their massive chimpout...

you goys always shit on Germany for their massive chimpout, but you never give any shit to France for THEIR massive chimpout which lasted from 1789 until 1815.

The entire nation of France completely went nuts for over two decades, destroyed the entire european continent permanently and destroyed every notion of conservatism and traditionalism that had held europe together for centuries.

>held europe together for centuries
Europe didn't exist until the Coalitions against Napoleon created it.

>conservatism and traditionalism
Enlightenment values are superior. Napoleon turned france from a miserable, corrupt feudal shithole in a beacon of progress and innovation.

This. Veeky Forums hates Germany and loves Napoleonic France, but fails to recognise that Napoleon is directly responsible for destroying the beautiful HRE and leading to the creation of modern Germany and its issues.

fuck off
1789-1914 was the peak of European civilization

Sure, the "Enlightenment" ideals are superior if you like effeminate rulers who pander to the lowly and filthy serf in the name of "democracy," then yes they are superior.

Well, difference is that Revolutionary France was the one attacked by other powers.

>he would willingly bootlick unaccountable inbreds
>he would willingly bend over backwards for a leader he did not consent to
>he would willingly see himself reduced to an actual slave with the same rights as a chicken

This board has a francophile bent to it. Or rather it hates the two other world defining cultures: German and English

Because of this need to play down and insult the other two they go to great lengths to play up the French.

Not that the French don't have a rich history anyway...

unironically this. the only reason that Napoleon or any other faction managed to hold the country together at all was because of external threats making it necessary.

Nice bait.

The French Revolution was as horrific and horrible as the Bolshevik one in Russia.

Atheists are savages.

It's not like if Germany wasn't destroying Europe since almost 2 centuries...

>Veeky Forums hates Germany
Newfag detected. It's a reaction to the insufferable /pol/ack shitflinging we're constantly subjected to.

We should've fried the G*rmans
not the Japanese


>implying I defended the French revolution
Difference being of course the Bolsheviks turned Russia into a totalitarian collectivist hell, while France became the model for the modern state and spread common law to the average man.

Yeah, an the modern system is shit.
Hang yourself jacobin scum. Long live the King.

>posts Orthodox icon
i swear christfag larpers are next level of autism

The Coalition invaded France.

Sure, the French Revolution became highly radical, but under the French empire the country rapidly revitalized by incorporating the best aspects of the enlightenment/Revolution. For instance the French economy was rebuilt in one year, and a stable budget was built after almost 70 years

Except you can't name a single monarchy today that can compare in power, influence, territory, resources or innovation to the mightiest republics. Literally the only thing a hereditary line of kings does is keep a royal family in power. The funnier thing is that if you get a drooling elbow walker like Charles II, you're stuck with him :^). Oh but hey, at least the royal bloodline is intact.

This is like saying that the Republic is the best form of government because the Roman Republic was very powerful.

And anyway the United States is shit.

>two other world defining cultures: German and English

You're missing a whole lot of Russain, Chinese, Indian, and Spanish in that "two" other, dipshit. I guess we can just pretend like the last 100 years of Americanized globalization led by the United States doesn't matter, either.

The problem with this board isn't that it has a francophile bent. The problem is that it is primarily populated by complete retards like you.

Well no, really, what have the remaining monarchies accomplished in the past century? They didn't split the atom, get us into space, synthesize polymers, invent the internet, cure polio, oversee the rise of the automobile or planes, what? What is there under a king that a modern republic hasn't done tenfold better?

>the United States is shit.
I'll wager a fair chance the GDP of one of our states could as much be double that of your country. Not to mention we'd conquer you in 3 weeks tops.

Germany was like that too in WW2.

>annexed austria and czech
>fabricated a false polish attack on german radio station


Wait, how the hell can France be hailed as this when they were aping America?

Conservatism and traditionalism were well and alive in Europe, even 100 years after the French revolution. It wasn't until Hitler's spergout that this changed.

You're comparing a toddlers first step and mankind walking on the moon. The french did it better under worse circumstances.

Define "better."

Facing the rest of European encroachment while simultaneously getting rid of the oppressive institution of Aristocracy, Clergy, and Royalty. US Revolution wasn't easy, but with all due respect, King George III was an ocean away. If they tried it there and then in London, it would be equally brutal at least militarily.

But I didn't contest the difficulty. I contested the idea that their level of success was that much higher. Again, how did France do it "better?" Cause it sure looks like they took what the US proved was possible, fucked up repeatedly, and then the countries around them transitioned way more efficiently.

>beautiful HRE

You'll have to excuse me but I don't have the time to talk right now. If I remember I will come back to you in a day. Hopefully you will understand.

The US didn't shake up every last line of monarchies in europe, who were desperate to suppress what was going on in France.The US didn't spread a universal code of law that stretched as far as Russia. The US wasn't a serious military power until arguably past 1850, whereas France was able to conquer just a couple of years when the internal struggle was settled.

>The entire nation of France completely went nuts for over two decades, destroyed the entire european continent permanently and destroyed every notion of conservatism and traditionalism that had held europe together for centuries
Which is a good thing.

its always you Nigel, trying to LARP as a german

frog chimpout= liberty equality fraternity, removal of oppressing shitheads

stay jelous

It showed that monarchies can become republics instead of only colonies like USA did

Because republicanism motherfucker

The French revolution was a mistake.

>I guess we can just pretend like the last 100 years of Americanized globalization led by the United States doesn't matter, either.
American culture is a part of the branch of British culture. And, yes, I am American.

Why is modern France a shithole then?

It has a major immigration problem, but little else.

>strikes every week

where are you from?

>not a direct result of England and France

Really got me thinking. Fucking insipid cunt.

The last 200/300 years have seen the three countries I mentioned invent the most and impact on the most people. The industrial revolution, the French revolution and the world wars. They have literally shaped the modern world between the three of them.

I'm not saying those other groups didn't do important things but those three are at the top right now.

China hasn't had any major developments between gunpowder and now. India is pretty similar in that regard although they now both have their shit together.

Spain you're right about but this board just doesn't care. I should change it to include Spain but I hardly see anyone really mention them.

>not a good thing

Kys /pol/ baby

Why does it matter?

The majority of us hate 'the Germany of which created by Prussian militarism', so many /pol/lacks hide their neo-Nazis ways by praising the Kaiser Reich when this was also barbaric and degenerate.
Ouiaboos ignore the French Revolution because they hate the British so reject the idea these ideas could slowly diffuse out of Britain

Sure, the "Conservative" ideals are superior if you like effeminate rulers who pander to the corrupt nobles and filthy barons in the name of "tradition," then yes they are superior.

>Implying it's a bad thing

>Strike every week
There hasn't been one in months

You mean like every country ever?

You can't be serious

>destroyed every notion of conservatism and traditionalism


France was alone in contrary to America who was in majority with French and Spaniard

And? Have all man treated equal instead of at the whim of the Catholic church? It is to be secondary at best, and France is above it.

No, not even close compared to what transpired before the revolution. It took about 9 years to make a change to the French constitution, and I dare you to convince the french public today to leave it at the whim of semi-interested aristocrats.

>strikes every week
When was the last one? Either way, I find that a positive. The French have the balls to cause a ruckus to show what change they want. An active desire for change. Whereas in whatever Neo-Facist, Reactionary, or Marcharchist state you desire, the King or Dictator can't ever doo nuffin, his will is beyond criticism, the troops will always be right in suppressing dissent. This tells me you've never visited, lived, or have any lineage to France. They say it all. And the current model is what they chose.

France is in the top 10 GDP. Of all things, France has never lacked economically.

Its an absolute good thing cletus.
no it isn't. Now why don't you stand in line for tax reform that collapses your country.
Ah, the french know when to stand up for their rights instead of taking it up the ass from corporations and then licking their shitdicks.
tip top kek

>France isn't corrupt
>who is Miterrand
>who is Chirac
>who is Sarkozy
fucking frog retards and your damage control

I didn't say that France wasn't corrupt. I said that every country is corrupt.
Go get some reading comprehension and then come back.

>every country is corrupt
not as much as France

>France is having internal strife
>Literally every single country of note, especially the G*rman ones, attack them because they want lands
>France just defends itself and bitchslaps the rest of Europe
>somehow France is the aggressor
Fuck off

> Napoleon was a cuck

>What is a throne? — a bit of wood gilded and covered in velvet. I am the state— I alone am here the representative of the people. Even if I had done wrong you should not have reproached me in public — people wash their dirty linen at home. France has more need of me than I of France.

If we're talking about inventions then Britain and even monarchical France rival the US.

That shit stopped with the Thermidorian Reaction. Napoleon ended revolution with his "whiff of grape shot."

France isn't particularly corrupt.No more than the UK, Ireland, the us or most western nation.

Louis pushed for the war with Austria because he thought they'd steam roll the army without nobels to lead them and then put him back in power. France started that one.

I struggle to think of the last French leader who wasn't a part of some corruption affair, I'd probably have to go pre-war era to find one.

>Napoleon ended revolution
>France has two more revolutions in the same century.

July Revolution was three days and just switched family members.

1848 was a valid course correction. Napoleon III did nothing wrong.

t. burger


The only wrong thing Napoleon did was invade Russia and get back in Haiti.

France mercy killed the HRE, attempted to give the Germans an actual nation that wasn't Prussian autism, culled the plutocratic decadent Spanish empire, and fucked over the whore of Babylon (catholic church) in Italy,protected the Poles from the Russian bydlos and the savage Prussians by giving them national self-determination, btfo the Mamluks, also revenged Byzantium by destroying Venice.

After ending his European affairs, Napoleon was going to invade the Ottoman empire and liberate all the christians who were under the oppression of the Ottomans. Truly a modern Alexander.

The US also didn't have several failed Republics (just one), didn't have mass executions, and didn't spook all of Europe into ganging up on them through entirely preventable actions (i.e. beheading the royals, etc.) France can certainly be credited with bringing the idea of a republic back to Europe and implementing it, but the execution thereof was filled with bloodlust, autism, paranoia, and so on. France ended up being a model of how not to transition more than anything. Shit, Britain had a more peaceful transition than France. That's gotta sting. Also, France memed themselves into accepting a dictator, so there's that.

>implying those two things are bad
The trouble with Haiti was mostly do to thr commander in charge of the expedition. He made a deal with the rebels to bring them back under French control but then botched it by betraying them and eventually got kicked out.

Napoleon's invasion of Russia was completely justified and definitely preemltive. The Tsar had been plotting revenge sinze Tsilt, so consumed he was by ideology that he cave up huge potential Russian gains elsewhere to impose his "holy order" upon Europe. Alexander's betrayal would set an example of undermining the Emperor's authority. The invasion's failure was really a one in a million outcome and was the result of things somewhat beyond the control of Napoleon, since the doctors of the age has no idea Typhus was spread through lice.

>Ouiaboos ignore the French Revolution because they hate the British so reject the idea these ideas could slowly diffuse out of Britain

And what exactly were those ideas?

Last I checked Rousseau and Montesquieu were French.